National highways construction involves three main phases: preconstruction, construction, and post-construction. Preconstruction includes appointing design, proof, and safety consultants to develop drawings and plans. During construction, embankments and subgrades are constructed with at least 95% compaction and specific material requirements. Private companies and the authority's engineer/PMC both oversee construction execution, quality control, design, planning, safety, billing, and supply chain management.
•Requirement 95% compaction just below the 500mm thick sub grade layer.
LL 50%
PI 25%
•Avoid use of heavy clays/ black cotton soil in embankment. As it gets very weak on wetting.
•The top soil in 1.0 m depth of embankment should be replaced with non-cohesive soil or should be
improved by stabilization.
Type of work / material
Relative compaction as percentage of
max. laboratory dry density as per IS
2720 (part 8)
1 Sub grade and earthen shoulders Not less than 97%
2 Embankment Not less than 95%
Compaction requirement for embankment and sub grade