This official academic transcript from the University of Texas - San Antonio documents the academic record of Caroline Dianne Gonzales. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 2012, completing a total of 120 credit hours with a grade point average of 3.30. The transcript lists all courses taken, grades received, credit hours earned, and terms of enrollment from Fall 2007 to Fall 2011. It includes information to validate the transcript's authenticity and provides contact information for the university.
Kayla Martin Unofficial Transcript .unlockedKayla Martin
This document is Kayla L Martin's unofficial transcript from Florida State University. It shows that she transferred credits from three community colleges and began her undergraduate studies at FSU in 2010. She majored in Hospitality Management and took a variety of related courses, achieving good grades. By 2013 she had completed 100 credit hours and graduated with a GPA of 3.661.
This document appears to be an official university transcript for Yvette Zmaila. It lists her educational history, including multiple degrees completed - a Master of Science in Counseling and Educational Psychology from UNLV in 1991, a Master of Education in Educational Administration & Higher Education from UNLV in 1987, a Juris Doctor from UNLV in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Arizona in 1990. It provides grades, credit hours, and GPAs for each semester in each program.
This official transcript from Kennesaw State University documents that Austin C. Jones completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations on July 29, 2014. It details his academic record, including transferred credits from Georgia Highlands College and the University of Mississippi, and courses taken at Kennesaw State from 2013 to 2014. The transcript verifies that Austin C. Jones earned a cumulative GPA of 3.11 across 54 credit hours at the institution.
This transcript is for David Hartness and documents his academic record at Walden University. It shows that he earned a Doctor of Business Administration degree in 2015 with a program GPA of 3.12. His coursework included classes in accounting, finance, management, and entrepreneurship. The transcript provides details of all courses completed, grades received, terms, credits, and demonstrates progress toward and completion of his degree.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official PDF document. It states that the document contains a digital signature that should display a blue ribbon and message validating it came from the University of California, San Diego. It advises to reject the document if it does not show a valid certification, as this means the signature is invalid or the document was altered. Proper validation requires viewing the document with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat or Reader.
This document is an official academic transcript from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Liam Gallagher. It details his coursework and grades earned between Fall 2012 and Spring 2014. He majored in Political Science and earned a cumulative GPA of 3.56. The transcript is certified as authentic by Credentials Inc. and contains security features to prevent unauthorized copying or alteration.
This document is Sharon Wallace's official transcript from American InterContinental University. It details her educational history, including an Associate of Arts in Business Administration earned in 2012 and a Bachelor of Information Technology earned in 2013. Her courses, grades, credits, and overall GPA of 3.71 are listed term by term. The transcript verifies that Sharon Wallace has completed the required coursework for her degrees.
This document is an official transcript from Kaplan University detailing the academic record of Kris Long. It shows that Kris earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in June 2014 with a cumulative GPA of 3.99 and honors of Summa Cum Laude. Kris later began a Master of Business Administration at Kaplan but withdrew in February 2016 with a GPA of 3.5 after completing 8 courses. The transcript contains instructions for verifying its authenticity using a digital certificate and describes security features to prevent alteration.
This document is David Ryan Levin's official transcript from the University of Cape Town. It shows that he completed a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from 2012 to 2015, obtaining first class honours. During his studies, he achieved high grades in most courses and was named to the Dean's Merit List multiple times. He received the Engineering and Built Environment Entrance Scholarship of 12,000 Rand in 2012.
This transcript is for Alden Parsons Burnham from Boston University. It shows that Alden earned a Bachelor of Arts in History magna cum laude and a Bachelor of Science in Social Studies Education cum laude in May 2016. Alden completed courses across several colleges at Boston University including the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. The transcript lists all courses taken, grades received, grade point averages for each semester, and academic honors earned. It also provides information about Alden's advanced placement credits that were accepted and applied to degree requirements.
This transcript is for Brooke Sanders from Sam Houston State University. It shows her completed coursework and grades from 2013 to present. She has maintained good academic standing and earned Dean's List honors multiple times. The transcript details 82 credit hours completed at Sam Houston State with a 3.36 GPA, as well as 6 transfer credits with a 3.0 GPA, for a total of 88 credits and an overall 3.34 GPA. Her in-progress coursework for fall 2016 is also listed.
This transcript is for Thomas Taylor Ohair and was issued by Texas Tech University on December 22, 2016. It shows that Mr. Ohair earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, graduating summa cum laude in December 2017. The transcript details the courses taken in his undergraduate career from Fall 2013 through Fall 2016, including grades received and credits earned. It indicates he was on the President's List multiple semesters and completed his core curriculum requirements.
