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Connectivity Methodology
Ver. 3.0
NRDC Sustainable Cities Team
Presenter: TL
July 15,2015
Many thx to RND team!
 Key updates
 Input preparation
 Interim procedure
 Output result
 Evaluation of the Methodology
Key Updates
 Powerful ArcGIS (licensed authorization!)
 Overcome some constrains posed by KMZ preparation
 Generate random points
 Select eligible points
 Batch: python code
 Update of Cityname.xlsx file
 Skipping of sheet Random_Points
 Important annotation: the unit of average altitude is kilometers
 The process will
 generate 1000 random points for each city;
 Increasing capacity is feasible
 allow us to choose 40 eligible points to measure the walking distances;
 Identify if the interim points meet the standard (od distance = 500m)
 Discard the points that do not meet the requirement
 Go back to the bank test if a new eligible point meet the requirement
 get average walking distances from the final 40 points;
 The process need to be
 strictly random in point selecting
 accurate in calculating the distance
 comparable across all cities
Input Preparation
 Google Earth Pro:
 citynameRND.kmz (Many thanks to Ning, Xiao, Judy, Chenzi, Danlu)
 Same setting requirement: degree (decimal)
 Microsoft Excel:
 (Random_Points_Value), Eligible_Points, (Eligible_Points_Raw), Square_Points, Distance
 ESRI ArcGIS 10.X:
 Manually geoprocessing
 Python stand-alone processing
 (Windows environment is strongly recommended!)
 VPN and good network
Interim procedure: RP gen and EP selection
 In ArcGIS:
 KMZ to Layer
 Feature class to feature class
 (transforming boundary polylines into polygons)
 Generate random points: CITYNAME_RP.dbf
 (confined by boundary polygons)
 Selecting eligible points: CITYNAME_EP.dbf
 Detailed procedure: consulting to the python file
 In Excel:
 Copy and paste fields: Name, Latitude, Longitude
 From CITYNAME_RP.dbf to sheet Random_Points_Value
 From CITYNAME_EP.dbf to sheet Eligible_Points_Value (1 st round EP)
Interim Procedure: Square Points
 In workbook Square_Points of Nanchang.xlsx:
 Fill value of Nanchangs average altitude in the cell following Average
Interim Procedure: Distance
 In workbook Distance of Nanchang.xlsx:
 Copy the cells in column C (Output);
 In GE Pro;
 Select Search Google;
 Paste the value in box to the left of
Search button;
 Make sure no space after the last character!
 Otherwise GE will recognize this syntax as an
 Click on Search button;
Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
 In GE Pro;
 Read the distance;
 In workbook Distance of
 Record the original value (unit:
meters) in corresponding cell in
column E;
 Do not worry about the weird
direction/distance you get now.
Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
 Check for reasonableness
 If the trip origination and trip
destination are approximately
located at the point eligible
 You are lucky!
Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
 Check for reasonableness
 If the trip origination and trip
destination are not at the
intended places
 (distance between origination and
destination <> 500m)
 Too long
 Too short
 Mark the corresponding cell in
column I as problematic
 E.g. *od<>500
 (need to specify the error type?)
Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
 Complete all 160 (4 square points of each eligible point * 40 eligible
points) entries
 Good luck!
 Review the notes for problematic results;
 You have made marks for each pair of eligible point and square point;
 Look at column I;
 Check if the note belongs to a problematic eligible point
 If more than 3/4 (including 3/4) direction/distance results of the eligible point
are marked as problematic, we need 2nd round of eligible points selecting;
 Clear all four results of the problematic eligible point in column E
Interim Procedure: 2nd round Eligible Points
 In workbook Eligible_Points of Nanchang.xlsx:
 Mark all problematic eligible points
 Find the first backup eligible points
 Directly from Nanchang_RP layer in GE
 Manually replace the number of the problematic eligible point in column A with the one of
backup eligible point;
 Use a point from the back up list generated in 1st round
 Use a point from the back up list generated by ArcGIS
 (time saving)
 Repeat the Interim procedure: Distance
 If the back up point is still problematic, continue the process of finding new back up
eligible point.
 Finish the process when no problematic eligible points show up.
Output Result
 Save Nanchang.xlsx.
