This document outlines the connectivity methodology version 3.0 for measuring walking distances between random points within city boundaries. It describes key updates to the process, underlying principles, input preparation in ArcGIS and Excel, interim procedures for generating random points and selecting eligible points, calculating distances, potential issues and solutions, output results, and an evaluation of the methodology. The process generates 1000 random points for each city, selects 40 eligible points, measures walking distances between eligible points and square buffer points around them, and calculates the average distance as the connectivity score.
The document discusses the process for transferring production of item X from location A to location B. It involves requesting the transfer, qualifying location B to assemble item X, switching the business area and acquisition code from A to B, and optimizing the cost of producing item X in location B. The key steps are testing an assembly in location B, inspecting it in location A, switching codes if inspection passes, expressing A's future needs, confirming deliveries from B, and addressing supply cost issues to optimize the cost in location B.
This document describes how to generate a drainage line in ArcGIS using spatial analyst and ArcHydro tools. It involves calculating the aspect, flow direction, and flow accumulation from a digital elevation model, then using ArcHydro tools to define streams, segment streams into grids, and convert the stream links grid into vector drainage line features. The key steps are 1) preparing elevation and other raster data, 2) calculating hydrology rasters, and 3) using ArcHydro tools to extract and convert stream networks into vector drainage lines.
1) CRAFT is a tool that helps improve existing facility layouts by swapping departments to find an optimal floor plan. It uses a pairwise exchange algorithm.
2) CRAFT is useful for large facilities with many departments that would be difficult to manually optimize. It works best with process layouts.
3) CRAFT considers swapping only adjacent or similarly sized departments to evaluate improvements in cost and distance metrics between departments. The final solution depends on the initial layout provided.
FlumeJava is a Java library that provides high-level abstractions for writing efficient data-parallel pipelines that are executed using MapReduce. It allows defining parallel collections and operations on those collections in a deferred manner, building a directed acyclic graph. An optimizer then transforms the graph by fusing operations together into single MapReduce jobs to improve efficiency. FlumeJava is used widely at Google to simplify developing, testing, and running data-parallel applications that are ultimately executed on MapReduce.
A Multicore Parallelization of Continuous Skyline Queries on Data StreamsTiziano De Matteis
This document summarizes a research paper on parallelizing continuous skyline queries over data streams using multicore processors. The paper presents an eager algorithm for computing skyline queries over sliding windows of data streams. It parallelizes the algorithm using a map-reduce pattern across multiple worker threads, and proposes optimizations like asynchronous reduce and load-balancing owner selection policies. Experimental results show the parallel approach achieves near-linear speedup and scales throughput up to hundreds of thousands of points processed per second.
Whats new in the upcoming MOVE3 Version 4.3-2015Wayne Pappas
MOVE3 version 4.3.0 includes new features such as support for Australian survey practices and Spanish geoid models and UTM zones. It also improves the import of files from Leica and Topcon/Sokkia systems and the export of grid coordinates, heights, and DXF files. The user interface was enhanced with new buttons and status bar information. Changes were also made to the adjustment algorithms and bug fixes.
Programs are composed from a series of computation steps. Standardizing those steps and how they are chained simplifies both the development and maintenance of applications.
Monads are the abstractions that help do just that. Functions are all one needs a computation building blocks, as they can be lifted to abstractions that hide complexity.
Virtual Instrumentation With LabVIEW is a course that introduces students to LabVIEW and building virtual instruments (VIs). The course covers the components of VIs, creating simple applications, using loops and charts, and performing data acquisition and file input/output. Students will understand LabVIEW programming tools and terms, build interactive front panels, use functions and structures on block diagrams, create subVIs, and log sensor data to files. Exercises include converting temperatures, making a thermometer, using loops, and building a temperature data logger.
This document describes using ESRI ArcGIS extensions to model reservoir drainage workflows. It outlines using Spatial Analyst hydrology tools to invert a reservoir formation top raster, model subsurface fluid flow across the inverted surface, and create a vector network of predicted flow lines draped over the original reservoir topography. The workflow is constructed and run using Model Builder to automate linking the individual GIS tools.
