Este documento promociona un blog sobre marketing en l¨ªnea y redes sociales. Brevemente menciona temas como redes sociales, marketing en l¨ªnea y proporciona la direcci¨®n del blog para obtener m¨¢s informaci¨®n.
Therapeutic Interventions Tested in APBD Models Ben Decker
Researchers have developed a neuronal model of APBD that recapitulates glycogen accumulation and increased apoptosis seen in patients. Treating the model with rapamycin reversed adverse phenotypes by possibly stimulating autophagosome formation and exosome release, or inhibiting glycogen synthase. Researchers are now testing rapamycin and other therapies like iron chelators in the neuronal model, mouse model, and patient cells to identify effective treatments for APBD.
{¡°i am down with flu¡±, ¡°got flu.¡±} msg exchange between users provide early, robust predictions. OSN represent a previously untapped data source for detecting onset of an
epidemic and predicting its spread.
Twitter/Facebook mobile users tweet/posts updates with their geo-location updates, helps in carrying out refined
User demographics like age, gender,location, etc can be
inferred from data.We get snapshot of current epidemic condition and preview on what to expect next on
daily or hourly bases.
Thus we sought to develop model that estimates
number of physician visits per week related to ILI as reported by CDC.
The document contains contact information for Mo'tasem Abushanap, including his email address and various social media profiles. It lists his email as and mentions that he can also be found on Scribd, Hotmail, Facebook, Yahoo, and Gmail.
The professor holds up a glass of water in class and asks students to guess its weight. When the students provide guesses, the professor notes that he doesn't actually know the weight unless he measures it. He then asks what would happen if he held the glass up for longer periods of time - an hour, a day. The students note that his arm would begin to ache and could become numb. However, the professor notes that the weight of the glass did not change. He asks what caused the pain, and a student responds that he should put the glass down. The professor explains that life's problems are like the glass - they seem manageable at first but can paralyze us if dwelled on for too long. It
A new service that transforms the experience of filling up your car at the gas station into a VIP experience by providing to the fast and busy executives that value a 1st class service
DCM Presentation Multitasking and conncted devicesPietro Lambert
Mobile internet usage has increased compared to traditional media like newspapers and radio. People spend more time on mobile internet accessing news, weather, sports and doing things like watching videos. They also text and talk more on their mobile devices.
Tablet owners spend around 11 hours per day consuming media, with over half of that time spent multi-tasking across media and non-leisure activities. Common multi-tasking situations for mobile device users include watching TV, lying in bed, socializing with others, waiting, and commuting.
Most consumers understand that advertising is part of the mobile experience and are okay with mobile ads if it means relevant content is free or low cost.
Susan B. Thompson is an entrepreneurial leader and motivational mentor with extensive experience in sales, marketing, and business development. She has a strong work ethic and communication skills. Her career includes launching new divisions for telecommunications companies and developing the Vermont market for Sprint's fiber optic network. She later founded her own wedding consulting business and floral design company.
1) The document provides guidance on sequencing events when telling a story through linking ideas, ordering events chronologically using words like "firstly", "then", "after that", and "next".
2) It also discusses expressing interruptions or adding new elements using words like "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" as well as ways listeners interrupt to ask questions.
3) Finally, it offers suggestions for concluding a story using words such as "finally", "in the end", or "lastly".
Most online video viewers distrust video advertising. To overcome this, advertisers need to develop less intrusive ad formats like prerolls and overlays. As more full TV shows and movies become available online, longer video ads may also become more accepted. A mixed model of advertising and subscription fees could support growth in online video advertising by providing valuable content while also offering reduced advertising. Developing high-quality, well-targeted video ads will help shift audience attitudes towards greater acceptance of online video advertising.
Este documento promociona un blog sobre marketing en l¨ªnea y redes sociales. Brevemente menciona temas como redes sociales, marketing en l¨ªnea y proporciona la direcci¨®n del blog para obtener m¨¢s informaci¨®n.
Therapeutic Interventions Tested in APBD Models Ben Decker
Researchers have developed a neuronal model of APBD that recapitulates glycogen accumulation and increased apoptosis seen in patients. Treating the model with rapamycin reversed adverse phenotypes by possibly stimulating autophagosome formation and exosome release, or inhibiting glycogen synthase. Researchers are now testing rapamycin and other therapies like iron chelators in the neuronal model, mouse model, and patient cells to identify effective treatments for APBD.
