Congressional Diabetes Caucus Briefing about the Accuracy of Diabetes Blood Glucose Systems on August 23, 2017
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Congressional Diabetes Caucus Briefing August 23, 2017
1. Representatives DeGette and Reed, Co-Chairs of the Diabetes Caucus, invite you to an
important congressional staff briefing to learn about a recent study evaluating the
accuracy of diabetes blood glucose systems. This study, conducted by the Diabetes
Technology Society, examined 18 different home blood glucose monitors and found
that 12 failed accuracy standards according to the study protocol. At this staff briefing,
the author of the study, David Klonoff, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine at U.C. San
Francisco and lead author of the study will discuss the study and its relevance.
2168 (Gold Room)
8/23/2017 2:30 PM - 8/23/2017 3:30 PM
Accuracy of Diabetes Blood Glucose Systems
Diabetes Caucus Briefing