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CompTIA Continuing Education Program Activity Chart

Activity                             Units Earned                       Submission Requirement             Max CEUs Earned               Activity Guidelines
Presenting content relevant          2 CEUs for each hour of material   Presentation description,          CompTIA A+ - 6 CEUs           This activity pertains to
to the highest-level CompTIA         creation;                          including time and date,           CompTIA Network+ - 9 CEUs     developing and delivering a
certi鍖cation held                    1 CEU for each hour presenting     content, location, and number      CompTIA Security+ - 15 CEUs   presentation that demonstrates
                                                                        of attendees. Must also submit a                                 knowledge relevant to your
                                                                        copy of the presentation.                                        IT profession. This does not
                                                                                                                                         include product presentations/
                                                                                                                                         Example: You are a CompTIA
                                                                                                                                         Network+ certi鍖ed professional
                                                                                                                                         and youre presenting to your
                                                                                                                                         executive team a possible
                                                                                                                                         solution for improving the
                                                                                                                                         security on the network.
Teaching content relevant to         2 CEUs for each hour of material   Lesson plan or description of      CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs          This activity pertains to
the highest level CompTIA            creation;                          content covered, delivery time     CompTIA Network+ - 15 CEUs    developing and delivering
certi鍖cation held                    1 CEU for each hour presenting     and date(s), session location,     CompTIA Security+ - 20 CEUs   educational content applicable
                                                                        and number of attendees                                          to an IT profession. The
                                                                                                                                         content must be IT- speci鍖c
                                                                                                                                         and demonstrate knowledge
                                                                                                                                         relevant to your IT profession.
                                                                                                                                         Example: You are a CompTIA
                                                                                                                                         Security+ certi鍖ed professional
                                                                                                                                         and you teach a course on
                                                                                                                                         Securing the Cloud.
Participation in non-degree          1 CEU for each hour of validated   Training event description,        CompTIA A+ - 16 CEUs          This activity pertains to the
courses and/or training sessions     training                           including content covered,         CompTIA Network+ - 24 CEUs    participation and completion
designed to train to higher level                                       date(s) of participation,          CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs   of a course(s) and/or training
CompTIA certi鍖cations relevant                                          number of hours and proof                                        session that is structured
to certi鍖cation held or to updated                                      of completion from training                                      to prepare for CompTIA
version of the exam held                                                provider                                                         certi鍖cations.
Includes authorized classroom
or computer-based training
using CAQC approved content
See the list of unauthorized
training providers at:
Participation in non-degree          1 CEU for each hour of validated   Training event description,        CompTIA A+ - 16 CEUs          This activity pertains to the
courses or training sessions         training                           including content covered,         CompTIA Network+ - 24 CEUs    participation and completion of
relevant to the highest level                                           date(s) of participation,          CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs   a course(s) that are structured
CompTIA certi鍖cation held or                                            number of hours and proof                                        to educate on an IT topic(s)
to updated version of the exam                                          of completion from training                                      relevant to your IT profession.
held                                                                    provider                                                         Example: You are a CompTIA
Includes authorized classroom                                                                                                            Network+ certi鍖ed professional
or computer-based training.                                                                                                              and you have taken a course
Professional simulations and                                                                                                             at a local training center on
practice exercises are also                                                                                                              Wireless LAN Foundations
applicable.                                                                                                                              or have completed an online
See the list of unauthorized                                                                                                             course(s) on networking and
training providers at:                                                                                                                   operating systems.