University of Phoenix completed-transcript-5521968Luz Torrey
This official academic transcript from University of Phoenix summarizes the academic record of Luz Natanson. It shows that she earned a Master of Science in Psychology degree in November 2008. The transcript lists the courses taken between 2007-2008, including grades earned. It also provides information about University of Phoenix such as accreditation and policies regarding transcripts.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from the University of Alaska. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated by viewing it in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. The signature will display a blue ribbon and declare the document is certified. The blue ribbon ensures the digital certificate is valid and the contents have not been altered. If the signature is invalid, the transcript should be rejected as it may have been altered. Contact information is provided if further authentication is needed.
This official transcript from the University of Southern Mississippi documents Robert Kratzschmar's academic record. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Forensics in 2015. The transcript lists the courses he completed each semester, along with the grades, credits, and grade points earned. It also provides information about any transfer credits and calculates his cumulative GPA.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from Kaplan University. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated to confirm the document is authentic and unaltered. If the digital signature is invalid or cannot be validated, the recipient is instructed to reject the transcript. The document also provides contact information for the registrar's office if further authentication is needed.
This official academic transcript from University of Phoenix documents Brenda Wilson's educational history and degrees earned. It shows that she completed a Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Accounting in 2012 and a Master of Science in Accountancy in 2015 from University of Phoenix. The transcript lists all of her completed courses, grades, credits, and degrees. It was delivered electronically and can be validated on the escrip-safe website to confirm its authenticity.
This document is Stephen Riley's official academic transcript from The Ohio State University. It details his undergraduate education history, including the degrees he earned. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2006 and a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences in 2010. The transcript lists all the courses he completed, grades received, and terms of attendance between 1999-2010 at Ohio State as well as transfer credits from Columbus State Community College.
Shravan Tamaskar is a non-resident alien student at Florida State University pursuing a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering. According to his unofficial transcript, he has completed 36 credit hours over 4 semesters with a cumulative GPA of 3.75. His coursework has included subjects like semiconductor device theory, power systems analysis, computational electrical engineering, and a thesis. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Technology from SRM University in 2014 before beginning his graduate studies at Florida State University.
- Shawnee State University was established in 1986 and was previously known by other names since the 1970s.
- It is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and approved by various other education organizations.
- The university used the quarter system until 2007 when it switched to the semester system for all programs.
- The transcript document provides information on degree notation, course numbering, grading policies, and security features to authenticate the transcript.
This official academic transcript from the University of Phoenix documents the completed courses and degree of Bisa Strickland. It shows that Bisa Strickland earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Administration with a cumulative GPA of 3.38. The transcript lists all the courses taken at University of Phoenix, the grades received, credits earned, and the terms each course was taken. It also provides information about prior schools attended and total credits.
This official academic transcript from Loyola University Maryland was delivered electronically to Peter Hadjokas. It details his undergraduate coursework and grades from 2010 to 2014. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Writing with a minor in Spanish and maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.459. The transcript is authenticated and intended only for Peter Hadjokas and cannot be released to third parties without his consent.
This document is an official transcript from the University of California, San Diego for a student named Yi Rong. It details the courses taken in the Summer 2014 term, including grades received. The transcript contains security features to authenticate it, including a digital signature. Viewers are instructed to verify the signature and other security markers to confirm the transcript is valid and has not been altered.
Dawn Chastain official transcript Metropolitan State University of DenverDawn Chastain
This official transcript from Metropolitan State University of Denver documents that Dawn Chastain earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education with a concentration in Linguistically Diverse Education in December 2015. It shows a cumulative GPA of 3.59 based on 150 credit hours completed, most of which were at MSU Denver. The transcript details individual courses, grades, credits, terms of enrollment, and transfer credits accepted from other institutions. It includes information about authenticating the transcript and guidelines for interpreting transcripts from MSU Denver.
This official academic transcript from the University of Phoenix documents the educational history of student Krista Stalcup. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business/Marketing degree in 2003, as well as a Human Resource Management certificate in 2003. The transcript lists all the courses Krista completed, the grades received, credits earned, and her cumulative GPA of 3.43. It verifies that the transcript was requested, created and released by the University of Phoenix to the named recipient, Krista Stalcup.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness and boost overall mental well-being.
This transcript summarizes the undergraduate career of Casey Charles Dzubur at the University of California, Santa Cruz. It shows that they earned a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies in 2012, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.43 over their four years of study. Their coursework included classes in legal studies, history, philosophy, economics, and other subjects at Cowell College. The transcript provides a record of all courses taken each quarter, along with grades received and academic standing.
This document is an official academic transcript from West Virginia University for Chelsey Elizabeth Ward. It summarizes her undergraduate academic record, including courses taken between 2006-2010, grades received, credits earned, grade point averages for each term and overall. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology & Investigations, graduating with distinction as Summa Cum Laude in 2010. The transcript is certified as authentic by Credentials Inc. and contains privacy notices for the intended recipient.
