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Marking Scheme


The following scheme was designed by Veronica Baig and Pierre
Wilhelm of Athabasca University, with assistance from David
Brundage. It is based on a survey of similar instruments at a number
of universities and colleges, both in North America and abroad.

Contentrefers to the following elements:

       a clear understanding and complete analysis of the topic
       (given the length/scope of the assignment)
       an awareness of audience and purpose
       the use of appropriate quotations (where relevant)
       originality of ideas and expression
       appropriate evidence of reading and research (where

10 Outstanding                          Original ideas well
                                        developed, relevant, and
                                        thoroughly supported
                                        Analysis complete
                                        Ideas and expressions
                                        Evidence of reading and
                                        research apparent (where
                             Perceptive insights
                             Text interesting

9 Excellent                  Topic coverage complete
                             Appropriate elements
                             achieved to a high degree
                             Many ideas and expressions
                             Some evidence of research
                             (where appropriate)
                             Text interesting and shows

8 Very good                  Topic coverage mainly
                             Most elements completed

7 Good                       Topic coverage nearly
                             completeminor omissions
                             Analysis weak in places

6 Satisfactory               Topic coverage basic
                             Evidence of some analysis

5 Sufficient-improvement     Topic coverage just
  needed                     adequate
                             Other elements present at a
                             basic level
                             Minor omissions in some

4 Insufficientremediation   Topic coverage inadequate
  suggested                  Analysis lacking
                             Text uninteresting
                             Omissions in several

                                       Intent of the writing difficult
                                       to understand
                                       Omissions in most elements

2                                      Text unfocussed and
                                       Major omissions in all
    Unsatisfactoryremedial            elements
    work needed
1                                      Off-topic
                                       Complete lack of audience
                                       Text unfocussed and

Organizationrefers to the following elements:

       A clear thesis statement
       A variety of effective transitions to make the writing 鐃flow鐃
       Appropriate and logical structure both within the assignment
       as a whole and within the paragraph
       Good main ideas at the paragraph level
       Maintenance of 鐃purpose鐃 of the writing
       An introduction, development and conclusion (paragraphs at
       the essay level; sentences at the paragraph level
       Effective sentence variety
       An awareness of audience

10 Outstanding                         Arguments thoroughly
                                       Strong links between
                                       sentences and paragraphs
                                       making the text logical
                                       Appropriate introduction,
                                       development and conclusion
                                       Mastery of the
organizational elements

9 Excellent                   Appropriate elements
                              achieved to a high degree
                              Structure logical and readily

8 Very good                   Structure apparent
                              Effective transitions
                              Most elements completed

7 Good                        Some minor omissions so
                              that 鐃flow鐃 is not well
                              Structure mainly discernible

6 Satisfactory                Structure apparent but at a
                              basic level
                              Omissions in some elements
                              cause 鐃flow鐃 problems

5 Sufficientimprovement      Structure just adequate
    needed                    Other elements present at a
                              basic level
                              Problems with some
                              elements cause lack of

4 Insufficientremediation    Structure inadequate
    suggested                 Lack of logical connection
                              between parts of writing
                              Omissions in several

                              Structure and 鐃flow鐃
    Unsatisfactoryremedial   problems cause confusion
    work needed               No clear purpose to the
                                       Omissions generalized

2                                      Structure unfocussed and
                                       Shift(s) of purpose
                                       Major omissions in elements

1                                      Purpose unsupported by
                                       Complete lack of audience
                                       Shift of focus and purpose
                                       Major omissions generalized

Mechanicsrefers to the following elements:

      Spelling, correct and consistent in usage
      Punctuation, correct, consistent and with appropriate variety
      Proper use of documentation technique
      Legibility, particularly of hand written assignments
      Documentation style correct and complete

10 Outstanding                         Mastery of all elements
                                       No errors

9 Excellent                            All elements achieved to
                                       high degree
                                       One or two minor errors

8 Very good                            Most elements completed
                                       Minor errors only, not
                                       affecting meaning

7 Good                                 Minor errors in at least three
                                       Errors not affecting

6 Satisfactory                         Errors in all elements
                                       Errors distract reader and
                                       interfere with

