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litigation Support
licensing & leveraging

CONSOR                                       over the past 25 years. Our core areas of
                                             expertise are the valuation, management,
                                                                                            LEGAL CLIENTS
INtelleCtuAl                                 and licensing of intangible assets. We         CONSOR has worked on legal matters
                                             take a marketplace business approach in        with over 75% of the top 100 law Firms
ASSet MANAgeMeNt                             order to help our clients reach their goals,   (Vault law 100) and the top IP Firms
                                             using real-world evidence and marketing        (Intellectual Property today).

A  s the only market-based consulting firm
   specializing in intellectual property,
CONSOR Intellectual Asset Management
                                             criteria. We are dedicated to assisting our
                                             clients in maximizing the value of their
                                             intellectual property and intangible asset
has built a solid foundation of clients      portfolios, while helping to minimize risk     7342 girard Avenue, Suite #8, la Jolla, California 92037
                                                                                                         Phone 858.454.9091 Fax 858.454.7819
and gained invaluable work experience        and uncertainty.                                                 New York  LoNdoN  Hamburg
SERVICES                                                    AREAS OF ExPERTISE                                        CORPORATE CLIENTS
IP VALuATION                                                TRAdEmARk ANd CORPORATE                                   AARP                           MasterCard Worldwide
 Valuing patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets,    BRANd ASSETS                                              adidas                         Merrill lynch
 celebrity rights, and technology                           We have unmatched proficiency in trademark                Amazon.com                     MgM / universal
 Helping businesses understand the value of their IP        and brand valuation, royalty rates, licensing, and        american Heart association     Motorola
                                                            brand extension strategies. We often provide deal
 Valuation for transactions, tax purposes, litigation,      management and take the lead in negotiations of           bank of america                Mossimo
 licensing deals and more                                   complex licensing agreements.                             California State Association   NFl Retired Players
                                                                                                                      of Counties                    Oakland Raiders
IP LITIGATION SuPPORT                                       PATENTS ANd TEChNOLOGy                                    estate of dr. Seuss            Polaroid Corporation
 Assisting attorneys with damage calculation parameters     Our technology group specializes in valuations,
 & case strategy                                                                                                      goldman Sachs                  Polo/Ralph lauren
                                                            portfolio management and litigation support, and has
                                                            pioneered a technology portfolio management system        google                         Rawlings
 Proven success as expert witnesses
                                                            and technology factor analysis.                           greenpeace                     Re/MAX
 economic damages in litigation                                                                                       Heinz                          Robert Rauschenberg estate
 Federal, state, & international experience                 ELECTRONIC, INTERNET ANd SOFTwARE                         Ibm                            Rolex
                                                            We continue to be at the forefront of digital asset       Intel                          Sephora
 litigation, arbitration, and mediation                     licensing, establishing global royalty rates and values
                                                            for software, electronic, and Internet assets.            Jenny Craig                    SONY
IP LICENSING & LEVERAGING                                                                                             Jesse Ventura                  target
 Assisting clients in maximizing the licensing value of     CELEBRITIES ANd ESTATES                                   land O lakes                  the Vatican library
 their IP assets                                            Increasingly, celebrities and their estates find great    louis Vuitton                  upaid Systems, ltd.
 develop licensing strategies, execute, negotiate license   value in their images and associated intangible assets.   lucasfilm                      u.S. Polo
 agreements                                                 We establish compensation and values for the use of
                                                            those assets.                                             Macys                         Woody Allen
 licensing experts in litigation                                                                                      marlon brando estate           World Cup
 evaluate financial and economic commitments of a           mEdIA ANd NOT-FOR-PROFIT                                  Marvel                         Xerox
 potential transaction                                      ORGANIzATIONS
                                                            We establish intellectual property values for media and
IP TRANSACTIONS                                             other entertainment properties, and for not-for-profit
 Maximize the value of bankrupt assets                      organizations that impact a broad range of people,
                                                            often on a global basis.
 Identify valuable IP in bankruptcy
 Market and sale of bankrupt IP assets                      SPORTS ANd EVENTS
 Value and dispose of intellectual property                 CONSOR pioneered the licensing and valuation of           7342 girard Avenue, Suite #8, la Jolla, California 92037
                                                            major events beginning with the Calgary Olympics in                    Phone 858.454.9091 Fax 858.454.7819
                                                            1988, to the World Cups of 2006 and 2010.
                                                                                                                                        New York  LoNdoN  Hamburg