 The results will keep in workbook Distance;
Output Result
 Copy column B, C, and D to Nanchang_EP.csv;
 Save Nanchang_EP.csv;
 No need to copy column A;
 Copy column C, D, and E to Nanchang_Square.csv;
 Save Nanchang_Square.csv;
 No need to copy the rest columns;
 Import Nanchang_EP.csv and Nanchang_Square.csv to Nanchang.kmz in GE
 Same procedure of importing Nanchang_RP.csv;
 Use different colors;
 Be sure to save to My Places;
 Save as Nanchang_Square.kmz;
 The estimated time of finishing one city is 2-3 hours.
 The majority of the process could be documented.
 Use ArcGIS can help increase the randomness in selecting eligible points
 Strongly depend on the accuracy of boundary and RND boundary
 Batch processing allows for massive amount of cities to be measured
 Strictly randomness in RP and EP selecting process
 Overcome the inconsistency of different coordinate systems
 WGS-84 and GCJ-02 coordinate system
 Points are random, so the relative location between points and road network is of no
necessary importance in the process.
 In Interim Procedure: Distance, it would allow at 遜 of the results to be
inaccurate, which generate inaccuracy.
 Tolerance level could be lower by only allowing no more than 遜 result to be
 < 500m is calculated as 500m
 Hard to decide whether the distance between an od pair is 500m
 Usually not!
 How close?
 Both not accurate, but the distance seems to be 500m?

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Connectivity Methodology3.0

  • 1. Connectivity Methodology Ver. 3.0 NRDC Sustainable Cities Team Presenter: TL July 15,2015
  • 2. Many thx to RND team!
  • 3. Outline Key updates Principles Input preparation Interim procedure Output result Evaluation of the Methodology
  • 4. Key Updates Powerful ArcGIS (licensed authorization!) Overcome some constrains posed by KMZ preparation Generate random points Select eligible points Batch: python code Update of Cityname.xlsx file Skipping of sheet Random_Points Important annotation: the unit of average altitude is kilometers
  • 5. Principles The process will generate 1000 random points for each city; Increasing capacity is feasible allow us to choose 40 eligible points to measure the walking distances; Identify if the interim points meet the standard (od distance = 500m) Discard the points that do not meet the requirement Go back to the bank test if a new eligible point meet the requirement get average walking distances from the final 40 points; The process need to be strictly random in point selecting accurate in calculating the distance comparable across all cities efficient
  • 6. Input Preparation Google Earth Pro: citynameRND.kmz (Many thanks to Ning, Xiao, Judy, Chenzi, Danlu) Same setting requirement: degree (decimal) Microsoft Excel: cityname.xlsx (Random_Points_Value), Eligible_Points, (Eligible_Points_Raw), Square_Points, Distance ESRI ArcGIS 10.X: Manually geoprocessing Python stand-alone processing (Windows environment is strongly recommended!) VPN and good network
  • 7. Interim procedure: RP gen and EP selection In ArcGIS: KMZ to Layer Feature class to feature class (transforming boundary polylines into polygons) Generate random points: CITYNAME_RP.dbf (confined by boundary polygons) Selecting eligible points: CITYNAME_EP.dbf Detailed procedure: consulting to the python file In Excel: Copy and paste fields: Name, Latitude, Longitude From CITYNAME_RP.dbf to sheet Random_Points_Value From CITYNAME_EP.dbf to sheet Eligible_Points_Value (1 st round EP)
  • 8. Interim Procedure: Square Points In workbook Square_Points of Nanchang.xlsx: Fill value of Nanchangs average altitude in the cell following Average Altitude;
  • 9. Interim Procedure: Distance In workbook Distance of Nanchang.xlsx: Copy the cells in column C (Output); In GE Pro; Select Search Google; Paste the value in box to the left of Search button; Make sure no space after the last character! Otherwise GE will recognize this syntax as an error. Click on Search button;
  • 10. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont) In GE Pro; Read the distance; In workbook Distance of Nanchang.xlsx: Record the original value (unit: meters) in corresponding cell in column E; Do not worry about the weird direction/distance you get now.
  • 11. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont) Check for reasonableness If the trip origination and trip destination are approximately located at the point eligible points You are lucky!
