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Computer fa  2 activity
 Agenerationrefers tothestateofimprovementinthedevelopmentofa
product.Similarly,generationsofcomputerare thedifferentadvancementsof
 First Generation:- Vacuum tubes, magnetic drums.
 Second Generation:- Transistors.
 Third Generation:- Integrated Circuits.
 Fourth Generation:- Microprocessor.
 Fifth Generation:- Artificial Intelligence.
 Thefirstgenerationcomputersusedvacuumtubesandmachinelanguage
was usedtogiveinstructions.Thecomputerswere huge,slow,expensiveand
oftenundependable.Examplesoffirstgenerationcomputersare: Electronic
NumericIntegrator andComputer(ENIAC),ElectronicDiscreteVariable
 The second generationcomputersbeganwith the advent of transistors, inventionof
magneticcore and developmentof magneticdiskstoragedevices.One transistorwas
equivalentto 40 vacuum tubes.Transistorswerefound to conduct electricityfasterand
betterthan vacuum tubes. They werealsomuch smallerin sizeand gaveoff virtuallyno
heat ascompared to vacuum tubes.The developmentof High Level Languages,such as
FORTRAN,COBOL,ALBOL, and SNOBALtook place.Commercialand businessapplications
developedapplicationsrapidly,such aspayroll,inventory control, production planning,etc.
Examplesof second generationcomputersare IBM1401, IBM1620, and UNIVAC1108.
 In this period, the first integrated circuit was invented by Jack St Clair Kilby and
Robert Noyce. Integrated circuits are also referred semiconductor chip. Integrated
circuits incorporate many transistors and electronic circuits as a single wafer of chip
ofsilicon. Thefirst commercial minicomputer was introduced in 1965. It is known
as PDP – 8 (Programmed Data Processor). The third generation computers could
carryinstructions in billionths of a seconds. Thesize of these machines dropped to
the size of small file cabinets. Examples of third generation computers are IBM 360
series, ICI 1900 series, PDP 11/45.
 Thefourth generation can be characterizedby monolithic integrated circuits (millions
oftransistors put onto one integrated circuit chip)and the invention ofmicroprocessor.
 TheIntel Corporation engineerDr. Ted Hoff had invented the Intel 4004, the world first
microprocessor. Amicroprocessor chip holds on a single chip, the entire control unit
and arithmetic logic unit of a computer. This development has changed the world of
computers. The technology is known as VeryLarge Scale Integration (VLSI). An Intel's
Pentium pro-microprocessor contain 5.5 million transistors when a first Intel chip had
2,250 transistors.
 Aspertheexperts,infifthgenerationofthecomputertheArtificial
Intelligence(AI) willbeusedforcomputers.Thecomputerswhichwilluse
artificialintelligencewillhave someattributessimilartohumanintelligence,
suchas capabilitytodecodeandrespondtoa naturallanguage(a human
language,likeEnglish),toreasonanddraw inferencesandtorecognize
Computer fa  2 activity
Computer fa  2 activity

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Computer fa 2 activity

  • 2.  Agenerationrefers tothestateofimprovementinthedevelopmentofa product.Similarly,generationsofcomputerare thedifferentadvancementsof computertechnology.Witheachnewgenerationthecircuitryhasbecome smallerandmoreadvancedthatthepreviousgenerationbeforeit.
  • 3.  First Generation:- Vacuum tubes, magnetic drums.  Second Generation:- Transistors.  Third Generation:- Integrated Circuits.  Fourth Generation:- Microprocessor.  Fifth Generation:- Artificial Intelligence.
  • 4.  Thefirstgenerationcomputersusedvacuumtubesandmachinelanguage was usedtogiveinstructions.Thecomputerswere huge,slow,expensiveand oftenundependable.Examplesoffirstgenerationcomputersare: Electronic NumericIntegrator andComputer(ENIAC),ElectronicDiscreteVariable AutomaticComputer(EDVAC),UniversalAutomaticComputer(UNIVAC).
  • 5.  The second generationcomputersbeganwith the advent of transistors, inventionof magneticcore and developmentof magneticdiskstoragedevices.One transistorwas equivalentto 40 vacuum tubes.Transistorswerefound to conduct electricityfasterand betterthan vacuum tubes. They werealsomuch smallerin sizeand gaveoff virtuallyno heat ascompared to vacuum tubes.The developmentof High Level Languages,such as FORTRAN,COBOL,ALBOL, and SNOBALtook place.Commercialand businessapplications developedapplicationsrapidly,such aspayroll,inventory control, production planning,etc. Examplesof second generationcomputersare IBM1401, IBM1620, and UNIVAC1108.
  • 6.  In this period, the first integrated circuit was invented by Jack St Clair Kilby and Robert Noyce. Integrated circuits are also referred semiconductor chip. Integrated circuits incorporate many transistors and electronic circuits as a single wafer of chip ofsilicon. Thefirst commercial minicomputer was introduced in 1965. It is known as PDP – 8 (Programmed Data Processor). The third generation computers could carryinstructions in billionths of a seconds. Thesize of these machines dropped to the size of small file cabinets. Examples of third generation computers are IBM 360 series, ICI 1900 series, PDP 11/45.
  • 7.  Thefourth generation can be characterizedby monolithic integrated circuits (millions oftransistors put onto one integrated circuit chip)and the invention ofmicroprocessor.  TheIntel Corporation engineerDr. Ted Hoff had invented the Intel 4004, the world first microprocessor. Amicroprocessor chip holds on a single chip, the entire control unit and arithmetic logic unit of a computer. This development has changed the world of computers. The technology is known as VeryLarge Scale Integration (VLSI). An Intel's Pentium pro-microprocessor contain 5.5 million transistors when a first Intel chip had 2,250 transistors.
  • 8.  Aspertheexperts,infifthgenerationofthecomputertheArtificial Intelligence(AI) willbeusedforcomputers.Thecomputerswhichwilluse artificialintelligencewillhave someattributessimilartohumanintelligence, suchas capabilitytodecodeandrespondtoa naturallanguage(a human language,likeEnglish),toreasonanddraw inferencesandtorecognize patternsinsensoryinput.Quantumcomputation,molecularandnano- technologywillradicallychangethefaceofcomputersintheyearstocome.