Machine learning using python. Taking a look at how we use various libraries such as cv2, numpy and matplotlib. Beginner friendly code. Lots of comments and straight to the point.
This document provides an introduction to using Python for image processing. It discusses Python libraries like OpenCV, Pillow, NumPy, and Matplotlib that are useful for image processing tasks. It then demonstrates a workflow for reading an image, converting it to grayscale, applying thresholding and morphological operations to detect shapes, and using contour detection and properties to identify and label shapes as triangles, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, or circles. Challenges in shape detection are also noted. Resources for further learning about digital image processing and OpenCV are provided.
This document summarizes an image recognition project that uses the CIFAR-10 dataset to train a model to recognize images. It introduces image recognition and the CIFAR-10 dataset. It describes the project structure, the author's process of building a model using TensorFlow and Keras in Python, training it on CIFAR-10, and how the trained model works by comparing input images to those in the training set and outputting a class match. The conclusion states this was a basic image recognition model to demonstrate machine learning concepts.
AISF19 - Unleash Computer Vision at the EdgeBill Liu
This document discusses the key drivers enabling computer vision at the edge, including new machine learning approaches, optimized model architectures, hardware innovations, and improved software tools. It describes how machine learning has advanced computer vision by enabling end-to-end learning without predefined features. Edge-optimized models like GoogleNet and ShuffleNet are discussed. The proliferation of cameras, embedded processors, and AI accelerators is enabling computer vision everywhere. Open-source tools like OpenCV and frameworks like TensorFlow are supporting development, along with platforms to speed application creation.
This is the first part of the presentation series on one of the powerful open sources libraries, the opencv. this presentation is about the introduction, installation, some basic functions on images and some basic image processing on the images
This document summarizes the internship of a student at Culture Machine, a data science company. The internship objectives were to learn about working in a professional environment and assess career fit. Key projects included developing an algorithm to search for memes by image matching and building a prediction model using SVM to classify memes and non-memes. The internship helped enhance communication skills and technical knowledge in areas like machine learning, image processing, and Python libraries. Overall, the experience provided valuable insight into a career in data science.
2007 Barcelona Drupalcon Image handlingJames Walker
The document discusses issues with image handling in Drupal and proposes improvements. It notes that current image modules are unclear, awkward to install, and have limited functionality. Specifically, it mentions that image uploading is difficult, image fields lack features, and there is no single unified image module. The document advocates for simplifying image handling so that end users, site builders and developers no longer require support and can more easily upload, manipulate and display images in Drupal.
YU CS Summer 2021 Project | TensorFlow Street Image Classification and Object...JacobSilbiger1
YU CS Summer 2021 Project | TensorFlow Street Image Classification and Object Detection Model
By: Nissim Cantor, Avi Radinsky, Jacob Silbiger
This document provides an introduction to object oriented programming in Python. It discusses why OOP is useful, defines some key concepts like classes, objects, methods, and variables. It provides an example of modeling a Taxi using a Taxi class with attributes like driver name and methods like pickUpPassenger. It shows how to define a class, create objects from the class, and call methods on those objects. It also introduces the concept of class variables that are shared among all objects versus instance variables that are unique to each object.
Apple makes it really easy to get started with Machine Learning as a developer. See how you can easily use Create ML and Turi Create to train Machine Learning models and use them in your iOS apps.
19BCS1815_PresentationAutomatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR)P.pptxSamridhGarg
Automatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR)
We are building a python software for optical character Recognition of the license number plate using various Python libraries and importing various packages such as OpenCV, Matplotlib, numpy, imutils and Pytesseract for OCR(optical Character Recognition) of Number plate from image clicked. Let us discuss complete process step by step in this framework diagram shown above:
Step-1 Image will be taken by the camera(CCTV) or normal range cameras
Step-2 Selected image will be imported in our Software for pre-processing of our image and conversion of image into gray-scale for canny edge-detection
Step-3 We have installed OpenCV library for conversion of Coloured image to black and White image.
Step-4 We installed OpenCV package. Opencv(cv2) package is main package which we used in this project. This is image processing library.