This official academic transcript is for Daniel D Kahl from the University of Texas - San Antonio. It shows that Mr. Kahl earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance in May 2000. The transcript lists the courses taken each semester, grades received, grade points earned, and cumulative GPAs. It also indicates that Mr. Kahl was in good academic standing throughout his undergraduate career.
This document is Julene Zak's official academic transcript from The University of Texas at Arlington. It details her undergraduate career from 2014-2016, including the courses taken each semester, grades received, cumulative GPA of 4.0, and a total of 110 credit hours earned. The transcript is certified and sent through Credentials Inc. to verify its authenticity and prevent unauthorized editing or copying.
This document is David Ryan Levin's official transcript from the University of Cape Town. It shows that he completed a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from 2012 to 2015, obtaining first class honours. During his studies, he achieved high grades in most courses and was named to the Dean's Merit List multiple times. He received the Engineering and Built Environment Entrance Scholarship of 12,000 Rand in 2012.
This transcript is for Alden Parsons Burnham from Boston University. It shows that Alden earned a Bachelor of Arts in History magna cum laude and a Bachelor of Science in Social Studies Education cum laude in May 2016. Alden completed courses across several colleges at Boston University including the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. The transcript lists all courses taken, grades received, grade point averages for each semester, and academic honors earned. It also provides information about Alden's advanced placement credits that were accepted and applied to degree requirements.
This transcript is for Brooke Sanders from Sam Houston State University. It shows her completed coursework and grades from 2013 to present. She has maintained good academic standing and earned Dean's List honors multiple times. The transcript details 82 credit hours completed at Sam Houston State with a 3.36 GPA, as well as 6 transfer credits with a 3.0 GPA, for a total of 88 credits and an overall 3.34 GPA. Her in-progress coursework for fall 2016 is also listed.
This transcript is for Thomas Taylor Ohair and was issued by Texas Tech University on December 22, 2016. It shows that Mr. Ohair earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, graduating summa cum laude in December 2017. The transcript details the courses taken in his undergraduate career from Fall 2013 through Fall 2016, including grades received and credits earned. It indicates he was on the President's List multiple semesters and completed his core curriculum requirements.
University of Phoenix completed-transcript-5521968Luz Torrey
This official academic transcript from University of Phoenix summarizes the academic record of Luz Natanson. It shows that she earned a Master of Science in Psychology degree in November 2008. The transcript lists the courses taken between 2007-2008, including grades earned. It also provides information about University of Phoenix such as accreditation and policies regarding transcripts.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from the University of Alaska. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated by viewing it in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. The signature will display a blue ribbon and declare the document is certified. The blue ribbon ensures the digital certificate is valid and the contents have not been altered. If the signature is invalid, the transcript should be rejected as it may have been altered. Contact information is provided if further authentication is needed.
This official transcript from the University of Southern Mississippi documents Robert Kratzschmar's academic record. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Forensics in 2015. The transcript lists the courses he completed each semester, along with the grades, credits, and grade points earned. It also provides information about any transfer credits and calculates his cumulative GPA.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from Kaplan University. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated to confirm the document is authentic and unaltered. If the digital signature is invalid or cannot be validated, the recipient is instructed to reject the transcript. The document also provides contact information for the registrar's office if further authentication is needed.
This official academic transcript from University of Phoenix documents Brenda Wilson's educational history and degrees earned. It shows that she completed a Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Accounting in 2012 and a Master of Science in Accountancy in 2015 from University of Phoenix. The transcript lists all of her completed courses, grades, credits, and degrees. It was delivered electronically and can be validated on the escrip-safe website to confirm its authenticity.
This document is Stephen Riley's official academic transcript from The Ohio State University. It details his undergraduate education history, including the degrees he earned. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2006 and a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences in 2010. The transcript lists all the courses he completed, grades received, and terms of attendance between 1999-2010 at Ohio State as well as transfer credits from Columbus State Community College.
Shravan Tamaskar is a non-resident alien student at Florida State University pursuing a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering. According to his unofficial transcript, he has completed 36 credit hours over 4 semesters with a cumulative GPA of 3.75. His coursework has included subjects like semiconductor device theory, power systems analysis, computational electrical engineering, and a thesis. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Technology from SRM University in 2014 before beginning his graduate studies at Florida State University.
- Shawnee State University was established in 1986 and was previously known by other names since the 1970s.
- It is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and approved by various other education organizations.
- The university used the quarter system until 2007 when it switched to the semester system for all programs.
- The transcript document provides information on degree notation, course numbering, grading policies, and security features to authenticate the transcript.
