The document discusses a case study on the compliance of ICD-10 coding in hospitals in Pune, India. It found that larger hospitals with over 200 beds have generally implemented ICD-10, while smaller hospitals under 100 beds have lower compliance. Clinicians have varying awareness of ICD-10, from knowing it is used for mortality reporting to being unaware of its purpose. Challenges to compliance included improper diagnosis documentation and a lack of electronic methods and software. Recommendations include cost-benefit analyses, training, and customized software to improve ICD-10 implementation.
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Compliance of icd 10 in hospitals of pune
1. Compliance Of ICD-10
Hospitals Of Pune
A Case Study
Presented By
Dr P.M.Jenny
2ndYear Student(PGP-HS) Sancheti
Healthcare Academy
4. Introduction
? International classification of diseases and
related health problems 10 th version (ICD-10)
is the international standard prescribed by WHO.
Countries need to adopt and implement it so
that the morbidity and mortality data are
comparable within countries and inter countries.
? ICD is a medical classifications that provides
codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of
signs, symptoms, abnormal
findings, complaints, social circumstances, and
external causes of injury or disease
5. Objective
? To find out the compliance of ICD-10
codes in hospitals
? Response of Clinicians & Paramedical
? Scope of improvements
? Benefit analysis
6. Benefit of ICD-10
? Mortality reporting
? Morbidity reporting
? Epidemiological reporting
? Mediclaim reimbursements
? Health planning
? Resource allocations
? Medical tourism
? Data portability in different systems
? Medical research
7. Methodology
? Cross sectional study
? Sample size- 20 hospitals
o 5 hospitals >200 beds
o 2 hospitals =100 beds
o 13 hospitals< 100 beds
? Depth interview
o Statistician
o Professors
o Doctors
8. Finding
No 1of Hospitals using ICD-10
11. Challenges
? Diagnosis not written (OPD and IPD) properly, reason:
o Short forms
o Illegible
o Without secondary diagnosis
o Other morbid conditions
? Less initiative by hospital authorities
? Benefit analysis is not in place
? Inadequate Electronic methods for data collections and
software technologies
? Strong government initiative
? Less trained manpower
12. Recommendations
? Cost, effort and benefit analysis
? Adoptions of electronic methods
? Customized soft ware technologies from various EMR
? Capacity building initiatives, workshops, who facilitated ICD
-10 soft wares and initiatives by private hospitals
? Inclusion of ICD 10 in the UG and PG curriculum of medical
? Department wise codes display
? Hand outs and manuals in recording data in primary level
having ICD codes and training for the same
? Support from the medical fraternity in implementation
13. Present advancement
? National Library of Medicine¡¯s Unified Medical Language
System (UMLS).
? Mechanism for the distribution of clinical terminologies
and classifications ,mappings between terminologies and
between terminologies and classifications.
? The maps will be distributed via the UMLS Met
? The ICD-11 will be available in 2015
14. Scope for health care professionals
? Training and orientation
? Software having ICD-10 compliance
? Format of prescriptions
? Data capturing manuals
? Medical record department
17. Examples
? Apollo Hospital
? ICD 10 implemented since 1993. MRD inter-linked through
LAN with OPD emergency and IPD
? Medical Records are scanned and stored in electronic
? PGI Rohtak
? Booklet containing 20 pages of ICD 10 3 digit codes on
? The basis of all the three volumes of ICD 10 book was
? Involvement of ICD 10 in UG, PG medical curriculum ,
? Availability of Window based ICD 10 software,
? Senior faculty members be made aware of ICD 10 and its
18. Conclusion
? Information is used as technology & created from Data
? Tool, collection methods, credibility, Uniformity and
? Medical science itself has survived on data
? ICD 10 will help in
o Health planning
o Forecasting of disease patterns
o Resource allocation
o Clinical decision support system
o Research
o Compliance with MOCRA
19. Reference
? SHIB(state health intelligence bureau)
? BJ medical college
? Ruby hall clinic
? Jehangir hospital
? Noble hospital
? Sahyadri hospital
? Sancheti orthopedic hospital
? Poona research center
? ABMH (Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital)
? Columbia Asia
Editor's Notes
A classification of diseases may be defined as a system of categories to which morbid entities are assigned according to established criteria. Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005, 1: Tabular List.
ICD 10 coding was introduced by WHO in the year 1993 and India adopted the same in the year 2000. l records coded uniformly using ICD 10 form a vast data base and conclusions drawn on the processed data are extremely important for understanding the public health situation of the country.
out of 192 member countries of WHO in the world, 109 countries have implemented ICD 101: Tabular List2: Instruction Manual3: Alphabetical
Analysis of morbidity records by a health facility will provide information on the treatment load by different specialties and will help to make provision for tackling the load in a hospital. analysis of mortality records of a facility will indicate those diseases and health problems which are the underlying causes of death in the particular area
ICD 10 coding is being done by the doctors. No files in MRD are taken without proper coding.