Step-5 We have installed Imutils package. Imutils is a package used for modification of images . In this we use this package for change size of image.
Step-6 We have installed Pytesseract library. Pytesseract is a python library used for extracting text from image. This is an optical character recognition(OCR) tool for python.
Step-7 We have installed Matplotlib Library. In matplotlib library we use a package name pyplot. This library is used for plotting the images. % matplotlib inline is used for plot the image at same place.
Step-8 Image is read by the Imread() function and after reading the image we resize the image for further processing of image.
Step-9 Then our selected image is converted to gray-scale using below function.
# RGB to Gray scale conversion
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plot_image(gray,"Grayscale Conversion")
Step-10 Then we find canny edges in our gray-scale image and then find contours based on edges. Then we find the top 30 contours from our image.
Step-11 Loop over our contours to find the best possible approximate contour of number plate
Step-12 Then Draw the selected contour on the original image.
Step-13 then we will use the Pytesseract Package to convert selected contour image into String.
Step-14 After fetching the number from number plate we store it in our MySQL database and also we have inculcated the feature of exporting data to excel sheet.
Remember: Most important feature of my project is that I can export my fetched number plate data to Government agencies for further investigation.
image55.pptx it has a detailed explanation on image manipulationyash07jadhav
## The Double-Edged Sword of Image Manipulation
Image manipulation, the process of altering visual content, has become an integral part of our digital age. From the subtle retouching of a portrait to the dramatic transformation of a scene, manipulation techniques have been employed for both artistic expression and deceptive purposes. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of image manipulation, examining its artistic applications, ethical implications, and the challenges it poses for authenticity and trust.
On one hand, image manipulation can be a powerful tool for artistic expression. Photographers, designers, and filmmakers have long used various techniques to enhance their work, creating visually striking and emotionally evocative images. Digital tools have expanded the possibilities, enabling artists to manipulate color, perspective, and even reality itself. For example, surrealist artists have used image manipulation to challenge our perceptions of the world, while photojournalists may employ it to convey a specific message or enhance a story.
However, the potential for abuse and deception is a significant concern. Image manipulation can be used to spread misinformation, distort reality, and manipulate public opinion. Deepfakes, a type of image manipulation that creates highly realistic but entirely fabricated content, have raised serious ethical and legal questions. These technologies can be used to spread fake news, harass individuals, and undermine democratic processes.
The challenges posed by image manipulation are further compounded by the rapid advancements in technology. As new tools and techniques emerge, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between genuine and manipulated images. This has implications for journalism, law enforcement, and even personal relationships. Verifying the authenticity of visual content requires specialized skills and tools, and even experts can be fooled.
In conclusion, image manipulation is a double-edged sword. While it can be a valuable tool for artistic expression, it also poses significant risks to truth, trust, and societal well-being. To navigate this complex landscape, it is essential to develop critical thinking skills, promote media literacy, and invest in technologies that can help detect and prevent image manipulation. By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks, we can harness the power of image manipulation while mitigating its risks.Image manipulation, the process of altering visual content, has become an integral part of our digital age. From the subtle retouching of a portrait to the dramatic transformation of a scene, manipulation techniques have been employed for both artistic expression and deceptive purposes. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of image manipulation, examining its artistic applications, ethical implications, and the challenges it poses for authenticity and trust.
On one hand, image manipulation can be a powerful tool for a
A brief review about Python for computer vision showing the different modules necessary to dive into computer vision.
The modules presented are NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to extract higher-level features from data. It can learn complex patterns within data and handle large numbers of inputs and outputs. Deep learning is implemented using deep neural networks with multiple hidden layers that learn representations of data through backpropagation. The goal of deep learning is to develop systems that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence like visual perception and speech recognition.
OpenCV In Mobile Technology | Computer Vision on Mobiledineshlakhzz
OpenCV, which stands for Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a powerful tool for computer vision. It has a wide range of applications, from basic image processing to complex computer vision tasks. In recent years, OpenCV has made significant strides in mobile technology, enabling developers to create advanced applications for smartphones. Let's dive into how OpenCV is used in mobile technology and explore the benefits it brings to computer vision on mobile devices. Plus, I'll share a bit about a sample Android app I've created that demonstrates a simple filter app using OpenCV.