This official academic transcript from the University of Phoenix documents the completed courses and degree of Bisa Strickland. It shows that Bisa Strickland earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Administration with a cumulative GPA of 3.38. The transcript lists all the courses taken at University of Phoenix, the grades received, credits earned, and the terms each course was taken. It also provides information about prior schools attended and total credits.
This official academic transcript from Loyola University Maryland was delivered electronically to Peter Hadjokas. It details his undergraduate coursework and grades from 2010 to 2014. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Writing with a minor in Spanish and maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.459. The transcript is authenticated and intended only for Peter Hadjokas and cannot be released to third parties without his consent.
This document is an official transcript from the University of California, San Diego for a student named Yi Rong. It details the courses taken in the Summer 2014 term, including grades received. The transcript contains security features to authenticate it, including a digital signature. Viewers are instructed to verify the signature and other security markers to confirm the transcript is valid and has not been altered.
Dawn Chastain official transcript Metropolitan State University of DenverDawn Chastain
This official transcript from Metropolitan State University of Denver documents that Dawn Chastain earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education with a concentration in Linguistically Diverse Education in December 2015. It shows a cumulative GPA of 3.59 based on 150 credit hours completed, most of which were at MSU Denver. The transcript details individual courses, grades, credits, terms of enrollment, and transfer credits accepted from other institutions. It includes information about authenticating the transcript and guidelines for interpreting transcripts from MSU Denver.
This official academic transcript from the University of Phoenix documents the educational history of student Krista Stalcup. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business/Marketing degree in 2003, as well as a Human Resource Management certificate in 2003. The transcript lists all the courses Krista completed, the grades received, credits earned, and her cumulative GPA of 3.43. It verifies that the transcript was requested, created and released by the University of Phoenix to the named recipient, Krista Stalcup.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness and boost overall mental well-being.
This transcript summarizes the undergraduate career of Casey Charles Dzubur at the University of California, Santa Cruz. It shows that they earned a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies in 2012, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.43 over their four years of study. Their coursework included classes in legal studies, history, philosophy, economics, and other subjects at Cowell College. The transcript provides a record of all courses taken each quarter, along with grades received and academic standing.
This document is an official academic transcript from West Virginia University for Chelsey Elizabeth Ward. It summarizes her undergraduate academic record, including courses taken between 2006-2010, grades received, credits earned, grade point averages for each term and overall. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology & Investigations, graduating with distinction as Summa Cum Laude in 2010. The transcript is certified as authentic by Credentials Inc. and contains privacy notices for the intended recipient.
This official academic transcript is for Daniel D Kahl from the University of Texas - San Antonio. It shows that Mr. Kahl earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance in May 2000. The transcript lists the courses taken each semester, grades received, grade points earned, and cumulative GPAs. It also indicates that Mr. Kahl was in good academic standing throughout his undergraduate career.
This document is Julene Zak's official academic transcript from The University of Texas at Arlington. It details her undergraduate career from 2014-2016, including the courses taken each semester, grades received, cumulative GPA of 4.0, and a total of 110 credit hours earned. The transcript is certified and sent through Credentials Inc. to verify its authenticity and prevent unauthorized editing or copying.
This official academic transcript is for Arleen Kaur from the University of Texas - San Antonio. It shows that she is currently enrolled as a graduate student pursuing a Master's in Electrical Engineering. The transcript lists the courses she has taken, including 9 credit hours in the spring 2015 semester and 9 credit hours in the fall 2015 semester. It also indicates she has 2 courses in progress for the spring 2016 semester and is working on her master's thesis.
This document is an official academic transcript from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington for Randy Carol Lambert. It lists the courses Lambert completed at UNCW and courses transferred in from other institutions. Lambert earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from UNCW in May 2016, completing 124 total credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.3786. The transcript provides details on individual courses, grades, credit hours, and GPAs for each semester at UNCW as well as transfer credits from other colleges. It also includes a key explaining the university's grading system and accreditation information.
This official academic transcript from St. John Fisher College summarizes Helen Peters' academic record, including courses taken at Monroe Community College that were accepted as transfer credits. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting in December 2015, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.41 across 147 total credits. The transcript is delivered electronically and can be validated on the sending institution's website to confirm its authenticity.
This document is an official academic transcript from Savannah State University for Darrius D. Smith. It shows that Darrius completed a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, graduating cum laude in 2011. The transcript lists all courses taken, credits earned, grades received, grade points, and academic honors. It also provides information about Savannah State University such as accreditation and contact details.
This official academic transcript from the University of Houston-Downtown documents Eric Roberson's undergraduate and graduate coursework and degrees earned. It shows that he completed a Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing in 2009 and a Master of Science in Technical Communication in 2014. All of his coursework received grades of A, B, or S with no record of academic probation or suspension.
