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Complex Numbers

                               December 6, 2005

1     Introduction of Complex Numbers
1.1    De鍖nition
A complex number z is a pair of real numbers

                                      z = (a, b)                            (1)

De鍖nition of addition:

                          (a, b) + (c, d) = (a + b, c + d)                  (2)

De鍖nition of multiplication:

                         (a, b) 揃 (c, d) = (ac  bd, ad + bc)               (3)

De鍖nition of multiplication by a scalar

                                 (a, b) 揃 c = (ac, bc)                      (4)

Note that multiplying by a scalar c yeilds the same result as muliplying by the
complex number (c, 0).

2     Notation
2.1    The zero
Adding (0, 0) to a complex number leaves the latter unchanged, so (0, 0) is the
"0" of addition.
   The additive inverse of z = (a, b) is (a, b) since

                             (a, b) + (a, b) = (0, 0)                     (5)

2.2    The unity
Multiplying a complex number by (1, 0) leaves the former unchanged, so (1, 0)
is the "1" of multiplication.              続               卒
    The multiplicative inverse of (a, b) is a2 +b2 , a2b 2 since (try it!)

                                  袖                      其
                                         a      b
                       (a, b) 揃              ,               = (1, 0)         (6)
                                      a2 + b2 a2 + b2

2.3    The complex conjugate
The complex conjugate of z = (a, b) denoted by z = (a, b), is de鍖ned to be
(a, b):
                              z = (a, b)
   A complex number times its complex conjugate has 0 for the second compo-
nent                                     臓           蔵
                       (a, b) 揃 (a  b) = a2 + b2 , 0                   (7)

2.4    Real and Imaginary parts
Two real valued functions, Re and Im, are de鍖ned on the 鍖eld of complex

                                      Re (a, b) = a                           (8)
                                      Im (a, b) = b                           (9)

2.5    Absolute value
Another real valued function, the absolute value  denoted by |(a, b)|, is de鍖ned
for complex numbers:                     p
                               |(a, b)| = a2 + b2                             (10)
This is the length of the vector (a, b) in the 2D sense.

2.6    Argument
The argument of the comlex number also comes from the vector intepreation.
It is the angle formed by the vector and the positive x-axis quoted so that it
falls in (, ]. The function is denote by 留 = Arg (a, b).

2.7    The i notation
In order to remember the complicated and seemingly arbitrary de鍖nition of
multiplication, use the following pneumonic rule. Write

                                       (a, b) = a + ib                       (11)

and, when multiplying, pretend that it is real addition and multiplication by i
and that i2 = 1. Then

                    (a, b) 揃 (c, d) =    (a + ib) (c + id)                    (12)
                                    =    ac + i2 bd + i (ad + bc)             (13)
                                    =    ac  bd + i (ad + bc)                (14)
                                    =    (ac  bd, ad + bc)                   (15)

so it works.

3      Connection to trigonometry
3.1    The basic relationship
Recall that

                    sin (留 + 硫) = sin 留 cos 硫 + cos 留 sin 硫                   (16)
                    cos (留 + 硫) = cos 留 cos 硫  sin 留 sin 硫                   (17)


          (cos 留 + i sin 留) (cos 硫 + i sin 硫) = cos (留 + 硫) + i sin (留 + 硫)   (18)

3.2    Eulers notation
De鍖ne ei留 according to
                               ei留 = cos 留 + i sin 留                          (19)
                                 ei留 ei硫 = ei(留+硫)                            (20)
so the exponentiation formally works.
    Everything that you might guess works actually works:
                                臓 i留 蔵1
                                 e               = ei留                       (21)
                                                 = iei留                       (22)

3.3    A pretty relation
The equation
                                     ei = 1                                 (23)
expresses a relationship among the most fundamental constant e, , 1 and, if
you believe that i is a number, i.

3.4    Roots of unity
The equation
                                      xN = 1                              (24)
always has exactly N roots in complex numbers. They can be expressed as
                             x = ei    N    , 0  n < N.                  (25)

The equation
                                      xN = ei留                            (26)
also has exactly N roots. They are the same roots as 1 except "turned" by ei N
                                    x = ei     N                          (27)

4     Polar form of the complex number
4.1    De鍖nition
A compex number z = a + ib can be rewritten as
                         p         袖                       其
                                         a           b
             z = a + ib = a2 + b2             + i                       (28)
                                       a2 + b2     a2 + b2
Let r = a2 + b2 and 留 be the angle between  and  such that
                              cos 留 =                                    (29)
                                                 a2 + b2

                              sin 留 =                                    (30)
                                                 a2 + b2
You recognize that r = |z| and 留 = Arg (z). Then

                                      z = rei留                            (31)

This is the polar form of the complex number.

4.2    Multiplication
Let z1 = r1 ei留1 and z2 = r2 ei留2 . Then

                            z1 z2   = r1 ei留1 r2 ei留2                     (32)
                                    = r1 r2 ei(留1 +留2 )                   (33)

Multiplying two complex numbers is equivalent to multiplying their absolute
values and adding their agruments.
   If z = rei留 , then 1/z = (1/r) ei留 .

