The document argues that college employees should not be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. It cites several studies and experts that indicate guns do not actually make people safer and could increase the lethality of violent crimes or incidents. Allowing more guns on campus would not guarantee increased security and instead risks more deaths, as guns have been shown to escalate conflicts. The conclusion is that banning concealed carry by college staff maintains a safer learning environment without relying solely on security or law enforcement.
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Concealed weapons
1. Clerigo 1
Khaskie Clerigo
There is no concrete evidence that that using gun for self-defense reduces the possibility of
injury. In fact, studies indicate that guns make the commission of crimes even more violent. Thus,
school employees should not be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus even as the
growing number of incidents of shootings in schools in the United States of America.
Yes, for security and safety reasons, a number of states and educational institutions have
allowed its faculty to have guns on the premise that it would deter the crimes. Statistics and
evidences point to the opposite however. Guns often trigger hostile interactions that normally end
up in a fatal and deadly confrontations between the conflicting parties.
David Hemenway, a professor of health policy at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health and an expert on public health impact of gun violence and director of the Harvard Injury
Control Research Center, cited that of the crimes committed in the data of the National Crime
Victimization Survey, about 100,000 used guns. In a poll he conducted, scientists overwhelmingly
agree that guns and firearms would make society even more dangerous.
Norah Vawter, a self-confessed victim of gun violence and author of Guns Dont Make Us
Safer Heres the Proof, published on July 6, 2018 expressed that gun control does work; that, it
has successfully stopped more than a million abusers from the commission of crimes when
Missouri strictly implemented the permit-to-purchase handgun law. With guns, it make it easier
for people to kill or commit fatal crimes.
2. Clerigo 2
Owners of guns are actually in a more dangerous position to get assaulted and shot 4 times
by an armed assailant. There are extremely direct connection between gun ownership and firearm-
related deaths, with women and children comprising the majority of fatalities.
While it is true that guns dont kill people, guns however, make these killings much easier.
Responsible use of firearms is easier said than done as there a number of factors that could be
attributed gun-related incidents, whether it is accidental, suicide or pre-meditated crime. The risks
are too much and I dont think that people are wary of this.
Policies controlling gun ownership are not as effective as visualized, after all criminals and
law offenders have other agenda in their mind.
If we desire to live a safer school environment, college students, professors, and other
college employees should be barred from carrying concealed weapons on campus because there
are no guarantees that it will help ensure security in the campus. The risks are high and could not
outweigh the good benefits it could bring to the table and may only endanger the lives of every
individual inside the institution.
The safety and security of an educational institution should not be the sole responsibility
of the administration and its security personnel, as well as the law enforcement agencies. Mutual
cooperation and vigilance will certainly help deter the commission of crimes. It may not totally
suppress crimes, but without guns, fatalities could be foiled.
Works Cited
Thomsen, Ian: Does having a gun at home really make you safer, February 13, 2019
Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health: Do guns make us safer? Science suggests no, 2016