This official transcript from Eastern Washington University documents Kaitlin Christa Dobbs' undergraduate coursework and degree. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government with a Pre-Law concentration on June 12, 2015, graduating summa cum laude. The transcript lists the courses she completed at Eastern Washington University, her grades, and confirms that she maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.92. It also documents various transfer credits she received from previous coursework completed at Bellevue College.
This official transcript from Northeastern Illinois University documents the academic record of Eric E. Herring. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Computer Security in August 2015. The transcript lists the courses Herring completed at Northeastern Illinois University, including grades received and credits earned. It also indicates 60 credits that were transferred from College of Lake County between 2005-2008. The transcript has a cumulative GPA of 3.30 based on 121 total credits earned.
This official academic transcript is for Eric Herring from Northeastern Illinois University. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Computer Security in August 2015. The transcript lists the courses he took at Northeastern Illinois University, achieving a 3.3 GPA, as well as 60 credits that were transferred from College of Lake County with a 4.0 GPA. The transcript is certified and can be verified through the university to confirm it has not been altered.
This official academic transcript from Georgia College documents Connor Martin Roll's undergraduate coursework and grades. It shows that he transferred 27 credit hours from Georgia Perimeter College, and earned 49 additional credit hours at Georgia College, for a total of 76 credit hours. His overall grade point average for coursework at Georgia College was 2.65. The transcript is verified and can be validated on the Credentials eScrip-Safe website to confirm its authenticity.
This document is an official academic transcript from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Bethany M. McNutt. It shows that she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences with majors in Psychology and Spanish in 2003. Her overall GPA was 3.70 based on 123 total credit hours, including 13 hours of transfer credit with a GPA of 3.69 from other institutions.
This official academic transcript from The University of Texas at Arlington documents Bhanu Sri Routhu's graduate education. It shows that Bhanu earned a Master of Construction Management degree in 2016. The transcript lists the courses taken in each semester from 2015 to 2016, the grades and credit hours earned. It indicates that Bhanu maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.333 and completed the degree requirements with a total of 30 credit hours. The transcript is certified as authentic by the university and provided electronically to Bhanu by Credentials Inc.
This official academic transcript from California University of Pennsylvania documents Ryan William Smith's academic record. It shows that Ryan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Forensic Science in December 2015. The transcript lists the courses Ryan completed at California University and the grades received, as well as transfer credits from another institution. It verifies that Ryan was in good academic standing and graduated cum laude.
This document is an official academic transcript from Texas State University that was requested and delivered electronically. It provides details of the academic record of Eric P Garcia, including courses taken at Texas State University as well as transfer credits. It lists the courses, grades, credits, grade points, academic standing, and cumulative GPA. The transcript was delivered through Credentials Inc. and contains security features to validate its authenticity and prevent unauthorized copying or editing.
This 3-page academic transcript from the University of Wisconsin - Madison documents Peter Clancy's undergraduate career from 2009 to 2014. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with Honors in the Major in 2014. His overall undergraduate GPA was 3.600. The transcript provides a complete record of all courses taken, grades received, term GPAs, academic honors and degrees awarded.
This official academic transcript from Franklin and Marshall College documents the academic record of Karsten James Bratt-Pfotenhauer. It shows that he has earned 28 credits from Franklin and Marshall with a GPA of 3.64. It also lists 4 transfer credits accepted from advanced placement and international baccalaureate programs. The transcript details the courses taken in each semester, grades received, academic honors, and confirms that Karsten is currently enrolled and in good standing.
This document is Lauren Borrego's official transcript from Metropolitan State University of Denver. It details her undergraduate coursework and transfer credits from 1997 to 2000, culminating in a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance awarded in May 2000. The transcript was requested by Lauren Borrego and delivered electronically to her intended recipient. It contains her identifying information, grades, credits, terms of enrollment, and the degree awarded upon graduation.
This official academic transcript from Brandman University summarizes Romel Malupa Tanael's academic record. It shows that Tanael received 146.83 credits in transfer from other institutions and completed 69 credits at Brandman University, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.617. The transcript details the courses taken in each term at Brandman from Fall 2012 to Spring 2015, including course titles, grades received, credits, and GPAs. It certifies that the transcript was requested, created and released to Tanael following applicable laws.
This document is an official transcript from the University of South Carolina for Benjamin Thomas Adams. It summarizes his academic record, including courses taken, credits earned, grades received, and degree awarded. The transcript is digitally signed and certified to assure its authenticity and that the contents have not been altered. It provides instructions for verifying the digital signature and cautions that an invalid signature means the document should be rejected.