The document discusses the Inception v3 model, which was developed by Google to improve image classification accuracy while minimizing computational resources. Some key points:
- Inception v3 uses techniques like factorized convolutions and inception modules to achieve state-of-the-art performance on image classification benchmarks in a computationally efficient manner.
- It has been applied successfully to tasks like image classification, medical image analysis, and object detection due to its accuracy.
- Benefits include improved accuracy, efficiency, and ability to recognize complex patterns compared to other models. It is well-suited for a variety of image processing applications.
Seeing is Not Believing: Camouflage Attacks on Image Scaling Algorithms ReviewJunyaup Kim
This paper proposes an image generation attack that targets image scaling algorithms. The attack aims to 1) modify an image A to appear as image B when A is resized, and 2) introduce minimal distortions such that the attacked image still resembles A. The attack is model-agnostic, as it can target any model using a particular scaling framework and function. The paper develops an optimization approach to craft perturbed images that appear as a target when resized, and demonstrates successful attacks against commercial cloud vision APIs. Potential applications include data poisoning, evasion attacks, and fraud. Detection methods like color histograms may help identify such attacked images.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a type of deep neural network commonly used for analyzing visual imagery. CNNs use various techniques like convolution, ReLU activation, and pooling to extract features from images and reduce dimensionality while retaining important information. CNNs are trained end-to-end using backpropagation to update filter weights and minimize output error. Overall CNN architecture involves an input layer, multiple convolutional and pooling layers to extract features, fully connected layers to classify features, and an output layer. CNNs can be implemented using sequential models in Keras by adding layers, compiling with an optimizer and loss function, fitting on training data over epochs with validation monitoring, and evaluating performance on test data.
This document discusses functions in Python. It covers defining functions, using arguments, importing functions from libraries, and some built-in functions. Key points include:
- Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They reduce repetition and make code easier to debug.
- To define a function use def and give it a name and body, optionally including arguments in parentheses.
- Functions can be called by name and optionally pass arguments.
- Useful functions can be imported from libraries like math using import or from module import function.
- Python has many built-in functions like max(), min(), abs(), and type() that do not require importing.
This document discusses implementing deep learning on iOS using various frameworks. It provides an overview of Metal Performance Shaders (MPSCNN), Accelerate (BNNS), Core ML, and Vision. It then details the 3 step process to implement a deep learning model with MPSCNN: 1) create the model, 2) implement the network, and 3) perform inference. Examples of logo detection and increased performance are shown. Core ML and Vision provide easier implementations compared to needing Metal knowledge for MPSCNN. BNNS may be better for small networks due to reduced CPU-GPU communication costs.
Plotly is an online analytics and visualization tool with open-source Python and JavaScript libraries. The libraries allow users to create interactive charts in Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, and web applications. The offline feature allows exporting charts without using the Plotly platform. Charts can be created in Jupyter notebooks and exported to local HTML files or used in web apps by defining the chart on the server and rendering it client-side using JSON.
Metadata extraction using Amazon Rekognition and Amazon SageMakerMatt McDonnell
Metail's mission is to digitize every garment for every body. In this talk we discuss how AI can be used in our image processing pipeline to provide our customers with garment metadata.
This talk was presented at presented at the Cambridge AWS Meetup group Main Meeting #23 on 6th November 2018.
A Brief Introduction About Raman BhaumikRaman Bhaumik
Raman Bhaumik is a driven Junior Software Developer with over three years of experience crafting efficient web applications. With expertise in Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and frameworks like React, Django, and Node.js, Raman is dedicated to improving system performance. She is passionate about mentoring young developers through coding workshops.
ElasticSearch Course that goes from the basic and quickly dives deep in the most important topics to build efficient cluster: model data, search quicly, aggregate and process data, distribute and manage data as well as cluster management.
