1. Refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism cause blurred vision by focusing light incorrectly on the retina. Presbyopia occurs due to the natural hardening of the lens with age.
2. Strabismus is the misalignment of the eyes that can cause diplopia and reduced vision. Amblyopia is reduced vision despite normal eye findings, often caused by strabismus or refractive errors in childhood.
3. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness and xerophthalmia, with corneal ulceration and scarring in severe cases. Congenital cataracts and glaucoma require early surgical treatment to prevent vision loss.
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6. Refractive Errors
In states of refractive error rays of
light cannot be focused on the
retina and the image appears
The main types of refractive
errors are
8. 1. Myopia (short sightedness)
In myopic eye the refractive power is
so high that parallel rays of light
focused in front of the retina.
-Poor distant vision
- Spectacle- concave or negative lens
14. 2. Hypermetropia (long sightedness)
In hypermetropia rays of light are focused
behind the retina because the power
of the optical system is too low for the length of
the eye.
-Complain about near vision tasks
-In advanced state they will have poor distant
Treatment - Convex lens or positive lens
20. 3-Astigmatism
In astigmatism the rays of light coming to the
eye are focused differently in
different meridians or has two focal points.
-Distortion of image
-Poor vision at any distance
-Spectacle with cylindrical lens
25. 4- Presbyobia
This is the result of the natural aging
process of the lens where it becomes
harder and less elastic.
Accommodation will be ineffective
and the person fails to do near work
like reading. There is no difficulty of
distant vision.
Treatment-convex lens
26. 5- Surgical Aphakia
This is an eye with lens removed
Treatment-spectacle with high
positive lens
-V/A may be normal or reduced
- Deviated eye
Types of strabismus
Medial deviation (esotropia)
Lateral deviation (exotropia),see color plate17
Upward (hyper tropic)
Down ward (hypotropic)
Early detection and referral for
- Ambylopia treatment
- For spectacle and/or surgery
31. Ambylopia (lazy eye)
Definition: a reduction of vision of one or both
eyes despite normal ocular finding.
-certain types of refractive error
- Strabismus
-sensory e.g. cataract, Ptosis
- Early referral to better center
33. Vitamin A Deficiency
Disorder (VADD)
Defn :It is change in the eye and
other systems from vitamin A
1. Dietary sources of retinol
Animal foods
-contain the active vitamin retinol
-liver is the best source which
stores retinol
-milk products are also very rich in
34. Dietary sources of retinol
Plant foods
-are particularly important because they are the
staple diet for poor people
-Contain carotene pigment which is converted
into retinol
-The best source is red palm oil others carrots,
mangoes, papaya
-poor sources rice, cassava, yams, and white
maize which are staple diet of the poor
36. Function of vitamin A
.main function is maintenance of healthy
.formation of visual purple
37. Clinical signs and symptoms
1. XN -Night blindness
-poor dark adaptation and poor night vision
-is the earliest symptom of vitamin A deficiency
2. X1A- conjunctival xerosis
- Dryness of the conjunctiva causes to lose its normal
shiny luster and look like wax or paint instead
- With treatment it is reversible
3. X1B -Bitots spot with conjunctival xerosis
- Bitots spot is a foamy plaque on the temporal
aspect of bulbar conjunctiva
38. Clinical signs and symptoms
4. X2 -corneal xerosis
- Corneal surface looks rough, dull and irregular
5. X3A-corneal ulceration with xerosis
- The ulcers are bilateral and central
6. X3B-keratomalecia liquefaction of part of cornea
7. XS-Xerophthalmia scar
-Bilateral, central or lower part of cornea-It is the last and
sign with melting of the cornea
8. XF-Xerophthalmia fundus
-A pale yellow spot appear near the course of retinal vessels
and also in the retinal periphery..
39. Treatment Indications
All children with any active corneal
All children with signs of Xerophthalmia
All children with measles since they are
prone to develop Xerophthalmia
All severely ill or malnourished children
from areas where Xerophthalmia occurs,
even if there is no clinical evidence of
40. Mg IU
Day 1 110 200,000
Day 2 110 200,000
Day 7 110 200,000
Table 5.2. Recommended dose of vitamin A for age > one year or weight > 8 Kgm
41. Mg IU
Day 1 55 100,000
Day 2 55 100,000
Day 7 55 100,000
42. Preventive treatment in the
- Children under one year old 55 mg or 100,000
IU, repeat every 4-6 months
- Children over one year old 110mg or 200,000
IU, repeat every 4-6 months.
- Children at birth 27.5mg or 50,000 IU
- Mothers just after giving birth 165mg or
300,000 IU
- Pregnant and lactating mother 5.5mg or 10,000
IU daily for two weeks.
43. Prevention of blindness from
-Distribution of massive dose capsule
-Fortification of food; identify pertinent
food and process with Vitamin A.
-Horticulture and agriculture to grow and
eat the right sort of food.
-Nutrition and health education
-Immunization especially measles
45. Congenital cataract
Cataract noticed at birth.
-congenital infection (TORCH)
- Trauma or anoxia at birth
- Genetic disorders
46. Congenital cataract
Clinical features
- whitish Pupillary reflex
- increased eye movement(nystagmus)
- Early referral for surgical management. It is due
to a fear of ambylopia.
48. Congenital glaucoma
Cause: mal development of trabeculum including iridocorneal
Triad of
- Epiphora
- Photophobia
- Blepharospasm
Defn: It is commonly defined as a
condition in which the intra ocular
pressure is sufficiently high to cause optic
nerve damage followed by visual field
Glaucoma is broadly classified as
1. Open angle glaucoma
2 closed angle glaucoma.
It is characterized by
- Adult onset of age above 40 years
- Repeated IOP > 21mmHg
- Bilateral but severe in
one eye
- Usually asymptomatic
- In advanced cases, there will be
constriction of visual fields
- V/A is reduced in advanced case
- IOP is raised
- Visual field constriction
- Optic disc cupping
Urgent referral for medical and surgical