Valuable Information on Lexical Analysis in Compiler DesignLesa Cote
This document provides information on lexical analysis in compiler design. It begins with an introduction to compiler design and its phases, including lexical analysis. It then discusses how a lexical analyzer works by tokenizing code, removing whitespace and comments, and producing error messages. An example of tokens generated from sample code is provided. The document recommends hiring an assignment help service for compiler design tasks and provides contact information for one such service.
The document discusses Radix sort, an algorithm for sorting numbers. It begins with a numerical example of numbers to be sorted. It then explains the Radix sort algorithm in 6 steps - defining queues for each digit, inserting numbers into queues based on least significant digit, grouping numbers from queues in order, and repeating for each more significant digit. It analyzes the time complexity of Radix sort as O(n) in all cases. Code and output are listed but not shown. References for Radix sort are provided.
The document discusses selection structures in C++ programming. It defines single-alternative and dual-alternative selection structures and explains how to represent them using pseudocode, flowcharts, and the if/else statement. It covers comparison operators that can be used in selection conditions like <, >, ==, and !=. An example program demonstrates how to use an if statement to swap two numeric values if the first is greater than the second.
This document introduces the problem-solving process for programming, including analyzing problems, planning algorithms with pseudocode or flowcharts, and desk-checking algorithms. It discusses analyzing problems to determine the input, output, and processing needed to solve them. Algorithms can be represented as pseudocode or flowcharts and involve transforming input to output through processing steps. Desk-checking verifies algorithms by manually working through sample data and expected outputs. The document provides examples of analyzing and solving problems, representing algorithms visually and in pseudocode, and desk-checking solutions.
The document discusses data types and memory locations in C++. It explains that memory locations have specific data types that determine what type of data can be stored. The main data types are bool, char, short, int, float, double, and string. It also discusses selecting an appropriate initial value when declaring a variable or constant, ensuring the value's type matches the location's type. Variables and constants are declared using statements that reserve memory and can optionally initialize the location.
Write Verilog RTL for a 32-bit Carry Select Adder (CSA) that runs at 4GHz. Simulate, synthesize and physical design your adder.
Follow the directions below to create the 32-bit CSA
Create a 4-bit Carry Look Ahead (CLA) adder
combine 8-stages of the CLA adder to create the 32-bit CSA
use 4-bit 2-to-1 mux to choose the sum from each set of CLA
use 1-bit 2-to-1 mux to select the carry for the next stage
The document describes the Radix Sort algorithm and provides a C program to implement it. Radix sort sorts data by grouping keys based on their individual digit values in each significant position. The program implements Radix Sort using counting sort as a subroutine to sort digits from least significant to most significant. It takes an input array, finds the largest number to determine number of passes, and calls counting sort repeatedly by increasing the exponent value to sort the array. The output of the sample run shows the sorted array.
This document discusses coding the algorithm into a program, which is the fourth step of the problem-solving process. It covers declaring variables, coding instructions, getting input from the keyboard using cin, displaying output to the screen using cout, arithmetic expressions and operators, type conversions, and assignment statements. Arithmetic assignment operators can abbreviate statements that contain an operator and assignment.
The document discusses the fifth step of the problem-solving process - desk-checking the program. This involves translating the algorithm instructions into a C++ program and then desk-checking the program using sample data to ensure it was coded correctly. Any errors found need to be fixed before moving to the sixth step of evaluating and running the program on a computer. The sixth step may reveal syntax errors from violating language rules or logic errors that are harder to find, requiring the use of debugging to locate and resolve issues in the program.
This document discusses logical operators, formatting numeric output, and converting characters between cases in C++. Logical operators like AND and OR allow combining multiple conditions and are evaluated before arithmetic operators. Stream manipulators like fixed and scientific control numeric formatting by specifying fixed-point or exponential notation. Functions like toupper and tolower temporarily convert a character to uppercase or lowercase without modifying the original character.