1. Official Academic Transcript from
University of Texas - San Antonio
Statement of Authenticity
This official academic transcript has been delivered to you through eSCRIP-SAFE, the Global Electronic Transcript
Delivery Network, provided by Credentials eScrip-Safe, 9435 Waterstone Blvd, Suite 260, Cincinnati, OH 45249, 1-847-
716-3805. Credentials eScrip-Safe has been appointed and serves as the designated delivery agent for this sending
school, and verifies this sender is recognized by the accreditation source identified below
This official academic transcript was requested, created, and released to the recipient following all applicable state and
federal laws. It is a violation of federal privacy law to provide a copy of this official academic transcript to anyone other
than the named recipient.
This PDF document includes: the cover page, the official academic transcript from the sending school, and the academic
transcript legend guide.
The authenticity of the PDF document may be validated at the Credentials eScrip-Safe website by selecting the
Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated.
Questions regarding the content of the official academic transcript should be directed to the sending school.
Sending School Information
University of Texas - San Antonio
Office of the Registrar
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
Telephone: 210-458-7070
School Web Page:
Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
Student Information
Student Name: Caroline Dianne Gonzales
Numeric Identifier: @01069916
Birth Date: 19-OCT
Student Email:
Receiver Information
Document Information
Transmitted On: Sun, 18 October 2015
Transcript ID: TRAN000008378479
Save this PDF document immediately.
It will expire from the eSCRIP-SAFE server 24 hours after it is first opened.
Validate authenticity of the saved document at
This document is intended for the above named receiver.
If you are not the identified receiver please notify the sending school immediately.
Transcripts marked 'Issued to Student' are intended for student use only.
Recipients should only accept academic transcripts directly from the sending school.
FICE 010115
Undergraduate Core Curriculum requirements not applicable to
graduate students or students who graduated under UTSA catalogs
prior to Fall 1999
GPA calculations on transcripts generated after February 1, 2000, do not round. Before
that time, the grade-point averages were rounded up 1 one-hundredth of a point.
This PDF document may be validated. A printed copy cannot be validated. See attached cover page for additional information.
Student No: @01069916 Date of Birth: 19-OCT Date Issued: 18-OCT-2015
Record of: Caroline Dianne Gonzales Page: 1
Current Name: Caroline Dianne Gonzales
Issued To:
Caroline Gonzales
Student's Email:
Course Level: Undergraduate
High School: Cypress Ridge High School 26-MAY-2007
Current Program Institution Information continued:
College : Liberal and Fine Arts POL 1133 Texas Politics and Society 3.00 B 9.00
Major : English WRC 1023 Freshman Composition II 3.00 A 12.00
Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 54.00 GPA: 3.60
Comments: Academic Good Standing
Spring 2008 Honor Roll
Spring 2010 President's List Fall 2008
Summer 2010 Honor Roll College of Architecture
Degrees Awarded: Bachelor of Arts 12-MAY-2012 Continuing
Primary Degree ARC 1213 Design I 3.00 B 9.00
Major : English ARC 1313 Architectural Drawing 3.00 B 9.00
ENG 2013 Introduction to Literature 3.00 W 0.00
_________________________________________________________________ POL 1013 Intro to American Politics 3.00 A 12.00 I
Ehrs: 9.00 GPA-Hrs: 9.00 QPts: 30.00 GPA: 3.33
INSTITUTION CREDIT: Academic Good Standing
Fall 2007 Spring 2009
Liberal and Fine Arts College of Architecture
Undeclared Arts & Humanities Architecture
New Student (first time) Continuing
COR 1203 Freshman Seminar 3.00 A 12.00 ARC 1226 Design II 6.00 B 18.00
MAT 1214 Calculus I 4.00 A 16.00 ENG 2013 Introduction to Literature 3.00 A 12.00 I
POL 1013 Intro to American Politics 3.00 D 0.00 E HIS 1053 US His Civil War to Present 3.00 B 9.00
PSY 1013 Introduction to Psychology 3.00 B 9.00 KIN 1001 Ind Phys Act:Self Defense 1.00 A 4.00 I
WRC 1013 Freshman Composition I 3.00 A 12.00 Ehrs: 13.00 GPA-Hrs: 13.00 QPts: 43.00 GPA: 3.30
Ehrs: 13.00 GPA-Hrs: 13.00 QPts: 49.00 GPA: 3.76 Academic Good Standing
Academic Good Standing
Summer 2009
Spring 2008 College of Architecture
Liberal and Fine Arts Interior Design
Undeclared Arts & Humanities Continuing
Continuing IS 1403 Business Info Systems Fluency 3.00 W 0.00
ANT 2043 Introduction to Archaeology 3.00 A 12.00 Ehrs: 0.00 GPA-Hrs: 0.00 QPts: 0.00 GPA: 0.00
AST 1013 Intoduction to Astronomy 3.00 B 9.00 Academic Good Standing
HIS 1043 US His Pre-Columbus to Cvl War 3.00 A 12.00 * CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
FICE 010115
Undergraduate Core Curriculum requirements not applicable to
graduate students or students who graduated under UTSA catalogs
prior to Fall 1999
GPA calculations on transcripts generated after February 1, 2000, do not round. Before
that time, the grade-point averages were rounded up 1 one-hundredth of a point.
