Constructive feedback is provided through purposeful error analysis and rectification to communicate valid, individualized, and understandable feedback that sets high expectations. The process involves analyzing errors versus mistakes, considering various issues and aspects, and using assessments, corrections, and strategies to lower emotional barriers when providing feedback at meaningful times and in appropriate amounts. The goal is to help students improve through constructive feedback.
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Constructive Feedback through EA
11.00 am-1.00PM August 01, 2015
Constructive feedback is result of purposeful error analysis, error rectification and corrective
What is process and methodology of error analysis and subsequent constructive feedback?
Difference between Errors and Mistakes; what issues and aspects of these should be considered to
give constructive feedback.
Definition, focus, purpose, principles, types, timings, amount and strategies to communicate
feedback to students.
Feedback = Meaningful assessments (formative and summative) + Correction are: valid,
individualized, understandable, communicate high expectations and lower emotional barriers.