2007 Barcelona Drupalcon Image handlingJames Walker
The document discusses issues with image handling in Drupal and proposes improvements. It notes that current image modules are unclear, awkward to install, and have limited functionality. Specifically, it mentions that image uploading is difficult, image fields lack features, and there is no single unified image module. The document advocates for simplifying image handling so that end users, site builders and developers no longer require support and can more easily upload, manipulate and display images in Drupal.
YU CS Summer 2021 Project | TensorFlow Street Image Classification and Object...JacobSilbiger1
YU CS Summer 2021 Project | TensorFlow Street Image Classification and Object Detection Model
By: Nissim Cantor, Avi Radinsky, Jacob Silbiger
This document provides an introduction to object oriented programming in Python. It discusses why OOP is useful, defines some key concepts like classes, objects, methods, and variables. It provides an example of modeling a Taxi using a Taxi class with attributes like driver name and methods like pickUpPassenger. It shows how to define a class, create objects from the class, and call methods on those objects. It also introduces the concept of class variables that are shared among all objects versus instance variables that are unique to each object.
Apple makes it really easy to get started with Machine Learning as a developer. See how you can easily use Create ML and Turi Create to train Machine Learning models and use them in your iOS apps.
19BCS1815_PresentationAutomatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR)P.pptxSamridhGarg
Automatic Number Plate Recognition(ANPR)
We are building a python software for optical character Recognition of the license number plate using various Python libraries and importing various packages such as OpenCV, Matplotlib, numpy, imutils and Pytesseract for OCR(optical Character Recognition) of Number plate from image clicked. Let us discuss complete process step by step in this framework diagram shown above:
Step-1 Image will be taken by the camera(CCTV) or normal range cameras
Step-2 Selected image will be imported in our Software for pre-processing of our image and conversion of image into gray-scale for canny edge-detection
Step-3 We have installed OpenCV library for conversion of Coloured image to black and White image.
Step-4 We installed OpenCV package. Opencv(cv2) package is main package which we used in this project. This is image processing library.
Step-5 We have installed Imutils package. Imutils is a package used for modification of images . In this we use this package for change size of image.
Step-6 We have installed Pytesseract library. Pytesseract is a python library used for extracting text from image. This is an optical character recognition(OCR) tool for python.
Step-7 We have installed Matplotlib Library. In matplotlib library we use a package name pyplot. This library is used for plotting the images. % matplotlib inline is used for plot the image at same place.
Step-8 Image is read by the Imread() function and after reading the image we resize the image for further processing of image.
Step-9 Then our selected image is converted to gray-scale using below function.
# RGB to Gray scale conversion
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plot_image(gray,"Grayscale Conversion")
Step-10 Then we find canny edges in our gray-scale image and then find contours based on edges. Then we find the top 30 contours from our image.
Step-11 Loop over our contours to find the best possible approximate contour of number plate
Step-12 Then Draw the selected contour on the original image.
Step-13 then we will use the Pytesseract Package to convert selected contour image into String.
Step-14 After fetching the number from number plate we store it in our MySQL database and also we have inculcated the feature of exporting data to excel sheet.
Remember: Most important feature of my project is that I can export my fetched number plate data to Government agencies for further investigation.
image55.pptx it has a detailed explanation on image manipulationyash07jadhav
## The Double-Edged Sword of Image Manipulation
Image manipulation, the process of altering visual content, has become an integral part of our digital age. From the subtle retouching of a portrait to the dramatic transformation of a scene, manipulation techniques have been employed for both artistic expression and deceptive purposes. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of image manipulation, examining its artistic applications, ethical implications, and the challenges it poses for authenticity and trust.
On one hand, image manipulation can be a powerful tool for artistic expression. Photographers, designers, and filmmakers have long used various techniques to enhance their work, creating visually striking and emotionally evocative images. Digital tools have expanded the possibilities, enabling artists to manipulate color, perspective, and even reality itself. For example, surrealist artists have used image manipulation to challenge our perceptions of the world, while photojournalists may employ it to convey a specific message or enhance a story.