5 Sufficientimprovement               Errors in all elements
    needed                             Errors affect meaning
                                       Use of elements is only

4 Insufficientremediation             Major errors in more than
    suggested                          one element
                                       Inconsistency of usage
                                       Errors cause some
                                       comprehension problems

                                       Major errors in most
3                                      elements

2                                      Major errors in all elements
                                       Errors cause
    Unsatisfactoryremedial            comprehension problems
    work needed
1                                      Complete, or almost
                                       complete lack of elements
                                       Errors cause serious
                                       comprehension problems

Grammarrefers to the following elements:

       Sentence formation; clauses and phrases appropriately
       formed and connected
       Word order and form
       Verb tense, form, voice (active or passive), and mood
(indicative, imperative, subjunctive)
      Subject-verb agreement
      Pronoun case forms and pronoun agreement with antecedent
      Appropriate adjective and adverb form
      Appropriate use of modifiers
      Direct and indirect speech

10 Outstanding                        Correction of text not
                                      A variety of complex
                                      grammatical structures used
                                      Evidence of mastery of
                                      advanced and complex

9 Excellent                           Text is almost perfect
                                      Evidence of near mastery of
                                      advanced and complex
                                      All appropriate elements
                                      achieved at high level of

8 Very good                           Most elements completed
                                      well; only a few minor errors
                                      High level achievement of
                                      most elements

7 Good                                Minor errors in more than
                                      one type of structure
                                      Meaning and comprehension
                                      not affected by errors
                                      Variety of complex
                                      structures is used

6 Satisfactory                        Minor errors in several types
                                      of structure
                                      Errors distracting but no
interference with

5 Sufficientimprovement               Some major errors apparent
    needed                             and several minor ones
                                       Errors cause some problems
                                       with clarity or cause minor

4 Insufficientremediation             Variety of major, global
    suggested                          errors
                                       Errors distract reader,
                                       impeding meaning and

                                       Pervasive and major errors
                                       Errors present serious
                                       impediment to meaning and

2                                      Errors basic and pervasive in
    work needed
                                       Comprehension difficult

1                                      Numerous errors, even basic
                                       Text incomprehensible

Stylerefers to the following elements:

       Evidence of stylistic control
       Writing at the appropriate language level (informal, general,
       Writing appropriate to content, subject, purpose, and
       Demonstration of effective tone and appropriate vocabulary
       Evidence of creativity
       Length and complexity of sentences
Maintenance of consistent style

Common indicators of stylistic problems include:

      Shift of focus
      Monotonous repetition of one or two syntactical patterns
      Change in level or tone
      Pretension (attempt at outward show of ability that appears to
      be false or inaccurate)
      Use of slang expressions and clich鐃s
      Choppiness (short, unconnected sentences)

10 Outstanding                          Evidence of mastery of all
                                        appropriate elements
                                        Style perceptive and

9 Excellent                             All appropriate elements
                                        achieved to high degree

8 Very good                             Most elements completed
                                        No significantly detraction
                                        from writing from minor

7 Good                                  Some omissions in several
                                        Omissions begin to detract
                                        from writing

6 Satisfactory                          Inconsistent application of
                                        style rules
                                        Elements present at basic
                                        level only

5 Sufficientimprovement                Most elements present at
   needed                               basic level
                                        Inconsistencies and
omissions detract from the

4 Insufficientremediation               Some basic elements
    suggested                            missing
                                         Inconsistencies and
                                         omissions a serious

                                         Most skills insufficient for
3                                        assignment
                                         Omissions generalized

2                                        Text unfocussed and
    Unsatisfactoryremedial              confusing
    work needed                          Major omissions in elements

1                                        Text unstructured and
                                         Lack of all required skills

Commentary on the Marking Scheme

All five categoriescontent, organization, mechanics, grammar,
style-- are usually weighted equally in most composition courses,
whereas mechanics, grammar, and style are sometimes not so
heavily weighted in writing for various other courses. It is therefore
important to assess your skills in all five categories, especially the
last four, at the beginning of your post-secondary composition

Depending on your computer capabilities, you may be able to access
the Athabasca University English Language Self-assessment Test on
line and to receive a score and diagnosis automatically. This test is
free and should take no more than two hours. It may be accessed at
the following web site:

This is a multi-purpose test, not intended only for students with
English as a second language. It will provide a score out of 115, along
with a recommendation of the level of course that appears suitable
for your current skill base. AU English 255: Introductory Composition
is a typical first-year English writing course. If you are advised to
consider a lower-level course, then be aware that you may need
considerable work in certain areas to be ready for your English
requirement, regardless of which post-secondary institution you plan
to attend.

