The term Strategy has been derived from a Greek word strategos, which means generalship the actual direction of Military force, as distinct from the policy governing its deployment
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Concept of strategy - Strategic Management
1. Concept of StrategyConcept of Strategy
The term Strategy has been derived fromThe term Strategy has been derived from
a Greek word strategos, which meansa Greek word strategos, which means
generalship the actual direction ofgeneralship the actual direction of
Military force, as distinct from the policyMilitary force, as distinct from the policy
governing its deployment.governing its deployment.
2. Meaning of StrategyMeaning of Strategy
In business Parlance there is no definiteIn business Parlance there is no definite
meaning assigned to strategy. A strategymeaning assigned to strategy. A strategy
could becould be
A plan or course of ActionA plan or course of Action
The pattern related to the organisationsThe pattern related to the organisations
Related to pursuing those activitiesRelated to pursuing those activities
which move an organisation from currentwhich move an organisation from current
to Desired positionto Desired position
3. Meaning of StrategyMeaning of Strategy
Concerned with resources necessary forConcerned with resources necessary for
implementing a planimplementing a plan
Connected to the strategic positioning of aConnected to the strategic positioning of a
The planned or actual coordination of theThe planned or actual coordination of the
Firms major goals or actions.Firms major goals or actions.
# In simplified terms, a strategy is the means to achieve
objectives, which is being desired or set by the Organisation.
4. Levels At which Strategy OperatesLevels At which Strategy Operates
There are so many companies in IndiaThere are so many companies in India
that are working in different business linesthat are working in different business lines
with regard to Products or services e.g.with regard to Products or services e.g.
Maruti SuzukiMaruti Suzuki
Hindustan LeverHindustan Lever
Bharti GroupBharti Group
5. Levels At which Strategy OperatesLevels At which Strategy Operates
For all the companies mentioned above,For all the companies mentioned above,
working in the different businesses aworking in the different businesses a
single strategy is not only inadequate butsingle strategy is not only inadequate but
also inappropriate. The need is for multiplealso inappropriate. The need is for multiple
strategies at different Levels.strategies at different Levels.
6. Strategic Business Unit (SBU)Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
In order to segregate different units, eachIn order to segregate different units, each
performing a common set of activities,performing a common set of activities,
many companies organise on the basis ofmany companies organise on the basis of
operating divisions. These divisions areoperating divisions. These divisions are
known as Strategic Business Unit, moreknown as Strategic Business Unit, more
commonly known as SBU. Generallycommonly known as SBU. Generally
SBUs are involved in single line ofSBUs are involved in single line of
7. Different Levels of StrategyDifferent Levels of Strategy
Finance Marketing ITHRMOperations
Corporate Level
Business Level
8. Corporate LevelCorporate Level
Corporate Level Strategy is a completeCorporate Level Strategy is a complete
plan of action covering the variousplan of action covering the various
functions being performed by differentfunctions being performed by different
SBUs. The plan is about the objectives,SBUs. The plan is about the objectives,
that the company plans to achieve,that the company plans to achieve,
allocation of the resources & coordinationallocation of the resources & coordination
of the SBUs for the optimal performance.of the SBUs for the optimal performance.
9. SBU LevelSBU Level
SBU Level strategy is a detailed planSBU Level strategy is a detailed plan
setting objectives for SBUs, allocation ofsetting objectives for SBUs, allocation of
the resources among functional areas &the resources among functional areas &
coordination between them for makingcoordination between them for making
optimal contribution to the corporate leveloptimal contribution to the corporate level
10. Functional LevelFunctional Level
Functional level strategy deals with aFunctional level strategy deals with a
relatively restricted plan, providingrelatively restricted plan, providing
objectives for a specific function allocationobjectives for a specific function allocation
of resources among different operationsof resources among different operations
within that functional area & coordinationwithin that functional area & coordination
between them for the optimal contributionbetween them for the optimal contribution
to the achievement of the SBU &to the achievement of the SBU &
corporate level strategies.corporate level strategies.
11. Societal LevelSocietal Level
Based on a mission statement, a societalBased on a mission statement, a societal
strategy is a generalized view of how anstrategy is a generalized view of how an
Organisation relates itself to the society inOrganisation relates itself to the society in
terms of the needs of the society.terms of the needs of the society.
Corporate level strategy could beCorporate level strategy could be
designed keeping in view the societaldesigned keeping in view the societal
12. Operational LevelOperational Level
Even below the functional level some strategiesEven below the functional level some strategies
are required to be set up, these strategies areare required to be set up, these strategies are
called the operational level strategies. Eachcalled the operational level strategies. Each
functional area could have a number offunctional area could have a number of
operational strategies. These strategies wouldoperational strategies. These strategies would
deal with a highly specific & narrowly defineddeal with a highly specific & narrowly defined
area. A functional strategy at HRM could bearea. A functional strategy at HRM could be
further divided into Recruitment & Selection,further divided into Recruitment & Selection,
Training & Development, PerformanceTraining & Development, Performance
Appraisal, Compensation Management.Appraisal, Compensation Management.
13. Corporate UmbrellaCorporate Umbrella
Activities in each operational area of HRM,Activities in each operational area of HRM,
whether Recruitment & selection or Training &whether Recruitment & selection or Training &
development could be performed in such a waydevelopment could be performed in such a way
that they optimally contribute to the functionalthat they optimally contribute to the functional
objectives of HRM department. The functionalobjectives of HRM department. The functional
strategy of HRM, Finance, Marketing,strategy of HRM, Finance, Marketing,
Operations & IT are interlinked. These functionalOperations & IT are interlinked. These functional
level strategies operate under SBU Level.level strategies operate under SBU Level.
Various SBU level strategies are put into theVarious SBU level strategies are put into the
action under the Corporate Level Strategies.action under the Corporate Level Strategies.