However, the potential for abuse and deception is a significant concern. Image manipulation can be used to spread misinformation, distort reality, and manipulate public opinion. Deepfakes, a type of image manipulation that creates highly realistic but entirely fabricated content, have raised serious ethical and legal questions. These technologies can be used to spread fake news, harass individuals, and undermine democratic processes.
The challenges posed by image manipulation are further compounded by the rapid advancements in technology. As new tools and techniques emerge, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between genuine and manipulated images. This has implications for journalism, law enforcement, and even personal relationships. Verifying the authenticity of visual content requires specialized skills and tools, and even experts can be fooled.
In conclusion, image manipulation is a double-edged sword. While it can be a valuable tool for artistic expression, it also poses significant risks to truth, trust, and societal well-being. To navigate this complex landscape, it is essential to develop critical thinking skills, promote media literacy, and invest in technologies that can help detect and prevent image manipulation. By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks, we can harness the power of image manipulation while mitigating its risks.Image manipulation, the process of altering visual content, has become an integral part of our digital age. From the subtle retouching of a portrait to the dramatic transformation of a scene, manipulation techniques have been employed for both artistic expression and deceptive purposes. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of image manipulation, examining its artistic applications, ethical implications, and the challenges it poses for authenticity and trust.
On one hand, image manipulation can be a powerful tool for a
A brief review about Python for computer vision showing the different modules necessary to dive into computer vision.
The modules presented are NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to extract higher-level features from data. It can learn complex patterns within data and handle large numbers of inputs and outputs. Deep learning is implemented using deep neural networks with multiple hidden layers that learn representations of data through backpropagation. The goal of deep learning is to develop systems that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence like visual perception and speech recognition.
OpenCV In Mobile Technology | Computer Vision on Mobiledineshlakhzz
OpenCV, which stands for Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a powerful tool for computer vision. It has a wide range of applications, from basic image processing to complex computer vision tasks. In recent years, OpenCV has made significant strides in mobile technology, enabling developers to create advanced applications for smartphones. Let's dive into how OpenCV is used in mobile technology and explore the benefits it brings to computer vision on mobile devices. Plus, I'll share a bit about a sample Android app I've created that demonstrates a simple filter app using OpenCV.
The document discusses the Inception v3 model, which was developed by Google to improve image classification accuracy while minimizing computational resources. Some key points:
- Inception v3 uses techniques like factorized convolutions and inception modules to achieve state-of-the-art performance on image classification benchmarks in a computationally efficient manner.
- It has been applied successfully to tasks like image classification, medical image analysis, and object detection due to its accuracy.
- Benefits include improved accuracy, efficiency, and ability to recognize complex patterns compared to other models. It is well-suited for a variety of image processing applications.
Seeing is Not Believing: Camouflage Attacks on Image Scaling Algorithms ReviewJunyaup Kim
This paper proposes an image generation attack that targets image scaling algorithms. The attack aims to 1) modify an image A to appear as image B when A is resized, and 2) introduce minimal distortions such that the attacked image still resembles A. The attack is model-agnostic, as it can target any model using a particular scaling framework and function. The paper develops an optimization approach to craft perturbed images that appear as a target when resized, and demonstrates successful attacks against commercial cloud vision APIs. Potential applications include data poisoning, evasion attacks, and fraud. Detection methods like color histograms may help identify such attacked images.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a type of deep neural network commonly used for analyzing visual imagery. CNNs use various techniques like convolution, ReLU activation, and pooling to extract features from images and reduce dimensionality while retaining important information. CNNs are trained end-to-end using backpropagation to update filter weights and minimize output error. Overall CNN architecture involves an input layer, multiple convolutional and pooling layers to extract features, fully connected layers to classify features, and an output layer. CNNs can be implemented using sequential models in Keras by adding layers, compiling with an optimizer and loss function, fitting on training data over epochs with validation monitoring, and evaluating performance on test data.
This document discusses functions in Python. It covers defining functions, using arguments, importing functions from libraries, and some built-in functions. Key points include:
- Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They reduce repetition and make code easier to debug.
- To define a function use def and give it a name and body, optionally including arguments in parentheses.
