Concoct-Share is a proposed app by a non-profit organization that aims to reduce food waste and help those in need. The app would use inventory and expiration date tracking to suggest recipes for foods soon to expire, and allow users to either eat the food or donate it to local food banks through a geolocation service. This solution could help link the issues of reducing the 50% of UK household food waste and increasing emergency food aid to 172 UK food banks. The target audience is mainly single, urban, middle-class women who care about social and environmental issues and want an easy way to donate food. Financial support is needed to develop the app.
2. Love food, hate waste
Our company
Not-for-pro鍖t organization
A team work with partners, (community organizations, chefs, UK businesses, trade bodies, local
authorities, and individuals)
Our objectives
Inform the public about the dangers of waste
Help people who looking for practical advices about Food Waste
Our goal
Create citizen & environmental habits
BECAUSE, less wasted food, will ultimately bene鍖t our purses and the environment too
3. Issues & Opportunities
1st fact : WASTE - in statics
50% of the total amount of food thrown away in the UK
comes from our homes
We throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food and drink every year,
costing us 贈12bn - more than half could have eaten.
Wasting this food costs the average household 贈480 a year, rising to 贈680 for a family with children, the equivalent of
around 贈50 a month.
More stats :
4. Issues & Opportunity
2nd fact : Emergency food aid - in statics
In the world, 5 million of dead hunger children every year. A child dies of hunger every six seconds.
850 million undernourished people in the world. 6 million deaths due to malnutrition in the world
each year
In UK, today : 172 food banks
and currently 91 additional (under development across the UK)
109,294 adults and children in the UK received at least days of emergency food aid between April and
September 2012, this 鍖gure expected to rise to over 200,000 by April 2013
However, almost a third of total people referred for emergency help are waiting for accessing to
5. Our solution
Why dont we try to link these two facts to...
Create an app which has 2 aims :
First, help people to reduce their food waste to feel responsible and to save
And 鍖nally, create some citizens habits by sharing food with needy persons
... to ease our conscience !!
6. Our App : Concoct-Share
What is that ?
束 Concoct-Share 損 : Concoction to share
Make an inventory of your use-by-dates products (by character recognition software)
The app creates a schedule including an alarm will switch on before the use-by-date
At this time, the software suggests you recipes to use your different products that will be out-of-date
NOW, Make a choice : - You will eat these products or....
- Give its to some food banks or similar organization (Kitchen Soup, British Red Cross, ...)
Thanks to a geolocation service included in the app, you 鍖nd the nearest Kitchen Soup from you !
So Concoct-Share is : #1 Combine ingredients for you
#2 Share, with a food donation !
7. Target audience
Main target
Men & Women, 25-60 y.o, urban persons, C1 (Middle Class), who have
Core target
Single woman, 25-45 y.o, C1, urban person, digital savvy
She feels concern by environmental and social issues,
and she is ready to provide assistance to needy people, but doesnt know how
8. Conclusion
This app is free but to develop it and to keep it working we need 鍖nancial
help. Thats why sponsoring could be the best way to make this product a
Its a progressive app which could be extended
(for instance : collect food soon out-of-date directly at home)
The main fact is that app is a sustainable and fair solution for everybody.