Concrete cloth has very high early strength and can withstand imposed loads from vehicles weighing up to 160kN. Testing showed it had a 10-day compressive failure stress of 40MPa, compressive Young's modulus of 1500MPa, bending failure stress of 3.4MPa, and bending Young's modulus of 180MPa. Concrete cloth can be used for mining blast structures, bund lining, and dust suppression systems under helicopter pads.
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concrete cloths
7. Strength
Very high early
strength is a
characteristic of
concrete cloth.
Resistance to
Imposed Loads on
Vehicle Traffic
EN 1991-1-1:2002
(CC8 & CC13 only)
- Category G compliant
- Gross weight of 2
axle vehicle 30 to
- Uniformly distributed
load not exceeding
5kN/sq. m
Compressive testing
This test based on ASTM C473 – 07
- 10 day compressive failure stress (MPa) 40
- 10 day compressive Young’s modulus (MPa) 1500
Bending test
This tests based on BS EN 12467:2004
- 10 day bending failure stress (MPa) 3.4
- 10 day bending Young’s modulus (MPa) 180
CBR Puncture Resistance EN ISO 12236: 2007
(CC8 & CC13 only)
- Min. Push-through force 2.69kN
- Max. Deflection at Peak 38mm
14. Mining Applications
Concrete cloth can be
used as an alternative
to poured or sprayed
concrete or as a quick
way of erecting strong
permanent or temporary
blast and vent
structures and spall
lining. it has been
successfully tried in
Mpumalanga, South
Bund Lining
Earth containment
bunds can be quickly
lined with Concrete
Cloth to provide an
efficient, chemically
resistant alternative to
concrete walling.
system in
The turbulent air
currents created by
the helicopter rotor
wash drives loose
soil particles into
the air.