- Functions can be called by name and optionally pass arguments.
- Useful functions can be imported from libraries like math using import or from module import function.
- Python has many built-in functions like max(), min(), abs(), and type() that do not require importing.
This document discusses implementing deep learning on iOS using various frameworks. It provides an overview of Metal Performance Shaders (MPSCNN), Accelerate (BNNS), Core ML, and Vision. It then details the 3 step process to implement a deep learning model with MPSCNN: 1) create the model, 2) implement the network, and 3) perform inference. Examples of logo detection and increased performance are shown. Core ML and Vision provide easier implementations compared to needing Metal knowledge for MPSCNN. BNNS may be better for small networks due to reduced CPU-GPU communication costs.
Plotly is an online analytics and visualization tool with open-source Python and JavaScript libraries. The libraries allow users to create interactive charts in Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, and web applications. The offline feature allows exporting charts without using the Plotly platform. Charts can be created in Jupyter notebooks and exported to local HTML files or used in web apps by defining the chart on the server and rendering it client-side using JSON.
Metadata extraction using Amazon Rekognition and Amazon SageMakerMatt McDonnell
Metail's mission is to digitize every garment for every body. In this talk we discuss how AI can be used in our image processing pipeline to provide our customers with garment metadata.
This talk was presented at presented at the Cambridge AWS Meetup group Main Meeting #23 on 6th November 2018.
A Brief Introduction About Raman BhaumikRaman Bhaumik
Raman Bhaumik is a driven Junior Software Developer with over three years of experience crafting efficient web applications. With expertise in Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and frameworks like React, Django, and Node.js, Raman is dedicated to improving system performance. She is passionate about mentoring young developers through coding workshops.
ElasticSearch Course that goes from the basic and quickly dives deep in the most important topics to build efficient cluster: model data, search quicly, aggregate and process data, distribute and manage data as well as cluster management.
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
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Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
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LLM Security - Smart to protect, but too smart to be protectedIvo Andreev
LLMs are too smart to be secure! In this session we elaborate about monitoring and auditing, managing ethical implications and resolving common problems like prompt injections, jailbreaks, utilization in cyberattacks or generating insecure code.
Mastering Software Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and E...Shubham Joshi
Software test automation is transforming the way teams ensure product quality, making testing faster, more efficient, and highly reliable. This guide covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, helping both beginners and experts optimize their testing processes. Youll explore various automation tools, frameworks, and best practices to improve test accuracy and speed up development cycles. With software test automation, organizations can minimize manual effort while enhancing test coverage. Whether you're just starting out or refining your existing automation strategies, this guide provides actionable insights and real-world examples to help you achieve success in automated testing.
2. What it is
Applying machine learning in order for a machine to understand a certain image
and its characteristics
In this example, we want the machine to learn characteristics of a certain bee
(template.jpg) and pick it from a picture of a number of bees.
Template.jpg is the template we are using to train our model
We are picking our bee from Bee1.jpg which has a number of bees in it:
3. Libraries used
import cv2 #our computer library of choice which is open cv
import numpy as np #library for mathemitical computation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline #to have our images shown within jupyter using the above line
4. Reading the image and the template
image = cv2.imread('Bee1.jpg') #the image from which we are picking the bee
img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
img_copy = img.copy() #making a numpy copy of our original image so we dont
distort it when we are working on it
template = cv2.imread('template_bee.jpg', 0) # this is the template showing us the
image of the bee we are looking for
w, h= template.shape[::-1] #image dimensions and python starts counting from 0 and
so the -1
5. Matching our template with our image
#Apply template matching using the function matchTemplate
res = cv2.matchTemplate(img_copy,template,cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(res)
#define the threshold; allowance for error
threshold = 0.8
loc = np.where(res >= threshold)
6. Identifying our bee
#draw a bounding rectangle
for pt in zip(*loc[::-1]): #for a certain point in our image
cv2.rectangle(img_copy,pt,(pt[0]+w,pt[1]+h), (0,255,255),2) #draw our
plt.imshow(img_copy, cmap="gray") #this is plotting our image