Getting More for Less in Optimized MapReduce WorkflowsDr. Jaegwang Lim
This document discusses factors that influence MapReduce performance and presents models for analyzing platform and workflow performance. It introduces a platform performance model that measures the time taken for operations like read, collect, spill, and write based on input size. A workflow performance model is also described that considers dataset size, map/reduce selectivity, and processing time per record to suggest an optimal number of reduce tasks. The goal is to develop an automated performance management system to help users optimize their MapReduce applications.
This document presents an innovative approach to drilling analysis, optimization, and risk assessment. It describes collecting drilling data from daily reports, coding events, classifying non-productive time, and developing charts to correlate non-productive time with well sections and activities. A risk register is created by gathering non-productive time incidents and risks are highlighted for each well section. The analysis identifies drilling problems, investigates causes, and designs solutions to minimize risks and optimize future well drilling.
1) Pipeline processing increases computational speed by dividing tasks into sequential steps and allowing multiple tasks to progress through the steps simultaneously.
2) Arithmetic pipelines are used for fixed-point and floating-point operations by dividing the operations, like multiplication, into stages like generating partial products or adding carry bits.
3) Vector and array processors further improve parallelism by performing the same operations on multiple data elements simultaneously using multiple processing units.
Run-Time Environments: Storage organization, Stack Allocation of Space, Access to Nonlocal Data on the Stack, Heap Management, Introduction to Garbage Collection, Introduction to Trace-Based Collection. Code Generation: Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Language, Addresses in the Target Code, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, A Simple Code Generator, Peephole Optimization, Register Allocation and Assignment, Dynamic Programming Code-Generation
Stream processing from single node to a clusterGal Marder
Building data pipelines shouldn't be so hard, you just need to choose the right tools for the task.
We will review Akka and Spark streaming, how they work and how to use them and when.
This document summarizes Praveen Varma's seminar on slicing object-oriented programs. It introduces different types of program slicing including static, dynamic, backward, and forward slicing. It discusses approaches to slicing like control flow graph based and dependence graph based methods. It also covers interprocedural slicing, static and dynamic slicing of object-oriented programs, and applications of program slicing. Limitations of existing work on object-oriented program slicing are presented along with the motivation, objectives, and work done on developing more efficient slicing techniques for object-oriented programs.
This document discusses program slicing techniques for object-oriented programs. It outlines previous approaches to static and dynamic slicing of OOPs and their limitations. The key points are:
1) Early approaches used system dependence graphs but had issues distinguishing between objects and imprecisely modeled polymorphism.
2) Newer work proposes an object-oriented system dependence graph (OSDG) that models objects as trees with members to address earlier limitations.
3) The document also discusses developing efficient algorithms for dynamic slicing of concurrent object-oriented programs.
Virtual Instrumentation With LabVIEW is a course that introduces students to LabVIEW and building virtual instruments (VIs). The course covers the components of VIs, creating simple applications, using loops and charts, and performing data acquisition and file input/output. Students will understand LabVIEW programming tools and terms, build interactive front panels, use functions and structures on block diagrams, create subVIs, and log sensor data to files. Exercises include converting temperatures, making a thermometer, using loops, and building a temperature data logger.
This document describes using ESRI ArcGIS extensions to model reservoir drainage workflows. It outlines using Spatial Analyst hydrology tools to invert a reservoir formation top raster, model subsurface fluid flow across the inverted surface, and create a vector network of predicted flow lines draped over the original reservoir topography. The workflow is constructed and run using Model Builder to automate linking the individual GIS tools.
Valuable Information on Lexical Analysis in Compiler DesignLesa Cote
This document provides information on lexical analysis in compiler design. It begins with an introduction to compiler design and its phases, including lexical analysis. It then discusses how a lexical analyzer works by tokenizing code, removing whitespace and comments, and producing error messages. An example of tokens generated from sample code is provided. The document recommends hiring an assignment help service for compiler design tasks and provides contact information for one such service.