Participation in a relevant           1 CEU for each hour spent in    Description of activity            CompTIA A+ - 4 CEUs                This activity pertains to
industry event, seminar,              relevant session                attended, including content        CompTIA Network+ - 6 CEUs          participation in educational
workshop, podcast/webinar or                                          covered, time(s) and date(s)       CompTIA Security+ - 10 CEUs        industry events that are
conference                                                            of participation, location                                            intended to impart knowledge
                                                                      (where applicable) and proof of                                       relevant to your IT profession.
                                                                      completion provided by activity                                       Example: You are CompTIA
                                                                      host                                                                  A+ certi鍖ed professional and
                                                                                                                                            you have attended a one-
                                                                                                                                            hour Webinar on Exchange
                                                                                                                                            Outlook 2010  Problems and
Participation in relevant             10 CEUs per successful          Signed form from workshop          CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs               This activity pertains to
CompTIA exam development              workshop completion             coordinator con鍖rming              CompTIA Network+ - 20 CEUs         participation in a 3-5 day onsite
workshop                                                              successful workshop completion     CompTIA Security+ - 30 CEUs        CompTIA exam development
                                                                                                                                            Go to: http://www.comptia.org/
                                                                                                                                            aspx to 鍖nd out more about
                                                                                                                                            upcoming workshops and
                                                                                                                                            requirements. for workshop
Publishing a relevant industry        4 CEUs per article or white     Description of the content         CompTIA A+ - 8 CEUs for            This activity pertains to
article, white paper, blog post       paper;                          covered, link to or copy of the    articles, white papers, blog       authoring and publishing
or book                               1 CEU per blog post;            published work; the author         posts;                             content applicable to the IT
                                                                      credit must be the candidate       20 CEUs for books                  profession. The content must
                                      20 CEUs per published book
                                                                      seeking CE units                   CompTIA Network+ - 12 CEUs         be IT speci鍖c and demonstrate
                                                                      Articles and White Papers, min.    for articles, white papers, blog   knowledge associated to your IT
                                                                      4 pages (Note: multiple articles   posts;                             profession.
                                                                      can be combined to meet the 4      20 CEUs for books                  Example: You are a CompTIA
                                                                      page requirement)                  CompTIA Security+ - 20 CEUs        A+ certi鍖ed professional
                                                                                                         You can complete one or more       and your blog post on
                                                                      Blog post, min. 1000 words
                                                                                                         of these activities individually   Troubleshooting Hardware
                                                                      Book, min. 150 pages
                                                                                                         or in combination to earn the      Problems is published to a site
                                                                                                         max amount of CEUs for this        for IT professionals.
                                                                                                         category of activities.

Obtaining an industry                 Full Units earned               If higher level certi鍖cation       No Max  Full credits earned       This activity pertains to obtaining
certi鍖cation relevant to              20 CEUs for CompTIA A+          is granted by CompTIA for                                             an approved higher level industry
the highest level CompTIA                                             CompTIA A+, CompTIA                                                   certi鍖cation.
                                      30 CEUs for CompTIA Network+
certi鍖cation held                                                     Network+ or CompTIA Security+,                                        See CompTIA CE Higher Level
                                      50 CEUs for CompTIA Security+
                                                                      no submission required.                                               Certi鍖cations chart for quali鍖ed
For an individual who is                                              If higher level certi鍖cation is                                       certi鍖cations
considered certi鍖ed for life the                                    not granted by CompTIA                                               Example: You are enrolled in
higher level certi鍖cation must be                                     or are for other CompTIA                                              the CompTIA CE program for
earned within 90 days prior to CE                                     approved certi鍖cations, proof of                                      CompTIA A+ and choose to earn
program enrollment or within the                                      certi鍖cation from certi鍖cation                                        CEUs by certifying in CompTIA
current three year CE cycle. For                                      body is required                                                      Network+.
an individual certi鍖ed after Jan 1,
2011 the higher level certi鍖cation
must be earned within the current
three year CE cycle.
Completing industry related               10 CEUs per completion of 3-4            Copy of transcript from a                CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs                      This activity pertains to the
 college courses from a degree-            credit hour course                       degree-granting institution,             CompTIA Network+ -20 CEUs                 successful completion of an IT
 granting institution                                                               including student name, course           CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs               related course from a degree-
                                                                                    description, course completion                                                     granting institution.
                                                                                    date, grade and number of
                                                                                    credits earned
                                                                                                                                                                       Example: You are a CompTIA
                                                                                                                                                                       Security+ certi鍖ed professional
                                                                                                                                                                       and you are taking a course at
                                                                                                                                                                       a local community college on
                                                                                                                                                                       Cyber Security.

