Presented to the Palm Springs Genealogy Society at the Palm Springs (CA) Public Library, 04/07/2012.
Gives basic saving, file hierarchy, and backup information.
2. Do genealogists need special
computer skills?
Most general-use skills applybut
Genealogists have many types of
documents and information to organize
Organization is key!
3. Physical to Digital
Not safe to have your research or
documents only on paper. Paper is fragile.
Make ALL papers, pictures, certificates,
etc., digital to keep in a storage device.
Backup in at least one place OTHER than
your computer.
but HOW??
4. Physical vs. Digital
Physical means an actual paper, photo or
other item in your collection of research.
Digital (or electronic), means that a
physical item was converted to a
computer-friendly format, or was originally
created digitally (i.e., a digital photo).
This can be done by scanning, digital
photography, or downloading from an
online source (such as a census image
from or Heritage Quest).
5. Types of Digital Items
Individual documents (papers), become
computer files.
Manila folders become computer folders.
Filing cabinet drawers become the
computers hard drive, and/or an external
storage device.
6. How to digitize?
A scanner takes a picture of your item
Print photos
Other items (passports, family bible pages, etc.)
You may purchase a scanner to use with your
computer, or take your items to an office store
to have them scanned.
Digital camera photos are ready to file in
your computer they are already digital!
7. How to organize?
Remember that your computer is just like
a physical file cabinet.
Name all files & folders with names you can
easily identify (dont name a folder grandpa).
Folders may contain files & other folders for
further organization
Example: You could have a folder for a family
name, and folders within that folder containing files
on members of that family name.
8. Saving your files
Make sure you choose where your file is
being saved so you can find it later!
Save As
You will name your file
and choose where it is
Save In:
Pull-down menu of
folders in your computer
File name:
Name your file carefully
Save as type:
Usually automatic
11. Using your files
Many programs use similar/standard
commands and options
Some common
options in a
menu bar:
12. Know your software!
Become familiar with which commands
are available to you
Does your software do everything you want?
Examine the Menu Bar
Ifyou dont recognize the name of an option
in a menu? Look it up in the softwares Help
to see what it can do for you
The better you know your computer &
software, the easier your research will be
14. How, Where & What to Backup
Most software will give you a Backup
option, usually in the File menu
Select an external storage device
From your genealogy software
Transfer copies of all your original files & folders
This includes scans, photos, etc., even if they are
already used in your software
15. External Storage
CDs or DVDs
Floppy Discs (your computer must be able
(mostly obsolete) to burn them)
Flash Drives
External Hard Drives
(come in many capacities)
(come in many capacities)
16. Save & Backup
Your new favorite words!
SAVE often you never know when
The power will go out
Your computer will lock up
Your cat will walk across the keyboard
BACKUP often you never know when
Your computer will crash or have some other
Remember to backup when you update!