The document discusses the history and origins of the internet. It began as a project started by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) in 1958 to develop new technology for military use. This led to the development of packet switching and ARPANET, a pioneering network that connected 4 computers located at different universities. ARPANET is seen as a precursor to what is now known as the internet. The document also defines key internet concepts and protocols like FTP, HTML, HTTP, ISP, LAN, and hypertext. It provides definitions for these terms.
The internet has its history anchored
in the project started by the United States
Government called DARPA (Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency) an
agency of the US Department of Defense
for the development of new technology for
military use which was establish in 1958.
6. The original name of this agency was simply
ARPA (Advanced Research Project
Agency) then was renamed to DARPA. The
agency was then headed by J.C.R Licklider
in 1962, he installed three computer
network terminals; one for the University of
California, Berkeley for the project
Genie, one for System Development
Corporation in Santa, Monica USA and one
at Massachussetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) for Time System project for advance
computer and networking research.
7. The networking technology led to the
development of what we call packet
switching, a network communication that splits
the data in chunks, called packets , then
resembled in the correct order at its destination.
Robert Taylor as head of the Information
Processing Office in DARPA with Larry Roberts from
MIT initiated the project called ARPANET to build a
networking computer network. The for inter
connected computers were located in University
of California, Los Angeles, Stanford research
Institute, University of Utah and University of
California of Santa Barbara.
8. ARPANET essentially was the pioneering
technical contributor t what we know today as
the Internet. The computer from different
location basically becomes host, operating as
the serves that provide services and
communication to other network in the
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
a very common method of moving files
between two internet sites.
10. Home Page
refers to the main web page for a
business, organization person, or simply
the main page out of a collection of web
11. HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language)
Coding language used to create
Hypertext documents for use on the world
wide web. HTML looks a lot like old-
fashioned type setting code, where you
surround a block of text with codes that
indicates how it should appear.
13. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
the protocol for moving hypertext files
across the internet. Requires a HTTP client
program on one end and an HTTP server
program on the other and HTTP is the most
important protocol used in the world wide
14. LAN (Local Area Network)
a computer network limited to the
immediate area, usually the same
building or floor of a building.
15. ISP (Internet Service Provider)
an institution that provides access to the
internet in some for usually for money. it
refers to a company that provides Internet
services, including personal and business
access to the Internet.
16. IP Number (Internet Protocol Number)
a dotted quad a unique number
consisting of 4 parts separated by dots.
17. Hypertext
any text that contains links to other
documents words or phrase in the
document that can be chosen by a
reader and which cause another
document to be retrieved and displayed.
18. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
basically a huge multi- user live chat
facility there a number of major IRC
servers around the world which are linked
to each other. Any one can create a
channel and anything that anyone types
in a given channel is seen by all others in
the channel. Private channels can
created by multi- person conference
21. Test. 1 Give the meaning and definition
of the following acronym.
3. FTP
5. ISP
6. LAN
8. IP Number
9. Hypertext
10. IRC
24. Assignment:
(Long Bond Paper)
Search the following:
1. Things needed to Access the Internet
2. Types of Modem
3. Types of High- Speed connections to the