The document discusses Radix sort, an algorithm for sorting numbers. It begins with a numerical example of numbers to be sorted. It then explains the Radix sort algorithm in 6 steps - defining queues for each digit, inserting numbers into queues based on least significant digit, grouping numbers from queues in order, and repeating for each more significant digit. It analyzes the time complexity of Radix sort as O(n) in all cases. Code and output are listed but not shown. References for Radix sort are provided.
The document discusses selection structures in C++ programming. It defines single-alternative and dual-alternative selection structures and explains how to represent them using pseudocode, flowcharts, and the if/else statement. It covers comparison operators that can be used in selection conditions like <, >, ==, and !=. An example program demonstrates how to use an if statement to swap two numeric values if the first is greater than the second.
This document introduces the problem-solving process for programming, including analyzing problems, planning algorithms with pseudocode or flowcharts, and desk-checking algorithms. It discusses analyzing problems to determine the input, output, and processing needed to solve them. Algorithms can be represented as pseudocode or flowcharts and involve transforming input to output through processing steps. Desk-checking verifies algorithms by manually working through sample data and expected outputs. The document provides examples of analyzing and solving problems, representing algorithms visually and in pseudocode, and desk-checking solutions.
The document discusses data types and memory locations in C++. It explains that memory locations have specific data types that determine what type of data can be stored. The main data types are bool, char, short, int, float, double, and string. It also discusses selecting an appropriate initial value when declaring a variable or constant, ensuring the value's type matches the location's type. Variables and constants are declared using statements that reserve memory and can optionally initialize the location.
Write Verilog RTL for a 32-bit Carry Select Adder (CSA) that runs at 4GHz. Simulate, synthesize and physical design your adder.
Follow the directions below to create the 32-bit CSA
Create a 4-bit Carry Look Ahead (CLA) adder
combine 8-stages of the CLA adder to create the 32-bit CSA
use 4-bit 2-to-1 mux to choose the sum from each set of CLA
use 1-bit 2-to-1 mux to select the carry for the next stage
The document describes the Radix Sort algorithm and provides a C program to implement it. Radix sort sorts data by grouping keys based on their individual digit values in each significant position. The program implements Radix Sort using counting sort as a subroutine to sort digits from least significant to most significant. It takes an input array, finds the largest number to determine number of passes, and calls counting sort repeatedly by increasing the exponent value to sort the array. The output of the sample run shows the sorted array.
This document discusses coding the algorithm into a program, which is the fourth step of the problem-solving process. It covers declaring variables, coding instructions, getting input from the keyboard using cin, displaying output to the screen using cout, arithmetic expressions and operators, type conversions, and assignment statements. Arithmetic assignment operators can abbreviate statements that contain an operator and assignment.
The document discusses the fifth step of the problem-solving process - desk-checking the program. This involves translating the algorithm instructions into a C++ program and then desk-checking the program using sample data to ensure it was coded correctly. Any errors found need to be fixed before moving to the sixth step of evaluating and running the program on a computer. The sixth step may reveal syntax errors from violating language rules or logic errors that are harder to find, requiring the use of debugging to locate and resolve issues in the program.
This document discusses logical operators, formatting numeric output, and converting characters between cases in C++. Logical operators like AND and OR allow combining multiple conditions and are evaluated before arithmetic operators. Stream manipulators like fixed and scientific control numeric formatting by specifying fixed-point or exponential notation. Functions like toupper and tolower temporarily convert a character to uppercase or lowercase without modifying the original character.
Getting More for Less in Optimized MapReduce WorkflowsDr. Jaegwang Lim
This document discusses factors that influence MapReduce performance and presents models for analyzing platform and workflow performance. It introduces a platform performance model that measures the time taken for operations like read, collect, spill, and write based on input size. A workflow performance model is also described that considers dataset size, map/reduce selectivity, and processing time per record to suggest an optimal number of reduce tasks. The goal is to develop an automated performance management system to help users optimize their MapReduce applications.