5     Analytic functions
5.1    Introduction
For the sake of this writeup, a complex function f of z is called analytic if it
is a "valid" expression purely in terms of z. By "valid" we mean (let a be a
complex constant)

                                     az n                                  (34)
                                     eaz                                   (35)
                                     ln z                                  (36)
                                     cos z, sin z                          (37)

and sums, products, and compozition thereof. "Invalid" are the following ex-

                                     俗                                     (38)
                                     Arg z                                 (39)
                                     |z|                                   (40)
                                     Re z, Im z                            (41)

Analytic functions will have a number of very many attractive and useful prop-

5.2    De鍖nitions
Letting z = x + iy or, in polar form, z = rei留 . Then

                         zn    = rn (cos n留 + i sin n留)                    (42)
                         zn    = (x + iy)                                  (43)
                          ez   = ex (cos y + i sin y)                      (44)
                        ln z   = ln r + i留                                 (45)
                                 eiz + eiz
                       cos z   =                                           (46)
                                 eiz  eiz
                       sin z   =                                           (47)
                          cz   = ez ln c                                   (48)

6     Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Suppose that z = x + iy and that f (z) is analytic and

                           f (z) = u (x, y) + iv (x, y)                    (49)

                                  u      v
                                        =                                       (50)
                                  x      y
                                  u        u
                                        =                                      (51)
                                  y        x
It follows (see Exercises) that both u and v are harmonic:
                                 uxx + uyy           = 0                        (52)
                                 vxx + vyy           = 0                        (53)

7      Exercises
1. Show that eln z = z and that ln ez = z. In other words, ez and ln z are, in
fact, the inverses of each other.
    2. Show that if u (x, y) and v (x, y) satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations,
then both u (x, y) and v (x, y) are harmonic.
    3. Show that all basic analytic functions z, ez , and ln z satisfy the Cauchy-
Rieman equations.
    4. Suppose that f1 (z) and f2 (z) are analytic according to the formal de鍖n-
ition. Show that
    a. f1 (z) + f2 (z) is analytic (easy)
    b. cf1 (z) is analytic, where c = a + ib is a complex constant (easy)
    c. f1 (z) f2 (z) is analytic (more di鍖cult). Note that b. is a special case of c.
    d. f1 (f2 (z)) is analytic.
    You have now shown that any "valid" expression of z is an analytic function.
                     臓       蔵
For example, cos ez + z 2 is analytic and its real an imaginary parts (both
exeedingly cumbersome) are harmonic.
    5. Reduce to the form a + bi:
                                            ei 2                                (54)
                                            ei                                 (55)
                                            e/6                                (56)
                                            i5                                  (57)
                                            5i                                  (58)
                                            ii                                  (59)
                                            ii                                  (60)
    a. Derive an expression for arccos z.
                                        arccos i                                (61)
                                        arccos 1                                (62)
                                        arccos 2                                (63)


