Excite Indonesia Company Credential and Services.
How we could help Brands and Digital Advertising Agencies to engage The ACTION from netizen with good-quality engagement by providing Point Platform.
Este documento describe los tipos de exhibidores especiales que una empresa dise単a y fabrica, incluyendo exhibidores de tubo, alambre, formica, madera, acr鱈lico y poliestireno para supermercados, boutiques, maniqu鱈s, mallas, flautas, gancheras especiales y montajes de almacenes, as鱈 como canastas promocionales.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum definisi komputer menurut beberapa sumber dan pengelompokan komputer berdasarkan data yang diolah, penggunaan, kapasitas, dan generasi. Komputer didefinisikan sebagai mesin penghitung elektronik yang dapat menerima, memproses, menyimpan, dan menghasilkan output berupa informasi sesuai program. Komputer dikelompokkan menjadi analog, digital, hybrid; untuk tujuan khusus, umum; mikro,
Este documento propone actividades para analizar c坦mo el g辿nero afecta el trabajo infantil. La primera actividad involucra dividir a los estudiantes en grupos para debatir sobre situaciones de trabajo infantil y los derechos violados en cada caso. La segunda actividad implica que los estudiantes analicen un texto literario sobre el tema, buscando el significado de palabras clave y expresiones y sugiriendo preguntas para orientar un debate grupal sobre las construcciones sociales en torno a los roles de g辿nero.
This document contains details of 123 dress items including dresses, lace items, maxi dresses, special items, casual items and new items. The details provided for each item include color, material, sizes for bust, waist, length and other specifications. The prices range from RM26 to RM29.
This document discusses architecting large systems and provides examples from the presenter's experience. Some key points:
- Requirements for large IT projects are often wrong, with users asking for new computer systems to solve problems that may be better addressed through process changes. Analysts are needed to understand true needs and ensure feasibility.
- Solution selection is frequently based on subjective preferences rather than objective evaluation. Justification often follows the decision rather than informing it. Buy vs build decisions should consider simplicity, scope, and ongoing costs.
- Successful implementation requires focusing on people - having the right project managers, consultants, customers and internal staff - rather than technologies. It is important to prioritize and know when to stop expanding
This document provides instructions and materials for a student research project on animal cycles in science class. It includes a checklist for students to ensure they research all necessary information on their selected mammal, such as its name and location, characteristics, diet, habitat, and life cycle. Students will present this information in a book-shaped foldable using the provided rubric for grading, which allocates points for including each required element.
The Mundell family is preparing for their annual family reunion in Longwood, Florida in 2014. Birdie Levey Mundell and Oscar Mundell, who were married in 1908, are the patriarch and matriarch of the family. Family members are getting the house ready for guests by preparing beans and other food. The reunion involves nametags, a bowling game, and a barbecue at Melanie's house hosted by "Uncle Sonny". It concludes by remarking that the Mundells are a wonderful family.
This document discusses architecting large systems and provides examples from the presenter's experience. Some key points:
- Requirements for large IT projects are often wrong, with users asking for new computer systems to solve problems that may be better addressed through process changes. Analysts are needed to understand true needs and ensure feasibility.
- Solution selection is frequently based on subjective preferences rather than objective evaluation. Justification often follows the decision rather than informing it. Buy vs build decisions should consider simplicity, scope, and ongoing costs.
- Successful implementation requires focusing on people - having the right project managers, consultants, customers and internal staff - rather than technologies. It is important to prioritize and know when to stop expanding
This document provides instructions and materials for a student research project on animal cycles in science class. It includes a checklist for students to ensure they research all necessary information on their selected mammal, such as its name and location, characteristics, diet, habitat, and life cycle. Students will present this information in a book-shaped foldable using the provided rubric for grading, which allocates points for including each required element.
The Mundell family is preparing for their annual family reunion in Longwood, Florida in 2014. Birdie Levey Mundell and Oscar Mundell, who were married in 1908, are the patriarch and matriarch of the family. Family members are getting the house ready for guests by preparing beans and other food. The reunion involves nametags, a bowling game, and a barbecue at Melanie's house hosted by "Uncle Sonny". It concludes by remarking that the Mundells are a wonderful family.
2. www.torinolab.it
Torino Lab:
Prodotti tipici
Torino Lab propone una nuova categoria di og- Torino Lab introduces a new category of design
getti di design per la diffusione delleccellenza products utilising the excellence of the products
dei prodotti della nostra industria primaria. of our primary industries.
Un laboratorio di idee in cui il design ha favorito A laboratory of ideas where design encourages
lincrocio di saperi ed esperienze the contamination of knowledge and experience
fra aziende produttrici di materie prime e semila- between manufacturers of raw materials and
vorati, e piccole e medie aziende trasformatrici. semi-worked pieces and small-medium manufac-
turing companies.
Torino Lab si impegna sul territorio, scegliendo
come propri partner aziende con un concreto im- Torino Lab operates in the territory, choosing as
pegno nei confronti dellambiente ed adottando its partners companies with a genuine commit-
un sistema di filiera a Chilometri zero. ment to the environment and adopting a zero-
kilometres production chain.
Tutto interamente concepito, sviluppato e realiz-
zato, con orgoglio, in Italia. The entire project is proudly conceived, develo-
ped and realised in Italy.
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
3. www.torinolab.it
Una collezione di complementi per la casa, tutta A collection of household objects, all to be put
da costruire. together.