{¡°i am down with flu¡±, ¡°got flu.¡±} msg exchange between users provide early, robust predictions. OSN represent a previously untapped data source for detecting onset of an
epidemic and predicting its spread.
Twitter/Facebook mobile users tweet/posts updates with their geo-location updates, helps in carrying out refined
User demographics like age, gender,location, etc can be
inferred from data.We get snapshot of current epidemic condition and preview on what to expect next on
daily or hourly bases.
Thus we sought to develop model that estimates
number of physician visits per week related to ILI as reported by CDC.
The document contains contact information for Mo'tasem Abushanap, including his email address and various social media profiles. It lists his email as and mentions that he can also be found on Scribd, Hotmail, Facebook, Yahoo, and Gmail.
The professor holds up a glass of water in class and asks students to guess its weight. When the students provide guesses, the professor notes that he doesn't actually know the weight unless he measures it. He then asks what would happen if he held the glass up for longer periods of time - an hour, a day. The students note that his arm would begin to ache and could become numb. However, the professor notes that the weight of the glass did not change. He asks what caused the pain, and a student responds that he should put the glass down. The professor explains that life's problems are like the glass - they seem manageable at first but can paralyze us if dwelled on for too long. It
A new service that transforms the experience of filling up your car at the gas station into a VIP experience by providing to the fast and busy executives that value a 1st class service
DCM Presentation Multitasking and conncted devicesPietro Lambert
Mobile internet usage has increased compared to traditional media like newspapers and radio. People spend more time on mobile internet accessing news, weather, sports and doing things like watching videos. They also text and talk more on their mobile devices.
Tablet owners spend around 11 hours per day consuming media, with over half of that time spent multi-tasking across media and non-leisure activities. Common multi-tasking situations for mobile device users include watching TV, lying in bed, socializing with others, waiting, and commuting.
Most consumers understand that advertising is part of the mobile experience and are okay with mobile ads if it means relevant content is free or low cost.
Susan B. Thompson is an entrepreneurial leader and motivational mentor with extensive experience in sales, marketing, and business development. She has a strong work ethic and communication skills. Her career includes launching new divisions for telecommunications companies and developing the Vermont market for Sprint's fiber optic network. She later founded her own wedding consulting business and floral design company.
1) The document provides guidance on sequencing events when telling a story through linking ideas, ordering events chronologically using words like "firstly", "then", "after that", and "next".
2) It also discusses expressing interruptions or adding new elements using words like "suddenly" or "unexpectedly" as well as ways listeners interrupt to ask questions.
3) Finally, it offers suggestions for concluding a story using words such as "finally", "in the end", or "lastly".
Most online video viewers distrust video advertising. To overcome this, advertisers need to develop less intrusive ad formats like prerolls and overlays. As more full TV shows and movies become available online, longer video ads may also become more accepted. A mixed model of advertising and subscription fees could support growth in online video advertising by providing valuable content while also offering reduced advertising. Developing high-quality, well-targeted video ads will help shift audience attitudes towards greater acceptance of online video advertising.
2. DIVERSITAT CULTURAL Introducci¨® La gent, els aliments, la m¨²sica, la literatura, els costums, la llengua , la religi¨®¡ s¨®n elements que ens permeten descobrir la diversitat cultural que ens envolta als xiquets/es de la classe. A la nostra classe hi ha diversitat cultural. Hi ha alumnes de proced¨¨ncia diversa o fam¨ªlies que venen d¡¯altres pa?sos. Aquesta pluralitat cultural ¨¦s bona perqu¨¨ aix¨ª descobrim altres maneres diferent a la nostra. ?s necessari descobrir les diferents comunitats per a entendre-les , respectar-les i sobretot per a no creure que la nostra pr¨°pia cultura ¨¦s la ¨²nica ni la millor.
3. TASCA Et proposo una s¨¨rie d¡¯activitats per a aconseguir aquest objectiu. A partir d¡¯ara tu juntament amb un altre company/a que ser¨¤ la teva parella de treball, sereu periodistes . Necessiteu reunir una s¨¨rie de dades sobre diferents elements culturals de les cultures que tenim representades a la nostra classe . Farem un viatge virtual per diverses p¨¤gines web relacionades amb el tema per elaborar una breu presentaci¨® de cada pa¨ªs. Aix¨ª veurem si realment les difer¨¨ncies s¨®n tantes com sembla i si ¨¦s bo o dolent qu¨¨ hi hagi difer¨¨ncies.
