The document outlines how to teach students to make paper flowers, including demonstrating how to cut colored paper into petals and attach them to a green paper stem. It suggests evaluating students by asking short questions about the steps and colors used during the process.
This document outlines how to teach students to make cake goodies. It will involve demonstrating each step of the cake making process, ensuring students have content mastery through learning objectives and questions, and evaluating their understanding by having them explain the steps followed to make the cake.
1. Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that brings structure to client-side code through an MVC pattern.
2. It separates presentation logic from business logic by defining Models, Collections, and Views. Models represent data, Collections hold lists of Models, and Views render the UI and handle events.
3. While Backbone.js allows building single page applications quickly, code can become disorganized without its structure. The framework encourages maintainable, loosely coupled code through its MVC implementation.
The class was divided into groups of 3-4 students to complete tasks for a foreign language course. The document's author was placed in a group called "John Lennon" along with Teresa Lopez, Shadia Dris, and Carmen Alvarez. Each member was assigned a different task - Teresa was responsible for creating a wiki, Carmen for a map, Shadia for a video, and the author for slides.
This document outlines how to teach students how to make cake goodies. It will involve demonstrating each step of the process, ensuring students have content mastery through learning objectives and questions, and evaluating their understanding by having them explain the steps followed to make the cake.
The document outlines how to teach students to make paper flowers, including demonstrating how to cut colored paper into petals and attach them to a green paper stem. It suggests evaluating students by asking short questions about the steps and colors used during the process.
This document outlines how to teach students to make cake goodies. It will involve demonstrating each step of the cake making process, ensuring students have content mastery through learning objectives and questions, and evaluating their understanding by having them explain the steps followed to make the cake.
1. Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that brings structure to client-side code through an MVC pattern.
2. It separates presentation logic from business logic by defining Models, Collections, and Views. Models represent data, Collections hold lists of Models, and Views render the UI and handle events.
3. While Backbone.js allows building single page applications quickly, code can become disorganized without its structure. The framework encourages maintainable, loosely coupled code through its MVC implementation.
The class was divided into groups of 3-4 students to complete tasks for a foreign language course. The document's author was placed in a group called "John Lennon" along with Teresa Lopez, Shadia Dris, and Carmen Alvarez. Each member was assigned a different task - Teresa was responsible for creating a wiki, Carmen for a map, Shadia for a video, and the author for slides.
This document outlines how to teach students how to make cake goodies. It will involve demonstrating each step of the process, ensuring students have content mastery through learning objectives and questions, and evaluating their understanding by having them explain the steps followed to make the cake.
The document discusses teaching English to young children and outlines some best practices. It recommends motivating students and drawing on their prior experiences. Teaching English helps develop communication, curiosity about other cultures, and language skills. Teachers can improve through English classes, papers, and seminars. Lessons should organize students into groups, include games, stories, songs, and dramatized stories to evaluate learning.
Las obras incluyen Las Meninas de Velasquez, La Maja Vestida de Goya, La Gioconda de Leonardo da Vinci, Retrato de Dora de Picasso, Monet en la Barca, El Gallo de Mir坦 y Ternura de Caf辿 de Van Gogh, que representan algunas de las obras maestras m叩s famosas de la historia del arte europeo de los siglos XVI al XX.
Algunos de los monumentos m叩s famosos del mundo son la Alhambra de Granada, la Torre Chichen Itza de M辿xico, Big Ben de Londres, la Torre de Pisa de Roma, la Giralda de Sevilla, la Mezquita de C坦rdoba y la Torre Eiffel de Par鱈s.
Este documento describe las tradiciones y celebraciones de la Navidad en Espa単a, incluyendo decorar el 叩rbol de Navidad, comer turr坦n, celebrar la Nochebuena y el nacimiento de Jes炭s, comer 12 uvas en la noche de fin de a単o, recibir regalos de los Reyes Magos, y jugar con los regalos el d鱈a de los Santos Reyes.
El documento habla sobre los desiertos, incluyendo las caracter鱈sticas del clima caluroso y seco, la falta de agua, y los animales y plantas que sobreviven all鱈 como camellos, serpientes, cactus y rosas del desierto. Tambi辿n describe a los beduinos y tuaregs que viven tradicionalmente en el desierto, usando t炭nicas y turbantes, y viviendo en tiendas llamadas jaimas. Finalmente, menciona algunos de los desiertos m叩s grandes como el Sahara.