This PDF document may be validated. A printed copy cannot be validated. See attached cover page for additional information.
Student No: @01069916 Date of Birth: 19-OCT Date Issued: 18-OCT-2015
Record of: Caroline Dianne Gonzales Page: 2
Level: Undergraduate
Term Majors cont:
Institution Information continued: SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R
Fall 2009 ENG 2213 Literary Criticism & Analysis 3.00 A 12.00
Liberal and Fine Arts ENG 3323 History of English Language 3.00 W 0.00
Art History and Criticism KIN 2303 Cultural & Scientific Foundtn 3.00 B 9.00
Continuing KIN 3061 Foundational Movement 1.00 W 0.00
AHC 1113 Survey I Ancient Medieval 3.00 A 12.00 SPN 1024 Elementary SPN II 4.00 B 12.00
ECO 2013 Introductory Macroeconomics 3.00 C 6.00 Ehrs: 10.00 GPA-Hrs: 10.00 QPts: 33.00 GPA: 3.30
HTH 3013 Survey of Human Nutrition 3.00 C 6.00 Academic Good Standing
PHI 3053 Philosophy of Art 3.00 A 12.00
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 36.00 GPA: 3.00 Spring 2011
Academic Good Standing Liberal and Fine Arts
Spring 2010 Continuing
Liberal and Fine Arts BIO 1033 Drugs and Society 3.00 B 9.00
Art History and Criticism ENG 3063 American Literature 1870-1945 3.00 W 0.00
Continuing ENG 3233 Shakespeare: The Later Plays 3.00 B 9.00
AHC 1123 Survey of Art/Arch 1350-1750 3.00 A 12.00 ENG 3253 The American Novel 3.00 W 0.00
AHC 1133 Survey of Modern Art 3.00 A 12.00 KIN 1001 Ind Phys Act:Walking/Jogging 1.00 A 4.00 I
ENG 3073 Young Adult Literature 3.00 A 12.00 Ehrs: 7.00 GPA-Hrs: 7.00 QPts: 22.00 GPA: 3.14
SPN 1014 Elementary SPN I 4.00 A 16.00 Academic Good Standing
Ehrs: 13.00 GPA-Hrs: 13.00 QPts: 52.00 GPA: 4.00
Academic Good Standing Summer 2011
Liberal and Fine Arts
Summer 2010 English
Liberal and Fine Arts Continuing
Art History and Criticism ENG 3613 African American Literature 3.00 A 12.00
Continuing Ehrs: 3.00 GPA-Hrs: 3.00 QPts: 12.00 GPA: 4.00
AHC 4333 Topics:Medieval Spain 3.00 B 9.00 Academic Good Standing
ART 1213 Drawing I 3.00 A 12.00
HTH 3043 Principles of Weight Mgmt 3.00 A 12.00 Fall 2011
MKT 3013 Principles of Marketing 3.00 B 9.00 Liberal and Fine Arts
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 42.00 GPA: 3.50 English
Academic Good Standing Continuing
ENG 2233 British Literature II 3.00 B- 8.01
Liberal and Fine Arts
FICE 010115
Undergraduate Core Curriculum requirements not applicable to
graduate students or students who graduated under UTSA catalogs
prior to Fall 1999
GPA calculations on transcripts generated after February 1, 2000, do not round. Before
that time, the grade-point averages were rounded up 1 one-hundredth of a point.
This PDF document may be validated. A printed copy cannot be validated. See attached cover page for additional information.