4. ACTIVITAT 1 Comencem sabent qu¨¨ vol dir cultura ? Qu¨¨ ¨¦s una cultura? Aneu a aquesta p¨¤gina web i busqueu la definici¨®, copieu i pegueu a la part dreta d¡¯aquesta diapositiva Definici¨® cultura http :// / wiki /Cultura DEFINICI? DE CULTURA
5. ACTIVITAT 2 D escobrim quines cultures tenim a la nostra classe Unai Cristina PA?S D¡¯ORIGEN NOM PA?S D¡¯ORIGEN NOM
6. ACTIVITAT 3: LA CULTURA DE LA MEVA FAM?LIA A partir de l¡¯activitat escrita ¡°La cultura de la meva fam¨ªlia¡± qu¨¨ has fet amb l¡¯ajuda dels teus parents ara haureu de crear un power point on s¡¯expliqui les dues cultures dels membres de la classe que formeu una parella. MIRA L¡¯EXEMPLE DE L¡¯ANDREI!!
9. Em dic¡Andrei Vaig n¨¦ixer a Buhusi que ¨¦s un poble de Rumania. Vaig venir aqu¨ª a espanya quan tenia 3 anys. El meu pare i la meva germana Cristina ja fa tres anys que viuen aqu¨ª.
10. Romania ¨¦s un pa¨ªs molt muntany¨®s. Hi ha pistes d¡¯esqu¨ª.Nom¨¦s una petita part toca al Mar Negre. En una muntanya,al peu de la serralada dels C¨¤rpats hi ha el castell on va viure el Comte Dr¨¤cula.
11. COSES T?PIQUES S¨®n t¨ªpics els ous pintats que en ruman¨¨s anomenem ¡°oua rosii¡±per festes de Setmana Santa
12. FESTA DE SAN NICOLAS A Rumania celebrem el dia de San Nicol¨¤s a principi del mes de desembre, despr¨¦s de sopar els xiquets deixem sabates prop de la porta. Quan ens aixequem, San Nicol¨¤s ha deixat caramels i dol?os a les sabates
18. PROC?S Ara, us toca a vosaltres!! Heu d¡¯elaborar una presentaci¨® seguint l¡¯exemple qu¨¨ heu vist de l¡¯Andrei En la mateixa presentaci¨® han d¡¯apar¨¨ixer els pa?sos dels dos xiquets de la parella Ha de sortir refer¨¨ncies a una festa, a un costum, a un plat t¨ªpic, a la llengua i a la situaci¨® geogr¨¤fica Seria bo incloure imatge o fotografies per a clarificar la informaci¨® i decorar
19. RECURSOS Per ajudar-vos podeu consultar els seg¨¹ents enlla?os que us proposem http :// ? ?????????????????????
20. I els seg¨¹ents llibres Col¡¤lecci¨® Jo vinc de.... Barcelona: La Galera (Tots els t¨ªtols publicats)
21. ACTIVITAT 3 Exposici¨® del protagonista: fa la presentaci¨® i explicaci¨® del power point realitzat i amb col¡¤laboraci¨® de la fam¨ªlia a l¡¯aula es realitza o s¡¯ensenya quelcom relacionat amb els continguts presentats: com fer un menjar t¨ªpic, pintar els ous de Pasqua, ensenyar vestimenta pr¨°pia de la cultura,etc
22. CONCLUSI? Heu vist quantes coses que heu apr¨¨s sobre el pa¨ªs del vostre nou company? De ben segur que heu descobert actuacions que tamb¨¦ es fan en el nostre pa¨ªs i d'altres que potser us han sopr¨¨s molt. Tamb¨¦ heu pogut comprovar si eren certs o no els vostres coneixements i creences sobre aquella zona del m¨®n i dels seus habitants. Heu pogut con¨¨ixer alguns aspectes del dia a dia dels nens i adolescents d'un altre pa¨ªs tot divertint-vos fent cerques, llegint contes o faules, cantant can?ons o preparant receptes. Quantes coses que podem aprendre dels altres, veritat? Vinga doncs, repassem-ho tot b¨¦ perqu¨¨ la festa de benvinguda ens surti rodona!!