 Active participation on an IT-            2 CEUs per year of participation,        Board name and charter, your             CompTIA A+ - 6 CEUs                       This activity pertains to active
 related Board                             must submit information each             role and level of participation on       CompTIA Network+ -6 CEUs                  participation on an IT relevant
                                           year to earn annual units                the board, timeframe in which            CompTIA Security+ - 6 CEUs                industry board.
                                                                                    you are an active board member

                                                                                                                                                                       Example: You are a CompTIA
                                                                                                                                                                       Network+ certi鍖ed professional
                                                                                                                                                                       and you are a member of your
                                                                                                                                                                       local networking association

 Work Experience                           3 CEUs per year, must submit            Submission must be on                    CompTIA A+ - 9 CEUs                       This activity pertains to
                                           information each year to earn            employer letterhead and contain          CompTIA Network+ - 9 CEUs                 demonstrating the application
                                           annual units                             the following information:               CompTIA Security+ - 9 CEUs                of the knowledge validated by
                                                                                    - Current job title                                                                your highest level CompTIA
                                                                                                                                                                       certi鍖cation held.
                                                                                    - Brief description of
                                                                                      expectation of tasks to be
                                                                                      performed in this job
                                                                                    - duration in this job (start and
                                                                                      end dates)
                                                                                    - con鍖rmation by employer
                                                                                      the participant is meeting the
                                                                                      expectations of an individual
                                                                                      holding this and/or similar
                                                                                      job title
                                                                                    - Signature of the participants

Chart updated 12/17/10 version 1.0
Note: All activities and CompTIA continuing education requirements are subject to change without prior noti鍖cation. Qualifying activities and units earned based on the activity chart posted as of the submis-
sion date of the activity and not the activity completion date.
CompTIA CE Higher Level Certi鍖cations

                                               Quali鍖ed Higher Level Certi鍖cations for
                                               earning full CEU credits
                                               CompTIA Network+                       SCP  SCNP
                                               CompTIA Security+                      SCP  SCNA
                                               CompTIA PDI+                           ISACA  CISA
                                               CompTIA CTP+                           ISACA - CISM
                                               CompTIA Linux+ (powered                ISC2  CISSP
                                               by LPI)                                ISC2  CAP
                                               CompTIA Server+                        ISC2  SSCP
                                               SANS - GSEC                            Microsoft  MCDST
                                               SANS - GSE                             Microsoft  MCSE
                                               SANS - GISF                            Microsoft  MCSA
                                               SANS - GSLC                            Cisco  CCNA
                                               SANS - GCIH                            Cisco - CCNP

                                               CompTIA Security+                      ISACA - CISM
                                               CompTIA CTP+                           SC2  CISSP
                                               CompTIA Server+                        ISC2  CAP
                                               SANS - GSEC                            ISC2  SSCP
                                               SANS - GSE                             Microsoft  MCSE
                                               SANS - GISF                            Microsoft  MCSA
                                               SANS - GSLC                            Cisco  CCNA
                                               SANS - GCIH                            Cisco  CCNP
                                               SCP  SCNP                             Cisco  CCVP
                                               SCP  SCNA                             Cisco  CCIE
                                               ISACA  CISA                           Cisco - CCSP

                                               SANS - GSE                             ISC2  CISSP
                                               SANS - GISF                            ISC2  CAP
                                               SANS - GSLC                            ISC2  SSCP
                                               SANS - GCIH                            Microsoft  MCSE
                                               SCP  SCNP                             Microsoft  MCSA
                                               SCP  SCNA                             Cisco  CCNA Security
                                               ISACA  CISA                           Cisco  CCIE Security
                                               ISACA - CISM                           Cisco - CCSP

息2010 Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction or dissemination prohibited without written
consent of CompTIA.