Student No: @01069916 Date of Birth: 19-OCT Date Issued: 18-OCT-2015
Record of: Caroline Dianne Gonzales Page: 3
Level: Undergraduate
Core cont:
030 ANT 2043 A Spring 2008
_________________________________________________________________ 040 ENG 2013 A Spring 2009
Institution Information continued: 050 AHC 1113 A Fall 2009
ENG 2263 American Literature I 3.00 B- 8.01 060 HIS 1043 A Spring 2008
ENG 3303 Theory & Practice Composition 3.00 C+ 6.99 060 HIS 1053 B Spring 2009
HUM 3053 The Romantic Age 3.00 A 12.00 070 POL 1133 B Spring 2008
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 35.01 GPA: 2.91 070 POL 1013 A Fall 2008
Academic Good Standing 080 COR 1203 A Fall 2007
081 ECO 2013 C Fall 2009
Spring 2012 090 BIO 1033 B Spring 2011
English TEC 51.907 Undergraduate Course Drop Counter - 6
Continuing ** END OF TRANSCRIPT ***
ENG 2293 American Literature II 3.00 B- 8.01
ENG 4023 Romantic Literature 3.00 B- 8.01
ENG 4053 Modern British & Amer Poetry 3.00 C+ 6.99
ENG 4973 SSem:Horror Text & Theory 3.00 A- 11.01
Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 34.02 GPA: 2.83
Academic Good Standing
Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA
TOTAL INSTITUTION 131.00 131.00 442.03 3.37
TSI Information:
All Exempt TSI Exempt
1140 01-APR-06 SAT Composite
540 01-APR-06 SAT Verbal/Reading
600 01-APR-06 SAT Mathematics
Core Curriculum:
010 WRC 1013 A Fall 2007
010 WRC 1023 A Spring 2008
020 MAT 1214 A Fall 2007
5. FromUniversityofTexas-SanAntoniotokayro15@yahoo.comon10/18/201503:11PMTRAN000008378479
Office of the Registrar
TO TEST FOR AUTHENTICITY: This transcript was delivered through the eSCRIP-SAFE速
Global Transcript Delivery Network. The original transcript is in electronic PDF form. The authenticity
of the PDF document may be validated at by selecting the Document Validation link. A printed copy cannot be validated.
This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. ALTERATION OF THIS
ACADEMIC FRESH START: Students admitted under this program do not receive credit for courses taken 10 or more years before initial enrollment. Coursework and grades
are displayed on the transcript but not counted in the grade-point average and semester credit hours.
ACCREDITATION: The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. In addition, many academic
departments and schools have received national accreditation from specific agencies.(
COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM: Prior to fall 1975, The University of Texas at San Antonio used a three-digit course number; the first digit indicated level, and the last digit
indicated credit hour value. During this time The University offered only graduate-level courses, which were numbered 500 through 699. In the fall of 1975, courses were
designated by a four-digit number following a two or three-letter abbreviation of the subject. All courses with a first digit of 0 are developmental educational courses; 1 or 2 are
lower division courses; 3 or 4 are upper division courses; 5, 6, or 7 are graduate courses. The fourth digit indicates the semester credit hour value of the course. The University
of Texas at San Antonio only awards semester credit hours.
DEANS LIST, PRESIDENTS LIST, AND HONOR ROLL (undergraduate only): Beginning in the Fall 2003 Semester, Deans List and Honor Roll distinctions are posted on
transcripts. Presidents List distinctions are posted beginning with the Fall 2005 semester. Beginning in the Fall 2013 semester, requirements for the Presidents List, Deans List
and the Honor Roll have changed. Go to for details.
GRADE-POINT CALCULATION: GPA calculations on transcripts generated after February 1, 2000, do not round up but truncate to the second decimal place (example: 3.816
truncates to 3.81 with no rounding). Before that time, grade point averages were rounded up to 1 one-hundredth of a point. The cumulative GPA reflected on the computer-
generated transcript only reflects UTSA coursework. Transferred coursework is not included in the cumulative GPA listed on this transcript.
Texas Education Code TEC 51.907, effective Fall 2007, states first time undergraduates may not drop more than 6 courses. X means exempt from TEC 51.907.
TEXAS SUCCESS INITIATIVE (TSI) - formerly Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP): This is a state-legislated program designed to improve student success in college.
This transcript includes the status of the skill areas of reading, mathematics, and writing.
UT TELECAMPUS closed August 31, 2010. Online courses and programs are offered and supported by UT institutions participating in the UT Online Consortium (UTOC).
Beginning with the Fall 2011 semester, UTSA instituted a voluntary plus/minus grading system.
Grade Description Grade Points
(credit by examination or credit received under credit/no
credit option)
(unsuccessful credit by examination or no credit under
credit/no credit option)
(undergraduate courses must be completed within one
year after the grade is assigned or it changes to an F;
after one year the grade is permanent for graduate
A course is repeated with both grades counting in the GPA and only
semester credit hours for the repeated course counted for degree
A course has been repeated with a higher grade earned or is not
repeatable; the credit and grade for this entry are not considered for
degree or grade-point average purposes.
A course is a duplication of credit and both the credit and grade are
considered for degree and grade-point average purposes.
The student is currently enrolled in a course that will be graded at
the end of the current term.
* ASTERISK (courses taken prior to Summer 2002)
An undergraduate student has enrolled in a graduate course and
earned graduate credit for that course. The semester hours earned
are not considered part of the Baccalaureate Degree Program.
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