The document outlines several principles of the US Constitution including popular sovereignty, limited government, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances. It describes how popular sovereignty establishes a representative democracy where people elect leaders to make decisions for them. It also explains how limited government aims to prevent tyranny by restricting government power to what is delineated in the Constitution. Finally, it summarizes the roles and checks each branch of government has against the others to prevent any one from having too much authority.
3. A representative democracy lets the people elect leaders to make decisions for them.Principles of.Limited GovernmentFramers wanted to guard against tyrannyGovernment is limited to the power given them in the Constitution.The Constitution tells how leaders who overstep their power can be removedPrinciples of.FederalismThe division of power between State and National Governments
8. Legislative branch interprets the lawsPrinciples of.Legislative Branch Senate and House of RepresentativesMake our lawsAppropriate MoneyRegulate ImmigrationEstablish Post Offices and RoadsRegulate Interstate Commerce and TransportationDeclare War
10. Principles ofJudicial BranchSupreme Court and other Federal CourtsPreserve and protect the rights guaranteed by the ConstitutionConsiders cases involving national lawsDeclares laws and acts unconstitutional
11. Principles ofChecks and BalancesPrevents the abuse of power in governmentEach branch can check each other branch
12. Executive ChecksPropose laws to CongressVeto laws made by CongressNegotiate foreign treatiesAppoint federal judgesGrant pardons to federal offenders
13. Legislative ChecksOverride presidents vetoRatify treatiesConfirm executive appointmentsImpeach federal officers and judgesCreate and dissolve lower federal courts