This document presents an innovative approach to drilling analysis, optimization, and risk assessment. It describes collecting drilling data from daily reports, coding events, classifying non-productive time, and developing charts to correlate non-productive time with well sections and activities. A risk register is created by gathering non-productive time incidents and risks are highlighted for each well section. The analysis identifies drilling problems, investigates causes, and designs solutions to minimize risks and optimize future well drilling.
1) Pipeline processing increases computational speed by dividing tasks into sequential steps and allowing multiple tasks to progress through the steps simultaneously.
2) Arithmetic pipelines are used for fixed-point and floating-point operations by dividing the operations, like multiplication, into stages like generating partial products or adding carry bits.
3) Vector and array processors further improve parallelism by performing the same operations on multiple data elements simultaneously using multiple processing units.
Run-Time Environments: Storage organization, Stack Allocation of Space, Access to Nonlocal Data on the Stack, Heap Management, Introduction to Garbage Collection, Introduction to Trace-Based Collection. Code Generation: Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Language, Addresses in the Target Code, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, A Simple Code Generator, Peephole Optimization, Register Allocation and Assignment, Dynamic Programming Code-Generation
Stream processing from single node to a clusterGal Marder
Building data pipelines shouldn't be so hard, you just need to choose the right tools for the task.
We will review Akka and Spark streaming, how they work and how to use them and when.
This document summarizes Praveen Varma's seminar on slicing object-oriented programs. It introduces different types of program slicing including static, dynamic, backward, and forward slicing. It discusses approaches to slicing like control flow graph based and dependence graph based methods. It also covers interprocedural slicing, static and dynamic slicing of object-oriented programs, and applications of program slicing. Limitations of existing work on object-oriented program slicing are presented along with the motivation, objectives, and work done on developing more efficient slicing techniques for object-oriented programs.
This document discusses program slicing techniques for object-oriented programs. It outlines previous approaches to static and dynamic slicing of OOPs and their limitations. The key points are:
1) Early approaches used system dependence graphs but had issues distinguishing between objects and imprecisely modeled polymorphism.
2) Newer work proposes an object-oriented system dependence graph (OSDG) that models objects as trees with members to address earlier limitations.
3) The document also discusses developing efficient algorithms for dynamic slicing of concurrent object-oriented programs.
The document discusses code generation in compiler design. It describes code generation as the final phase of a compiler that takes an intermediate representation and symbol table as input and produces semantically equivalent target program code. The main tasks of the code generator are instruction selection, register allocation and assignment, and instruction ordering. Issues in designing the code generator include producing correct code, handling different types of intermediate representations and target architectures. The document also provides examples of techniques for register allocation, basic block partitioning, control flow graphs, DAG representations, and optimizing register usage.
The document discusses code generation in compiler design. It describes code generation as the final phase of a compiler that takes an intermediate representation with symbol table information and produces equivalent target code. The main tasks of code generation are instruction selection, register allocation and assignment, and instruction ordering. Issues in designing the code generator include producing correct code, handling different types of intermediate representations and target architectures. The document also covers topics like basic blocks, flow graphs, register allocation, instruction selection using trees, and optimizing register usage.
The document discusses algorithms and their characteristics. It defines an algorithm as a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem. Algorithms must have a finite number of unambiguous steps and result in the desired output. The document also discusses the building blocks of algorithms like statements, control flow, functions. It provides examples of different algorithm structures like sequence, selection, iteration. Finally, it discusses representations of algorithms using pseudocode, flowcharts and programming languages.
MapReduce is a programming model and implementation for processing large datasets in a distributed environment. It allows users to write map and reduce functions to process key-value pairs. The MapReduce library handles parallelization across clusters, automatic parallelization, fault-tolerance through task replication, and load balancing. It was designed at Google to simplify distributed computations on massive amounts of data and aggregates the results across clusters.
