Comparison between linear (WAsP) and CFD model (Meteodyn) on a potential project
RANS equation with one-equation closure scheme (k-L turbulence model)
Project covers an area of 11km x 8km
Equipped with 12 meteorological masts (recording from 6 months to 6 years of data)
Relatively complex (deep valleys, ridges, rolling mountains)
Mix of coastal and inland areas
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Comparison and Terrain Influence on Predictions with Linear and CFD Models
1. Comparison and Terrain Influence on
Predictions with Linear and CFD
CANWEA Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC
October 04, 2011
GILLES BOESCH, M.Eng, Wind Project Analyst
Hatch (Montreal), Canada
2. Overview
Presentation of a test case
Model comparison, terrain influence
Conclusions and investigations
3. Introduction
CFD is now well established in the wind
Need to quantify the uncertainty associated
to these models
Compare the errors with linear models
Influence of the errors with topography
complexity And how to deal with it
4. Test case
Comparison between linear (WAsP) and CFD
model (Meteodyn) on a potential project
RANS equation with one-equation closure
scheme (k-L turbulence model)
Project covers an area of 11km x 8km
Equipped with 12 meteorological masts
(recording from 6 months to 6 years of data)
Relatively complex (deep valleys, ridges,
rolling mountains)
Mix of coastal and inland areas
5. Test case
Altitude RIX
(m) (%) Forest diversity:
M1 540 10.1
Logged area
M2 560 11.0
M3 421 22.4
15m high trees
M4 420 17.9 Regrowth
M5 448 15.1
M6 521 16.6
RIX (Ruggedness Index)
M7 560 8.0 % of slopes >30% in a 3500m radius
M8 433 22.1
RIX Variations:
M9 440 11.8
2 to 25 over the entire project
M10 665 14.3
M11 567 2.7 2.7 to 22.4 at the meteorological masts
M12 540 12.1
Variety of conditions to evaluate the
behavior of the models
6. Test Case
Meteodyn settings :
Structured Mesh (30m cell size within the
project area)
Use of a forest model (windflow over canopy)
Neutral stability class assumed (can induce
errors for sea shore sites) Resulting shear
verified for some masts
Data :
Measured and Quality controlled
At 50m or 60m high (to avoid extrapolation
Adjusted to long term with standard MCP
method (to have the same reference)
8. Results - Methodology
Cross-Prediction Matrix
12 x 12 matrix 132 cross predictions
For both WAsP and Meteodyn
No correction is applied to both models output
Correction often applied with WAsP because of
wind speed inconsistencies in complex terrain
Converted into a Relative Error Matrix :
V predicted Vmeasured
Resulting in 132 relative error values for
each cross-prediction
10. Results - Comparison
Absolute errors (direct output from models)
WAsP Meteodyn
Min Error 0.0% 0.0%
Max Error 34.0% 14.1%
Average 7.7% 4.6%
On average, reduction of the error by 40%.
Some exceptions : 33 cases out of 132
show better results with WAsP
11. Results - Comparison
Generally, errors from both models have
the same sign (positive/negative)
Relative Error (%)
The difference is in the magnitude
12. Results RIX Analysis
RIX dependency:
WAsP : Error increase sharply when RIX > 15%
Meteodyn : Error is more constant
RIX influence on cross-prediction errors
Average Error (%)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
RIX (%)
13. Results RIX Analysis
RIX dependency:
Possibility to correct WAsP with RIX (between
2 masts)
Correction based on a correlation between
logarithmic error and RIX for each cross-
prediction : E(%) = A* RIX + B
Can we correct Meteodyn based on the RIX ?
Error vs dRIX - Meteodyn Error vs dRIX - Wasp
40.0% 40.0%
30.0% y = 0.5552x 30.0% y = 1.0632x
R族 = 0.6345 R族 = 0.7025
20.0% 20.0%
Error (%)
Error (%)
10.0% 10.0%
0.0% 0.0%
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0%
-10.0% -10.0%
-20.0% -20.0%
-30.0% -30.0%
RIX (%) RIX (%)
14. Results RIX Analysis
CFD RIX dependency:
Error increases when RIX increases
Error and RIX seem to be correlating (not as
good than Wasp however)
The slope is lower for Meteodyn
Influence of site topography differences is lower
Error vs dRIX - Meteodyn Error vs dRIX - Wasp
40.0% 40.0%
30.0% y = 0.5552x 30.0% y = 1.0632x
R族 = 0.6345 R族 = 0.7025
20.0% 20.0%
Error (%)
Error (%)
10.0% 10.0%
0.0% 0.0%
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0%
-10.0% -10.0%
-20.0% -20.0%
-30.0% -30.0%
RIX (%) RIX (%)
15. Results RIX Analysis
Wasp RIX Correction:
12 towers available
Equation based on 11 towers and evaluate how
it corrects the 12th tower
Prediction Errors
Error (%)
WAsP Error
Meteodyn Error
10.0% WAsP RIX Corrected Error
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
17. Results RIX Analysis
Summary of average error:
Wasp 7.7 %
Wasp RIX Corrected 4.3 %
Meteodyn 4.6 %
Meteodyn RIX Corrected 3.1 %
RIX correction with Meteodyn produces
promising results
Reduction by 44% of the error after correcting
Wasp with the RIX.
Reduction by 33% of the error after correcting
Meteodyn with the RIX.
RIX correction with Wasp compared to
Meteodyn direct output shows similar errors.
18. Conclusions
In general, a project in complex terrain
requires lots of masts
An alternative is the use of a CFD model
but linear corrected models can give good
results too
Only few litterature over relation between
RIX and CFD models
But quantification of CFD errors is more
complex (topography / volume
discretisation, forest model etc.)
In some cases error is bigger
19. Conclusions
To go further :
Try with concurrent data (when possible) to
avoid MCP related errors
How does RIX correction with CFD performs for
other sites ?
Introduction of new complexity index (takes
into account RIX, distance, vegetation,
20. Thank you for your attention
Gilles Boesch, M.Eng
Wind Project Analyst
Hatch Ltd