A Checklist from the Public Utilities Commission. Know your rights when dealing with these companies. They prey on the weak and have no low. They would rather push a button and have someone come to your door, in violation of the law, than look up a definition.
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Complaint Checklist Puc
1. Checklist Before Filing a Complaint with the PUC
Have you called your utility about this complaint?
Are you the utility customer? Are the service and the home with service in
your name? Or, do you have legal authority to act on behalf of the customer
of record or applicant (i.e. power of attorney, legal guardian etc.)?
Are you prepared to indicate whether you have a Protection From Abuse
(PFA) Order when filing the complaint?
Are you aware that, by filing a complaint, you are giving the PUC permission
to contact the utility and review your account information?
Do you know that you must still pay all of your current bills with the utility
while your complaint is under review by the PUC?
Do you understand that the PUC may be able to arrange a payment
agreement between you and the utility, based on your income level, for the
amount you owe that utility?
If you checked each box, you are ready to file an informal complaint
following the instructions below.