The document discusses run-time environments and how compilers support program execution through run-time environments. It covers:
1) The compiler cooperates with the OS and system software through a run-time environment to implement language abstractions during execution.
2) The run-time environment handles storage layout/allocation, variable access, procedure linkage, parameter passing and interfacing with the OS.
3) Memory is typically divided into code, static storage, heap and stack areas, with the stack and heap growing towards opposite ends of memory dynamically during execution.
This document provides an overview of a workshop on using HEC-GeoRAS to link GIS and hydraulic modeling software. The workshop is aimed at engineers, GIS professionals, and planners. It introduces HEC-GeoRAS and HEC-RAS software, the process of generating spatial data in HEC-GeoRAS from GIS layers, importing it into HEC-RAS, and exporting modeling results for mapping floodplains in GIS. Key topics covered include developing stream centerlines, cross sections, flow paths, and other data layers in GIS, validating data, running hydraulic models in HEC-RAS, and mapping inundation polygons with HEC-GeoRAS.
- The document summarizes techniques for slicing object-oriented programs. It discusses static and dynamic slicing, and limitations of previous approaches.
- It proposes a new intermediate representation called the Object-Oriented System Dependence Graph (OSDG) to more precisely capture dependencies in object-oriented programs. The OSDG explicitly represents data members of objects.
- An edge-marking algorithm is presented for efficiently performing dynamic slicing of object-oriented programs using the OSDG. This avoids recomputing the entire slice after each statement.
Algorithmic Techniques for Parametric Model RecoveryCurvSurf
A complete description of algorithmic techniques for automatic feature extraction from point cloud. The orthogonal distance fitting, an art of maximum liklihood estimation, plays the main role. Differential geometry determines the type of object surface.
Learn about how to visualize the value chain while using Kanban in your software development processes. Also see what digital Kanban tools are on the market
3. Outline
Key updates
Input preparation
Interim procedure
Output result
Evaluation of the Methodology
4. Key Updates
Powerful ArcGIS (licensed authorization!)
Overcome some constrains posed by KMZ preparation
Generate random points
Select eligible points
Batch: python code
Update of Cityname.xlsx file
Skipping of sheet Random_Points
Important annotation: the unit of average altitude is kilometers
5. Principles
The process will
generate 1000 random points for each city;
Increasing capacity is feasible
allow us to choose 40 eligible points to measure the walking distances;
Identify if the interim points meet the standard (od distance = 500m)
Discard the points that do not meet the requirement
Go back to the bank test if a new eligible point meet the requirement
get average walking distances from the final 40 points;
The process need to be
strictly random in point selecting
accurate in calculating the distance
comparable across all cities
6. Input Preparation
Google Earth Pro:
citynameRND.kmz (Many thanks to Ning, Xiao, Judy, Chenzi, Danlu)
Same setting requirement: degree (decimal)
Microsoft Excel:
(Random_Points_Value), Eligible_Points, (Eligible_Points_Raw), Square_Points, Distance
Manually geoprocessing
Python stand-alone processing
(Windows environment is strongly recommended!)
VPN and good network
7. Interim procedure: RP gen and EP selection
In ArcGIS:
KMZ to Layer
Feature class to feature class
(transforming boundary polylines into polygons)
Generate random points: CITYNAME_RP.dbf
(confined by boundary polygons)
Selecting eligible points: CITYNAME_EP.dbf
Detailed procedure: consulting to the python file
In Excel:
Copy and paste fields: Name, Latitude, Longitude
From CITYNAME_RP.dbf to sheet Random_Points_Value
From CITYNAME_EP.dbf to sheet Eligible_Points_Value (1 st round EP)
8. Interim Procedure: Square Points
In workbook Square_Points of Nanchang.xlsx:
Fill value of Nanchangs average altitude in the cell following Average
9. Interim Procedure: Distance
In workbook Distance of Nanchang.xlsx:
Copy the cells in column C (Output);
In GE Pro;
Select Search Google;
Paste the value in box to the left of
Search button;
Make sure no space after the last character!
