Employers Health and Wellbeing Conference 2012.
Attendance by invitation to organisations with 5 or more employees.
Increase wealth through employee health
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Conference Brochure 2012
At MWW we specialise in on site massage programmes that are At MWW we specialise in on site massage programmes that are
speci鍖cally designed for the workplace. Our programmes increase speci鍖cally designed for the workplace. Our programmes increase
employee wellbeing resulting in: employee wellbeing resulting in:
2 Regional Conference
25th October 2012 at etc. venues Birmingham UK
Relaxed, Refreshed & Rejuvenated Relaxed, Refreshed & Rejuvenated
The business results are clear: The business results are clear:
Midlands Workplace Wellbeing offer a premier corporate health and
absenteeism caused by stress and absenteeism caused by stress and
muscular aches and pains muscular aches and pains
wellbeing service with packages tailored to suit your organisationalstress management option stress management option
needs. making you stand out as an
employer of choice
making you stand out as an
employer of choice
eyestrain, tension and eases muscular aches and pains of the neck, eyestrain, tension and eases muscular aches and pains of the neck,
With longer working hours, higher performance targets and the
back, shoulders and arms. back, shoulders and arms.
Contact us now to see how we can help you increase the Contact us now to see how we can help you increase the
threat of potential job losses staff are more stressed than in previous
costs incurred with staff sickness absence costs incurred with staff sickness absence
www.mwwellbeing.co.uk www.mwwellbeing.co.uk
years. The link between employee health and wellbeing and bottom
line has never been clearer.
The annual economic costs of sickness
stress &
absence and worklessness associated with working
age ill health are estimated to be over 贈100 billion.
This is greater than the current annual budget for
the NHS. Dame Carol Black Working for a healthier tomorrow
Midlands Workplace Wellbeing T: 01562 634926
142 Offmore Road, T: 07954 414 222
Kidderminster, E: renee@mwwellbeing.co.uk
MIDLANDS WORKPLACE West Midlands, DY10 1SD W: www. mwwellbeing.co.uk
At MWW we specialise in on site massage programmes that are
speci鍖cally designed for the workplace. Our programmes increase
employee wellbeing resulting in:
Relaxed, Refreshed & Rejuvenated
2. To book visit: www.mwwellbeing.co.uk/events
Following the success of last years conference we are delighted to invite you to our 2nd
Regional National Stress Awareness Day Conference (NSAD) taking place on the 25th PETER KELLY
Peter is employed by the
HSE as a Psychologist
October 2012. This years event has 3 fantastic guest speakers, a choice of workshops and in the Ergonomics,
Human Factors, and
an inclusive exhibition area offering free health checks, massage and information. Psychology team. He
has been involved in
developing the scientific knowledge base
for the management standards approach to
tackling work related stress in the UK and
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? BENEFITS OF ATTENDING AGENDA provides scientific support in relation to
mental health promotion and wellbeing in
work for the HSE. He has sat as a co-opted
HR Directors/Managers and Business Draw on the experience and knowledge expert on NICE review of mental health
promotion within the workplace and on the
Partners of 3 leading experts in the field of health, 09.15 Registration/breakfast and Department for Healths UK SHIFT panel on
work and wellbeing workplace mental health guidance.
Attendance Management networking
Gain a deeper understanding of the 10.00 Opening address Sara Rawstron (PHD CPSYCHOL )
business case for investing in the health Rachel is a Registered
Health and Well-Being and wellbeing of your workforce 10.10 Peter Kelly - Management Standards O c c u p a t i o n a l
Psychologist, a senior
10.50 Rachel Lewis - Linking management lecturer in Occupational
Identify strategies to build resilience, Psychology at Kingston
Occupational Health Managers/ to employee wellbeing Business School. Her research interest and
reduce stress and enhance wellbeing in activity surrounds employee wellbeing and
Directors the workplace engagement in the workplace, focusing on the
11.30 Coffee break links between leadership, management and
employee wellbeing. She has published her
Heads of Departments Gain new insight into health, work and 11.45 Ben Willmott Managing for research widely in both trade and academic
wellbeing and gather practical information publications; and has just completed editing
Health and Safety Specialists resilience two books, one on leadership, and one a
to take back to your organisation new Occupational Psychology textbook, to
12.25 Q & A Sara Rawstron published in early 2013 by Wiley-Blackwell
Training/Leadership and Development Network with colleagues from a cross and Sage respectively.
Professionals section of organisations and share best 12.45 Lunch, exhibition and networking
practice 13.45 Case Study Niccei Castanheira, Ben leads the CIPDs
Public Policy team,
Instarmac which works to inform
and shape debate,
EVENT DETAILS: HOW TO BOOK: government policy and
14.15 A guide to implementing legislation in order to
Date: 25th October 2012 enable higher performance at work and
NSAD 2012 better pathways into work for those seeking
Time: 09:30 for 10:00 start employment. His particular research and
Location: etc.venues 14.45 Coffee break policy areas of interest include stress,
disclosure of mental ill health, wellbeing,
Maple House 15.00 Choice of workshops: data protection, health and safety and
150 Corporation Street industrial relations.
Birmingham Resilience
Ben joined the CIPD in 2003. He started
B4 6TB his career in regional journalism and prior
Equality and Diversity
Cost: 贈66 including VAT to joining the CIPD was news editor and
employment law editor at Personnel Today
Includes: Breakfast, Lunch, Refreshments 15.45 Conference closes magazine.
and access to the free exhibition
To book visit: www.mwwellbeing.co.uk/events