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CompTIA CEU Activity Chart

  • 1. CompTIA Continuing Education Program Activity Chart Activity Units Earned Submission Requirement Max CEUs Earned Activity Guidelines Presenting content relevant 2 CEUs for each hour of material Presentation description, CompTIA A+ - 6 CEUs This activity pertains to to the highest-level CompTIA creation; including time and date, CompTIA Network+ - 9 CEUs developing and delivering a certi鍖cation held 1 CEU for each hour presenting content, location, and number CompTIA Security+ - 15 CEUs presentation that demonstrates of attendees. Must also submit a knowledge relevant to your copy of the presentation. IT profession. This does not include product presentations/ demonstrations. Example: You are a CompTIA Network+ certi鍖ed professional and youre presenting to your executive team a possible solution for improving the security on the network. Teaching content relevant to 2 CEUs for each hour of material Lesson plan or description of CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs This activity pertains to the highest level CompTIA creation; content covered, delivery time CompTIA Network+ - 15 CEUs developing and delivering certi鍖cation held 1 CEU for each hour presenting and date(s), session location, CompTIA Security+ - 20 CEUs educational content applicable and number of attendees to an IT profession. The content must be IT- speci鍖c and demonstrate knowledge relevant to your IT profession. Example: You are a CompTIA Security+ certi鍖ed professional and you teach a course on Securing the Cloud. Participation in non-degree 1 CEU for each hour of validated Training event description, CompTIA A+ - 16 CEUs This activity pertains to the courses and/or training sessions training including content covered, CompTIA Network+ - 24 CEUs participation and completion designed to train to higher level date(s) of participation, CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs of a course(s) and/or training CompTIA certi鍖cations relevant number of hours and proof session that is structured to certi鍖cation held or to updated of completion from training to prepare for CompTIA version of the exam held provider certi鍖cations. Includes authorized classroom or computer-based training using CAQC approved content See the list of unauthorized training providers at: http://www.comptia.org/ certi鍖cations/policies/ unauthorized.aspx Participation in non-degree 1 CEU for each hour of validated Training event description, CompTIA A+ - 16 CEUs This activity pertains to the courses or training sessions training including content covered, CompTIA Network+ - 24 CEUs participation and completion of relevant to the highest level date(s) of participation, CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs a course(s) that are structured CompTIA certi鍖cation held or number of hours and proof to educate on an IT topic(s) to updated version of the exam of completion from training relevant to your IT profession. held provider Example: You are a CompTIA Includes authorized classroom Network+ certi鍖ed professional or computer-based training. and you have taken a course Professional simulations and at a local training center on practice exercises are also Wireless LAN Foundations applicable. or have completed an online See the list of unauthorized course(s) on networking and training providers at: operating systems. http://www.comptia.org/ certi鍖cations/policies/ unauthorized.aspx
  • 2. Participation in a relevant 1 CEU for each hour spent in Description of activity CompTIA A+ - 4 CEUs This activity pertains to industry event, seminar, relevant session attended, including content CompTIA Network+ - 6 CEUs participation in educational workshop, podcast/webinar or covered, time(s) and date(s) CompTIA Security+ - 10 CEUs industry events that are conference of participation, location intended to impart knowledge (where applicable) and proof of relevant to your IT profession. completion provided by activity Example: You are CompTIA host A+ certi鍖ed professional and you have attended a one- hour Webinar on Exchange Outlook 2010 Problems and Solutions. Participation in relevant 10 CEUs per successful Signed form from workshop CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs This activity pertains to CompTIA exam development workshop completion coordinator con鍖rming CompTIA Network+ - 20 CEUs participation in a 3-5 day onsite workshop successful workshop completion CompTIA Security+ - 30 CEUs CompTIA exam development workshop. Go to: http://www.comptia.org/ certi鍖cations/examdevelopment. aspx to 鍖nd out more about upcoming workshops and requirements. for workshop participation. Publishing a relevant industry 4 CEUs per article or white Description of the content CompTIA A+ - 8 CEUs for This activity pertains to article, white paper, blog post paper; covered, link to or copy of the articles, white papers, blog authoring and publishing or book 1 CEU per blog post; published work; the author posts; content