  • 12. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont) Check for reasonableness If the trip origination and trip destination are not at the intended places (distance between origination and destination <> 500m) Too long Too short Mark the corresponding cell in column I as problematic E.g. *od<>500 (need to specify the error type?)
  • 13. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont) Complete all 160 (4 square points of each eligible point * 40 eligible points) entries Good luck! Review the notes for problematic results; You have made marks for each pair of eligible point and square point; Look at column I; Check if the note belongs to a problematic eligible point If more than 3/4 (including 3/4) direction/distance results of the eligible point are marked as problematic, we need 2nd round of eligible points selecting; Clear all four results of the problematic eligible point in column E
  • 14. Interim Procedure: 2nd round Eligible Points In workbook Eligible_Points of Nanchang.xlsx: Mark all problematic eligible points Find the first backup eligible points Directly from Nanchang_RP layer in GE Manually replace the number of the problematic eligible point in column A with the one of backup eligible point; Use a point from the back up list generated in 1st round Use a point from the back up list generated by ArcGIS (time saving) Repeat the Interim procedure: Distance If the back up point is still problematic, continue the process of finding new back up eligible point. Finish the process when no problematic eligible points show up.
  • 15. Output Result Save Nanchang.xlsx. The results will keep in workbook Distance;
  • 16. Output Result Copy column B, C, and D to Nanchang_EP.csv; Save Nanchang_EP.csv; No need to copy column A; Copy column C, D, and E to Nanchang_Square.csv; Save Nanchang_Square.csv; No need to copy the rest columns; Import Nanchang_EP.csv and Nanchang_Square.csv to Nanchang.kmz in GE Pro; Same procedure of importing Nanchang_RP.csv; Use different colors; Be sure to save to My Places; Save as Nanchang_Square.kmz;
  • 17. Evaluation The estimated time of finishing one city is 2-3 hours. The majority of the process could be documented. Use ArcGIS can help increase the randomness in selecting eligible points Strongly depend on the accuracy of boundary and RND boundary Batch processing allows for massive amount of cities to be measured Strictly randomness in RP and EP selecting process Overcome the inconsistency of different coordinate systems WGS-84 and GCJ-02 coordinate system Points are random, so the relative location between points and road network is of no necessary importance in the process.
  • 18. Evaluation In Interim Procedure: Distance, it would allow at 遜 of the results to be inaccurate, which generate inaccuracy. Tolerance level could be lower by only allowing no more than 遜 result to be problematic < 500m is calculated as 500m Hard to decide whether the distance between an od pair is 500m Usually not! How close? Both not accurate, but the distance seems to be 500m?
  • 19. THX!

Editor's Notes

  • #7: Mac: importing CSV may be problematic
  • #9: The result of Latitude, Longitude, OriLat, OriLong will automatically appear. Functions: C2=CONCATENATE(A2,"-",B2) D2=F2+($I$2/(($I$3+$I$4)*2*PI())*360), E2=G2 D3=F3-($I$2/(($I$3+$I$4)*2*PI())*360), E3=G3 D4=F4, E4=G4+DEGREES(ATAN2(COS($I$2/($I$3+$I$4))-SIN(RADIANS(F4))*SIN(RADIANS(D4)),SIN(RADIANS(90))*SIN($I$2/($I$3+$I$4))*COS(RADIANS(F4)))) D5=F5, E5==G5+DEGREES(ATAN2(COS($I$2/($I$4))-SIN(RADIANS(F5))*SIN(RADIANS(D5)),SIN(RADIANS(270))*SIN($I$2/($I$4))*COS(RADIANS(F5)))) F2=INDEX(Eligibe_Points!C$2:C$41,MATCH(Square_Points!$A2,Eligibe_Points!$B$2:$B$41,0)) G2=INDEX(Eligibe_Points!D$2:D$41,MATCH(Square_Points!$A2,Eligibe_Points!$B$2:$B$41,0))
  • #14: The result of Output, Distance, and Average will automatically appear. C2=CONCATENATE("from:",Square_Points!F2,",",Square_Points!G2,"(",Square_Points!A2,")"," to:",Square_Points!D2,",",Square_Points!E2,"(",Square_Points!C2,")") (E2=IF(E2<>"","y","n")) F2=IF(E2<>"",E2/1000,"") G2=IF(F2<0.5,0.5,F2) H1=AVERAGE(G2:G5)