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Use transaction:CO28
Preferred profiles:Z00001-ECE Order Header confirmations
Z00002-ECE Confirmations per count point
Enter the transaction code:CO28
Select confirmations
Choose display
You will see this screen
Select the profile
Enter the plant number
Enter the dates. This is to filter the search
criteria within the period.
If you leave this field, system will search
all the prod orders
You can use above any one of them for your search.
Click on execute icon
You will find the report on the basis of every
individual production order
Scroll down to see the other production order confirmations
You can change the fields by selecting fields tab
Choose the ones
you want
Click continue to see the chang
Find the new column here
Enter the profile and plant to see the confirmations with
respect to work center with respect to work center
Click on execute button
This is the report with respect to work center and operation
Scroll down to see the confirmations with respect
to operation and work center
This report can be downloaded to excel

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