Un assortimento di elementi piani da strutturare An assortment of flat elements for constructing
in forma tridimensionale per creare, con le mani three-dimensional forms, creating the various
e con lingegno, i vari oggetti tramite sistemi ad objects with the hands and a little imagination,
incastro descritti ed illustrati nelle istruzioni di using a lock-in system described and illustrated
montaggio. in the instruction leaflet.
Materiali industriali utilizzati: Industrial materials used:
cemento microfine, gomma, cartone strutturato microfine cement, rubber, honeycomb-structure
a celle alveolari. cardboard
Design by acquacalda
Foto di Alessandro Monforte
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
5. www.torinolab.it
Un portabottiglie dacqua. Storage rack for bottles of water.
Grondaia 竪 un oggetto che prende vita dallelabo- Grondaia derives from the elaboration and inter-
razione e dellinterpretazione delle qualit struttu- pretation of the structural and formal qualities of
rali e formali del sistema ArcoPlus onda, sistema the ArcoPlus onda system modular pieces in
modulare in policarbonato normalmente impie- polycarbonate that would normally be used for
gato per tamponamenti e coperture. walling and roofing.
Design by Viviana Aluzzo
Foto di Alessandro Monforte
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
6. www.torinolab.it
Un sistema di illuminazione in policarbonato A lighting system in honeycomb polycarbonate.
An alternative point of view, looking into the raw
Un punto di vista alternativo, per guardare den- material and discovering its practicality and the
tro alla materia prima, per scoprire la funzione e beauty of its structure. Not a filter but a channel
la bellezza della sua struttura; non pi湛 filtro ma for light.
canale per la luce.
Cubo by Enrico Lattaruolo, Marco Cassino
Sfera by Viviana Aluzzo, Marco Cassino
Foto di Alessandro Monforte
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
7. www.torinolab.it
network Torino Lab
Azienda Partner:
Buzzi Unicem Spa Casale Monferrato (AL)
Societ con Bilancio Ambientale A company with an environmental mission.
Il gruppo Buzzi Unicem opera da oltre cento anni nel settore del The group Buzzi Unicem has operated in the field of cement,
cemento, del calcestruzzo e degli aggregati naturali. concrete and natural aggregates for more than 100 years.
Presente in 12 paesi, lazienda ha una visione a lungo termine Present in twelve countries, the company has a long-term
dellimpresa, e opera in ottica di sviluppo sostenibile progettando corporate vision, and operates in a philosophy of sustainable
strutture produttive di alta qualit ed ecologicamente compatibili. development, planning high-quality and ecologically compatible
production structures.
Filiera di trasformazione:
Cementubi Spa Grugliasco (TO)
De Santis Srl San Carlo Canavese (TO)
Aziende Partner:
Dott. Gallina Srl La Loggia (TO)
Quercetti Spa Torino
Societ con Certificazione Ambientale iso 14001 Company with Environmental Certification iso 14001
La dott. gallina srl, riconoscendo limportanza della salvaguardia The company Dott. Gallina S.r.l., recognising the importance of
dellintegrit del contesto ambientale nel quale 竪 inserita e della safeguarding the environmental context in which it operates and
sicurezza e salute dei propri collaboratori e della popolazione the health and safety of its employees and the local population,
locale, si impegna a migliorare in modo continuo le prestazioni is committed to continuously reducing the environmental impact
ambientali delle proprie attivit. of its activities.
Filiera di trasformazione:
Docks & Docker Grugliasco (TO)
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
8. www.torinolab.it
network Torino Lab
Azienda Partner:
Re-board速 竪 amico dellambiente. Re-board速 is environmentally friendly.
Realizzato con impianti a basso consumo energetico e con colle Made using systems with low energy consumption and water-
a base acqua, pu嘆 essere riciclato come carta normalissima. based glues, it can be recycled like normal paper.
Nessun prodotto 竪 aggiunto nel processo di produzione tale che No products are added during the manufacturing process that
possa in qualche modo danneggiare lambiente. could harm the environment in any way.
E 100% riciclabile. It is 100% recyclable.
Filiera di trasformazione:
Digital Color Srl Torino
Maxi Srl Torino
Aziende Partner:
Moroni gomma
Fondata nel 1919, Moroni Gomma 竪 una azienda che ha una Founded in 1919, Moroni Gomma is a company with more than
preziosa esperienza di oltre 90 anni nel campo degli elastomeri e ninety years precious experience in the field of elastomeres and
nelle materie plastiche pi湛 qualificate. Oltre alla specializzazione specialist plastic materials. Apart from its dedicated knowledge,
Moroni gomma vanta un assortimento molto completo di oltre Moroni Gomma has a range of more than one thousand articles
10000 articoli che la rendono un punto di riferimento per le for industrial supplies. In recent years the company has been
forniture industriali. Negli ultimi anni viene posta attenzione concentrating on the careful choice of innovative materials,
alla qualit delle lavorazioni con una scelta attenta alla ricerca produced using controlled processes and lower environmental
di materiali innovativi realizzati con lavorazioni controllate e con impact.
minor impatto ambientale.
Filiera di trasformazione:
De Santis Srl San Carlo Canavese (TO)
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012
9. www.torinolab.it
Per ulteriori informazioni
Maurizio Bazzano
T. 3355601642
Fulvia Berrino
T. 3356117293
Marco Cassino
T. 3381414409
Torino Lab s.r.l. T. 011 8391348 Cap. Soc. 10.000,00
Via dei Mille, 22 F. 011 8129833 R.E.A. 1102844
10123 Torino IT www.torinolab.it P.I. e C.F. 10067390012