applicable to the IT credit must be the candidate 20 CEUs for books profession. The content must 20 CEUs per published book seeking CE units CompTIA Network+ - 12 CEUs be IT speci鍖c and demonstrate Articles and White Papers, min. for articles, white papers, blog knowledge associated to your IT 4 pages (Note: multiple articles posts; profession. can be combined to meet the 4 20 CEUs for books Example: You are a CompTIA page requirement) CompTIA Security+ - 20 CEUs A+ certi鍖ed professional You can complete one or more and your blog post on Blog post, min. 1000 words of these activities individually Troubleshooting Hardware Book, min. 150 pages or in combination to earn the Problems is published to a site max amount of CEUs for this for IT professionals. category of activities. Obtaining an industry Full Units earned If higher level certi鍖cation No Max Full credits earned This activity pertains to obtaining certi鍖cation relevant to 20 CEUs for CompTIA A+ is granted by CompTIA for an approved higher level industry the highest level CompTIA CompTIA A+, CompTIA certi鍖cation. 30 CEUs for CompTIA Network+ certi鍖cation held Network+ or CompTIA Security+, See CompTIA CE Higher Level 50 CEUs for CompTIA Security+ no submission required. Certi鍖cations chart for quali鍖ed For an individual who is If higher level certi鍖cation is certi鍖cations considered certi鍖ed for life the not granted by CompTIA Example: You are enrolled in higher level certi鍖cation must be or are for other CompTIA the CompTIA CE program for earned within 90 days prior to CE approved certi鍖cations, proof of CompTIA A+ and choose to earn program enrollment or within the certi鍖cation from certi鍖cation CEUs by certifying in CompTIA current three year CE cycle. For body is required Network+. an individual certi鍖ed after Jan 1, 2011 the higher level certi鍖cation must be earned within the current three year CE cycle.
  • 3. Completing industry related 10 CEUs per completion of 3-4 Copy of transcript from a CompTIA A+ - 10 CEUs This activity pertains to the college courses from a degree- credit hour course degree-granting institution, CompTIA Network+ -20 CEUs successful completion of an IT granting institution including student name, course CompTIA Security+ - 40 CEUs related course from a degree- description, course completion granting institution. date, grade and number of credits earned Example: You are a CompTIA Security+ certi鍖ed professional and you are taking a course at a local community college on Cyber Security. Active participation on an IT- 2 CEUs per year of participation, Board name and charter, your CompTIA A+ - 6 CEUs This activity pertains to active related Board must submit information each role and level of participation on CompTIA Network+ -6 CEUs participation on an IT relevant year to earn annual units the board, timeframe in which CompTIA Security+ - 6 CEUs industry board. you are an active board member Example: You are a CompTIA Network+ certi鍖ed professional and you are a member of your local networking association chapter. Work Experience 3 CEUs per year, must submit Submission must be on CompTIA A+ - 9 CEUs This activity pertains to information each year to earn employer letterhead and contain CompTIA Network+ - 9 CEUs demonstrating the application annual units the following information: CompTIA Security+ - 9 CEUs of the knowledge validated by - Current job title your highest level CompTIA certi鍖cation held. - Brief description of expectation of tasks to be performed in this job - duration in this job (start and end dates) - con鍖rmation by employer the participant is meeting the expectations of an individual holding this and/or similar job title - Signature of the participants supervisor Chart updated 12/17/10 version 1.0 Note: All activities and CompTIA continuing education requirements are subject to change without prior noti鍖cation. Qualifying activities and units earned based on the activity chart posted as of the submis- sion date of the activity and not the activity completion date.
  • 4. CompTIA CE Higher Level Certi鍖cations Quali鍖ed Higher Level Certi鍖cations for Certi鍖cation earning full CEU credits CompTIA Network+ SCP SCNP CompTIA Security+ SCP SCNA CompTIA PDI+ ISACA CISA CompTIA CTP+ ISACA - CISM CompTIA Linux+ (powered ISC2 CISSP by LPI) ISC2 CAP CompTIA Server+ ISC2 SSCP SANS - GSEC Microsoft MCDST SANS - GSE Microsoft MCSE SANS - GISF Microsoft MCSA SANS - GSLC Cisco CCNA SANS - GCIH Cisco - CCNP CompTIA Security+ ISACA - CISM CompTIA CTP+ SC2 CISSP CompTIA Server+ ISC2 CAP SANS - GSEC ISC2 SSCP SANS - GSE Microsoft MCSE SANS - GISF Microsoft MCSA SANS - GSLC Cisco CCNA SANS - GCIH Cisco CCNP SCP SCNP Cisco CCVP SCP SCNA Cisco CCIE ISACA CISA Cisco - CCSP SANS - GSE ISC2 CISSP SANS - GISF ISC2 CAP SANS - GSLC ISC2 SSCP SANS - GCIH Microsoft MCSE SCP SCNP Microsoft MCSA SCP SCNA Cisco CCNA Security ISACA CISA Cisco CCIE Security ISACA - CISM Cisco - CCSP 息2010 Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction or dissemination prohibited without written consent of CompTIA.