Otherwise GE will recognize this syntax as an
Click on Search button;
10. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
In GE Pro;
Read the distance;
In workbook Distance of
Record the original value (unit:
meters) in corresponding cell in
column E;
Do not worry about the weird
direction/distance you get now.
11. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
Check for reasonableness
If the trip origination and trip
destination are approximately
located at the point eligible
You are lucky!
12. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
Check for reasonableness
If the trip origination and trip
destination are not at the
intended places
(distance between origination and
destination <> 500m)
Too long
Too short
Mark the corresponding cell in
column I as problematic
E.g. *od<>500
(need to specify the error type?)
13. Interim Procedure: Distance (Cont)
Complete all 160 (4 square points of each eligible point * 40 eligible
points) entries
Good luck!
Review the notes for problematic results;
You have made marks for each pair of eligible point and square point;
Look at column I;
Check if the note belongs to a problematic eligible point
If more than 3/4 (including 3/4) direction/distance results of the eligible point
are marked as problematic, we need 2nd round of eligible points selecting;
Clear all four results of the problematic eligible point in column E
14. Interim Procedure: 2nd round Eligible Points
In workbook Eligible_Points of Nanchang.xlsx:
Mark all problematic eligible points
Find the first backup eligible points
Directly from Nanchang_RP layer in GE
Manually replace the number of the problematic eligible point in column A with the one of
backup eligible point;
Use a point from the back up list generated in 1st round
Use a point from the back up list generated by ArcGIS
(time saving)
Repeat the Interim procedure: Distance
If the back up point is still problematic, continue the process of finding new back up
eligible point.
Finish the process when no problematic eligible points show up.
15. Output Result
Save Nanchang.xlsx.
The results will keep in workbook Distance;
16. Output Result
Copy column B, C, and D to Nanchang_EP.csv;
Save Nanchang_EP.csv;
No need to copy column A;
Copy column C, D, and E to Nanchang_Square.csv;
Save Nanchang_Square.csv;
No need to copy the rest columns;
Import Nanchang_EP.csv and Nanchang_Square.csv to Nanchang.kmz in GE
Same procedure of importing Nanchang_RP.csv;
Use different colors;
Be sure to save to My Places;
Save as Nanchang_Square.kmz;
17. Evaluation
The estimated time of finishing one city is 2-3 hours.
The majority of the process could be documented.
Use ArcGIS can help increase the randomness in selecting eligible points
Strongly depend on the accuracy of boundary and RND boundary
Batch processing allows for massive amount of cities to be measured
Strictly randomness in RP and EP selecting process
Overcome the inconsistency of different coordinate systems
WGS-84 and GCJ-02 coordinate system
Points are random, so the relative location between points and road network is of no
necessary importance in the process.
18. Evaluation
In Interim Procedure: Distance, it would allow at 遜 of the results to be
inaccurate, which generate inaccuracy.
Tolerance level could be lower by only allowing no more than 遜 result to be
< 500m is calculated as 500m
Hard to decide whether the distance between an od pair is 500m
Usually not!
How close?
Both not accurate, but the distance seems to be 500m?
#9: The result of Latitude, Longitude, OriLat, OriLong will automatically appear.
D2=F2+($I$2/(($I$3+$I$4)*2*PI())*360), E2=G2
D3=F3-($I$2/(($I$3+$I$4)*2*PI())*360), E3=G3
D4=F4, E4=G4+DEGREES(ATAN2(COS($I$2/($I$3+$I$4))-SIN(RADIANS(F4))*SIN(RADIANS(D4)),SIN(RADIANS(90))*SIN($I$2/($I$3+$I$4))*COS(RADIANS(F4))))
#14: The result of Output, Distance, and Average will automatically appear.
C2=CONCATENATE("from:",Square_Points!F2,",",Square_Points!G2,"(",Square_Points!A2,")"," to:",Square_Points!D2,",",Square_Points!E2,"(",Square_Points!C2,")")