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Complex numbers

  • 1. Complex Numbers December 6, 2005 1 Introduction of Complex Numbers 1.1 De鍖nition A complex number z is a pair of real numbers z = (a, b) (1) De鍖nition of addition: (a, b) + (c, d) = (a + b, c + d) (2) De鍖nition of multiplication: (a, b) 揃 (c, d) = (ac bd, ad + bc) (3) De鍖nition of multiplication by a scalar (a, b) 揃 c = (ac, bc) (4) Note that multiplying by a scalar c yeilds the same result as muliplying by the complex number (c, 0). 2 Notation 2.1 The zero Adding (0, 0) to a complex number leaves the latter unchanged, so (0, 0) is the "0" of addition. The additive inverse of z = (a, b) is (a, b) since (a, b) + (a, b) = (0, 0) (5) 1
  • 2. 2.2 The unity Multiplying a complex number by (1, 0) leaves the former unchanged, so (1, 0) is the "1" of multiplication. 続 卒 The multiplicative inverse of (a, b) is a2 +b2 , a2b 2 since (try it!) a +b 袖 其 a b (a, b) 揃 , = (1, 0) (6) a2 + b2 a2 + b2 2.3 The complex conjugate The complex conjugate of z = (a, b) denoted by z = (a, b), is de鍖ned to be 俗 (a, b): z = (a, b) A complex number times its complex conjugate has 0 for the second compo- nent 臓 蔵 (a, b) 揃 (a b) = a2 + b2 , 0 (7) 2.4 Real and Imaginary parts Two real valued functions, Re and Im, are de鍖ned on the 鍖eld of complex numbers Re (a, b) = a (8) Im (a, b) = b (9) 2.5 Absolute value Another real valued function, the absolute value denoted by |(a, b)|, is de鍖ned for complex numbers: p |(a, b)| = a2 + b2 (10) This is the length of the vector (a, b) in the 2D sense. 2.6 Argument The argument of the comlex number also comes from the vector intepreation. It is the angle formed by the vector and the positive x-axis quoted so that it falls in (, ]. The function is denote by 留 = Arg (a, b). 2.7 The i notation In order to remember the complicated and seemingly arbitrary de鍖nition of multiplication, use the following pneumonic rule. Write (a, b) = a + ib (11) 2
  • 3. and, when multiplying, pretend that it is real addition and multiplication by i and that i2 = 1. Then (a, b) 揃 (c, d) = (a + ib) (c + id) (12) = ac + i2 bd + i (ad + bc) (13) = ac bd + i (ad + bc) (14) = (ac bd, ad + bc) (15) so it works. 3 Connection to trigonometry 3.1 The basic relationship Recall that sin (留 + 硫) = sin 留 cos 硫 + cos 留 sin 硫 (16) cos (留 + 硫) = cos 留 cos 硫 sin 留 sin 硫 (17) Therefore, (cos 留 + i sin 留) (cos 硫 + i sin 硫) = cos (留 + 硫) + i sin (留 + 硫) (18) 3.2 Eulers notation De鍖ne ei留 according to ei留 = cos 留 + i sin 留 (19) Then ei留 ei硫 = ei(留+硫) (20) so the exponentiation formally works. Everything that you might guess works actually works: 臓 i留 蔵1 e = ei留 (21) i留 de = iei留 (22) d留 3.3 A pretty relation The equation ei = 1 (23) expresses a relationship among the most fundamental constant e, , 1 and, if you believe that i is a number, i. 3
  • 4. 3.4 Roots of unity The equation xN = 1 (24) always has exactly N roots in complex numbers. They can be expressed as 2n x = ei N , 0 n < N. (25) The equation xN = ei留 (26) 留 also has exactly N roots. They are the same roots as 1 except "turned" by ei N 留+2n x = ei N (27) 4 Polar form of the complex number 4.1 De鍖nition A compex number z = a + ib can be rewritten as p 袖 其 a b z = a + ib = a2 + b2 + i (28) a2 + b2 a2 + b2 Let r = a2 + b2 and 留 be the angle between and such that a cos 留 = (29) a2 + b2 b sin 留 = (30) a2 + b2 You recognize that r = |z| and 留 = Arg (z). Then z = rei留 (31) This is the polar form of the complex number. 4.2 Multiplication Let z1 = r1 ei留1 and z2 = r2 ei留2 . Then z1 z2 = r1 ei留1 r2 ei留2 (32) = r1 r2 ei(留1 +留2 ) (33) Multiplying two complex numbers is equivalent to multiplying their absolute values and adding their agruments. If z = rei留 , then 1/z = (1/r) ei留 . 4
  • 5. 5 Analytic functions 5.1 Introduction For the sake of this writeup, a complex function f of z is called analytic if it is a "valid" expression purely in terms of z. By "valid" we mean (let a be a complex constant) az n (34) eaz (35) ln z (36) cos z, sin z (37) and sums, products, and compozition thereof. "Invalid" are the following ex- pressions z 俗 (38) Arg z (39) |z| (40) Re z, Im z (41) Analytic functions will have a number of very many attractive and useful prop- erties. 5.2 De鍖nitions Letting z = x + iy or, in polar form, z = rei留 . Then zn = rn (cos n留 + i sin n留) (42) n zn = (x + iy) (43) ez = ex (cos y + i sin y) (44) ln z = ln r + i留 (45) eiz + eiz cos z = (46) 2 eiz eiz sin z = (47) 2 cz = ez ln c (48) 6 Cauchy-Riemann Equations Suppose that z = x + iy and that f (z) is analytic and f (z) = u (x, y) + iv (x, y) (49) 5
  • 6. Then u v = (50) x y u u = (51) y x It follows (see Exercises) that both u and v are harmonic: uxx + uyy = 0 (52) vxx + vyy = 0 (53) 7 Exercises 1. Show that eln z = z and that ln ez = z. In other words, ez and ln z are, in fact, the inverses of each other. 2. Show that if u (x, y) and v (x, y) satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, then both u (x, y) and v (x, y) are harmonic. 3. Show that all basic analytic functions z, ez , and ln z satisfy the Cauchy- Rieman equations. 4. Suppose that f1 (z) and f2 (z) are analytic according to the formal de鍖n- ition. Show that a. f1 (z) + f2 (z) is analytic (easy) b. cf1 (z) is analytic, where c = a + ib is a complex constant (easy) c. f1 (z) f2 (z) is analytic (more di鍖cult). Note that b. is a special case of c. d. f1 (f2 (z)) is analytic. You have now shown that any "valid" expression of z is an analytic function. 臓 蔵 For example, cos ez + z 2 is analytic and its real an imaginary parts (both exeedingly cumbersome) are harmonic. 5. Reduce to the form a + bi: ei 2 (54) ei (55) e/6 (56) i5 (57) 5i (58) ii (59) i ii (60) 6. a. Derive an expression for arccos z. b. arccos i (61) arccos 1 (62) arccos 2 (63) 6