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Compo marking scheme

  • 1. Marking Scheme Content Organization Mechanics Grammar Style Commentary The following scheme was designed by Veronica Baig and Pierre Wilhelm of Athabasca University, with assistance from David Brundage. It is based on a survey of similar instruments at a number of universities and colleges, both in North America and abroad. Contentrefers to the following elements: a clear understanding and complete analysis of the topic (given the length/scope of the assignment) an awareness of audience and purpose the use of appropriate quotations (where relevant) originality of ideas and expression appropriate evidence of reading and research (where relevant) 10 Outstanding Original ideas well developed, relevant, and thoroughly supported Analysis complete Ideas and expressions original Evidence of reading and research apparent (where
  • 2. appropriate) Perceptive insights Text interesting 9 Excellent Topic coverage complete Appropriate elements achieved to a high degree Many ideas and expressions original Some evidence of research (where appropriate) Text interesting and shows promise 8 Very good Topic coverage mainly complete Most elements completed well 7 Good Topic coverage nearly completeminor omissions only Analysis weak in places 6 Satisfactory Topic coverage basic Evidence of some analysis 5 Sufficient-improvement Topic coverage just needed adequate Other elements present at a basic level Minor omissions in some elements 4 Insufficientremediation Topic coverage inadequate suggested Analysis lacking Text uninteresting Omissions in several
  • 3. elements Intent of the writing difficult to understand 3 Omissions in most elements 2 Text unfocussed and confusing Major omissions in all Unsatisfactoryremedial elements work needed 1 Off-topic Complete lack of audience awareness Text unfocussed and confusing Organizationrefers to the following elements: A clear thesis statement A variety of effective transitions to make the writing 鐃flow鐃 Appropriate and logical structure both within the assignment as a whole and within the paragraph Good main ideas at the paragraph level Maintenance of 鐃purpose鐃 of the writing An introduction, development and conclusion (paragraphs at the essay level; sentences at the paragraph level Effective sentence variety An awareness of audience 10 Outstanding Arguments thoroughly developed Strong links between sentences and paragraphs making the text logical Appropriate introduction, development and conclusion Mastery of the
  • 4. organizational elements 9 Excellent Appropriate elements achieved to a high degree Structure logical and readily discernible 8 Very good Structure apparent Effective transitions Most elements completed well 7 Good Some minor omissions so that 鐃flow鐃 is not well maintained Structure mainly discernible 6 Satisfactory Structure apparent but at a basic level Omissions in some elements cause 鐃flow鐃 problems 5 Sufficientimprovement Structure just adequate needed Other elements present at a basic level Problems with some elements cause lack of 鐃flow鐃 4 Insufficientremediation Structure inadequate suggested Lack of logical connection between parts of writing Omissions in several elements Structure and 鐃flow鐃 3 Unsatisfactoryremedial problems cause confusion work needed No clear purpose to the
  • 5. writing Omissions generalized 2 Structure unfocussed and confusing Shift(s) of purpose Major omissions in elements 1 Purpose unsupported by structure Complete lack of audience awareness Shift of focus and purpose Major omissions generalized Mechanicsrefers to the following elements: Spelling, correct and consistent in usage Punctuation, correct, consistent and with appropriate variety Capitalization Proper use of documentation technique Legibility, particularly of hand written assignments Documentation style correct and complete 10 Outstanding Mastery of all elements No errors 9 Excellent All elements achieved to high degree One or two minor errors only 8 Very good Most elements completed well Minor errors only, not affecting meaning 7 Good Minor errors in at least three
  • 6. elements Errors not affecting meaning 6 Satisfactory Errors in all elements Errors distract reader and interfere with understanding 5 Sufficientimprovement Errors in all elements needed Errors affect meaning Use of elements is only basic 4 Insufficientremediation Major errors in more than suggested one element Inconsistency of usage Errors cause some comprehension problems Major errors in most 3 elements 2 Major errors in all elements Errors cause Unsatisfactoryremedial comprehension problems work needed 1 Complete, or almost complete lack of elements Errors cause serious comprehension problems Grammarrefers to the following elements: Sentence formation; clauses and phrases appropriately formed and connected Word order and form Verb tense, form, voice (active or passive), and mood
