This document discusses different connectors and linkers used to join elements within and between sentences. It provides examples of conjunctions like "because" and "so" to express cause and result. It also discusses connectors like "as/since", "therefore", "as a result", and "so...that" to indicate time periods or show results. Finally, it discusses purpose connectors like "to" and "in order to" as well as "so that" followed by a modal verb to introduce purpose clauses.
2. To join elements within a sentence or sentences within a text we use conjunctions,
prepositions, adverbs and adverbial expressions called connectors or linkers.
3. because
Because explains the motive, the cause.
He didnt go out because he was very busy.
as / since (conjuction placed at the beginning of the period of time)
As he couldnt find a job, he enrolled on a web-design course.
Since we had spent all our money, we couldnt even buy a little souvenir.
4. so
So explains what the result is, the consequence.
We woke up late, so we missed our bus.
therefore, as a result / consequently, for this reason
Hes broken his leg, therefore he wont be able to play in the next match.
These are more formal ways to express a result.
The bus drivers are on the strike today. As a result, the trafic in the city has doubled.
5. so .... + adjective / adverb + that
The pudding was so nice that everyone asked for a second helping.
so as to .... / not to ....
The teacher spoke for such a long time no one was listening in the end.
Speak softly so as not to disturb them.
such a + adjective + noun + that
Note the use of the intesifying adverbs so and such in exclamatory expressions.
So + adjective or adverb Such a .... + adjective+ noun
Kemal is so cute! And he is such a smart child, too!
6. to / in order to (+ base form of verb)
They express the purpose or the aim of an action. In order to ... has a more formal use.
Hes qualifying to become an accountant. (not: .... for become an accountant)
He has taken a course in business administration in order to gain career advancement.
so that
So that introduces a clause that usually contains a modal: will / would, can / could, or
may / might.
So that we can / may win, well have to train really hard.
Ill use microphone so that everybody can hear.