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  • 1. INTELLECTuAL PROPERTy CONSuLTANTS Valuation litigation Support licensing & leveraging transactions CONSOR over the past 25 years. Our core areas of expertise are the valuation, management, LEGAL CLIENTS INtelleCtuAl and licensing of intangible assets. We CONSOR has worked on legal matters take a marketplace business approach in with over 75% of the top 100 law Firms ASSet MANAgeMeNt order to help our clients reach their goals, (Vault law 100) and the top IP Firms using real-world evidence and marketing (Intellectual Property today). A s the only market-based consulting firm specializing in intellectual property, CONSOR Intellectual Asset Management criteria. We are dedicated to assisting our clients in maximizing the value of their intellectual property and intangible asset has built a solid foundation of clients portfolios, while helping to minimize risk 7342 girard Avenue, Suite #8, la Jolla, California 92037 Phone 858.454.9091 Fax 858.454.7819 and gained invaluable work experience and uncertainty. New York LoNdoN Hamburg
  • 2. SERVICES AREAS OF ExPERTISE CORPORATE CLIENTS IP VALuATION TRAdEmARk ANd CORPORATE AARP MasterCard Worldwide Valuing patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, BRANd ASSETS adidas Merrill lynch celebrity rights, and technology We have unmatched proficiency in trademark Amazon.com MgM / universal Helping businesses understand the value of their IP and brand valuation, royalty rates, licensing, and american Heart association Motorola brand extension strategies. We often provide deal Valuation for transactions, tax purposes, litigation, management and take the lead in negotiations of bank of america Mossimo licensing deals and more complex licensing agreements. California State Association NFl Retired Players of Counties Oakland Raiders IP LITIGATION SuPPORT PATENTS ANd TEChNOLOGy estate of dr. Seuss Polaroid Corporation Assisting attorneys with damage calculation parameters Our technology group specializes in valuations, & case strategy goldman Sachs Polo/Ralph lauren portfolio management and litigation support, and has pioneered a technology portfolio management system google Rawlings Proven success as expert witnesses and technology factor analysis. greenpeace Re/MAX economic damages in litigation Heinz Robert Rauschenberg estate Federal, state, & international experience ELECTRONIC, INTERNET ANd SOFTwARE Ibm Rolex We continue to be at the forefront of digital asset Intel Sephora litigation, arbitration, and mediation licensing, establishing global royalty rates and values for software, electronic, and Internet assets. Jenny Craig SONY IP LICENSING & LEVERAGING Jesse Ventura target Assisting clients in maximizing the licensing value of CELEBRITIES ANd ESTATES land O lakes the Vatican library their IP assets Increasingly, celebrities and their estates find great louis Vuitton upaid Systems, ltd. develop licensing strategies, execute, negotiate license value in their images and associated intangible assets. lucasfilm u.S. Polo agreements We establish compensation and values for the use of those assets. Macys Woody Allen licensing experts in litigation marlon brando estate World Cup evaluate financial and economic commitments of a mEdIA ANd NOT-FOR-PROFIT Marvel Xerox potential transaction ORGANIzATIONS We establish intellectual property values for media and IP TRANSACTIONS other entertainment properties, and for not-for-profit Maximize the value of bankrupt assets organizations that impact a broad range of people, often on a global basis. Identify valuable IP in bankruptcy Market and sale of bankrupt IP assets SPORTS ANd EVENTS Value and dispose of intellectual property CONSOR pioneered the licensing and valuation of 7342 girard Avenue, Suite #8, la Jolla, California 92037 major events beginning with the Calgary Olympics in Phone 858.454.9091 Fax 858.454.7819 1988, to the World Cups of 2006 and 2010. New York LoNdoN Hamburg