  • 7. (indicative, imperative, subjunctive) Subject-verb agreement Pronoun case forms and pronoun agreement with antecedent Appropriate adjective and adverb form Parallelism Appropriate use of modifiers Direct and indirect speech 10 Outstanding Correction of text not required A variety of complex grammatical structures used Evidence of mastery of advanced and complex structures 9 Excellent Text is almost perfect Evidence of near mastery of advanced and complex structures All appropriate elements achieved at high level of competence 8 Very good Most elements completed well; only a few minor errors High level achievement of most elements 7 Good Minor errors in more than one type of structure Meaning and comprehension not affected by errors Variety of complex structures is used 6 Satisfactory Minor errors in several types of structure Errors distracting but no
  • 8. interference with comprehension 5 Sufficientimprovement Some major errors apparent needed and several minor ones Errors cause some problems with clarity or cause minor confusion 4 Insufficientremediation Variety of major, global suggested errors Errors distract reader, impeding meaning and comprehension Pervasive and major errors Errors present serious 3 impediment to meaning and comprehension 2 Errors basic and pervasive in Unsatisfactoryremedial nature work needed Comprehension difficult 1 Numerous errors, even basic ones Text incomprehensible Stylerefers to the following elements: Evidence of stylistic control Writing at the appropriate language level (informal, general, formal) Writing appropriate to content, subject, purpose, and audience Demonstration of effective tone and appropriate vocabulary Evidence of creativity Length and complexity of sentences
  • 9. Maintenance of consistent style Common indicators of stylistic problems include: Shift of focus Monotonous repetition of one or two syntactical patterns Change in level or tone Pretension (attempt at outward show of ability that appears to be false or inaccurate) Use of slang expressions and clich鐃s Choppiness (short, unconnected sentences) 10 Outstanding Evidence of mastery of all appropriate elements Style perceptive and consistent 9 Excellent All appropriate elements achieved to high degree 8 Very good Most elements completed well No significantly detraction from writing from minor omission 7 Good Some omissions in several categories Omissions begin to detract from writing 6 Satisfactory Inconsistent application of style rules Elements present at basic level only 5 Sufficientimprovement Most elements present at needed basic level Inconsistencies and
  • 10. omissions detract from the writing 4 Insufficientremediation Some basic elements suggested missing Inconsistencies and omissions a serious distraction Most skills insufficient for 3 assignment Omissions generalized 2 Text unfocussed and Unsatisfactoryremedial confusing work needed Major omissions in elements 1 Text unstructured and incoherent Lack of all required skills Commentary on the Marking Scheme All five categoriescontent, organization, mechanics, grammar, style-- are usually weighted equally in most composition courses, whereas mechanics, grammar, and style are sometimes not so heavily weighted in writing for various other courses. It is therefore important to assess your skills in all five categories, especially the last four, at the beginning of your post-secondary composition course. Depending on your computer capabilities, you may be able to access the Athabasca University English Language Self-assessment Test on line and to receive a score and diagnosis automatically. This test is free and should take no more than two hours. It may be accessed at the following web site: http://www.athabascau.ca/html/services/counselling/esl/
  • 11. This is a multi-purpose test, not intended only for students with English as a second language. It will provide a score out of 115, along with a recommendation of the level of course that appears suitable for your current skill base. AU English 255: Introductory Composition is a typical first-year English writing course. If you are advised to consider a lower-level course, then be aware that you may need considerable work in certain areas to be ready for your English requirement, regardless of which post-secondary institution you plan to attend.