IM Virtual provides virtual assistant services and competes against other companies in 4 categories: 1) Automated tools that offer standardized workflows and mobile interfaces, 2) Temp help marketplaces that connect clients with assistants, 3) Onshore staffing companies that directly employ assistants, and 4) Offshore staffing companies that employ assistants abroad. A competitive analysis places companies in niches based on their vision and ability to execute, with IM Virtual focusing on senior executives and having cloud-based access and assistant training.
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Competitive sample
Completeness of Vision
Tasks Everyday
Exec ZipTask
IM VirtualTask Rabbit
Challengers Leaders
Niche Players Visionaries
Standardized Work鍖ows
Work鍖ow Data Capture Tools
Tasks as Applications
Mobile Interface
Assistant Training
Task-based pricing
Assistant Rankings
Data Storage
Cloud-based access
Senior Executive Niche Focus
IM Virtual CardMunch Task Rabbit FancyHands Exec Brickworks
Automated Marketplaces Onshore Staff Offshore Staff
Outsourced Clerical Staf鍖ng Competition
Outsource Clerical Staf鍖ng competition arises from a number of
different industry categories. The industry is characterized as highly
fragmented with no company securing more than 3% - 5% market
Competition to serve Senior Executives and Executive Assistants
breaks into 4 categories
1. Automated Tools
2. Temp help Marketplaces
3. OnShore Staf鍖ng Companies
4. OffShore Staf鍖ng Companies
The companies at most risk are traditional permanent staf鍖ng
companies that continue to see declining hires for permanent and
temporary, clerical, of鍖ce-staff hires during upticks in the economic
competitive analysis
Virtual Assistant Industry Quadrant
Competitive Comparison with other industry players