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Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines
Consumer  awareness guidelines

A.. WHO IS A CONSUMER-----A consumer is a person who buys any goods or

hires any service for valuable consideration (including
deferred payment). The term does not include a person
who obtains goods or services for resale or for any
commercial purpose. However, persons who avail
goods or services exclusively for the purpose of earning
their livelihood by means of self employment are
considered as consumers.
Rights 1 to 6 are directly guaranteed under the Consumer
Protection Act 1986 while Rights 7&8 are implied under the
Constitution of India.
1. Right to safety
Right to be protected against marketing of goods or services
which are hazardous to life and property.
 2. Right to information
Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity,
standard and price of goods or services as the case may be, so as to
protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
3. Right to choose
Right to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of
goods and services at competitive prices.
4. Right to be heard
Right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interest will
receive due consideration at appropriate fora.
5. Right to redressal
Right to seek redressal against Unfair Trade Practices or
Restrictive Trade Practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers.
6. Right to consumer education
Right to acquire knowledge and skills needed for taking action to
influence factors which affect consumer decisions.
7. Right to Healthy Environment
The right to physical environment that will enhance the quality of
life. It includes protection against environmental dangers over which
the individual has no control. It acknowledges the need to protect and
improve the environment for present and future generations.
8. Right to basic needs
Right to basic needs ensures basic goods and services which
guarantee survival. It includes adequate food, clothing, shelter, health
care, education and sanitation to lead a decent life.

Planning in advance
Enquiring past performance of product / service
Enquiring about reputation and past performance of
producer / seller / service provider.

Asking for demonstration regarding how to operate / use the
Enquiring about after-sales service and ensuring availability,
phone number, address and e.mail of service center
Reading and knowing the contents of guarantee / warranty
Insisting for approved sale bill with serial number, address,
phone number, etc.
Obtaining guarantee / warranty card and getting it
signed/sealed by dealer
Using products as per instruction given in user manual
Keeping bills and guarantee card safely
In case of fault inform dealer and service center. Do not
meddle or repair yourself
Keeping record for all correspondences
Seek immediate redressal of deficiency in product.

The Act envisages a three tier quasi judicial system. They are
known as (i) District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (ii) State
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and (iii) National Consumer
Disputes Redressal Commission
a. Features of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and filing of complaints
1.Simple formalities
2.Advocates not compulsory
3.Consumers themselves can conduct cases

4.Complaints may be sent even through Registered Post
5.Registered Consumer Organisations or Government can also file
complaint on behalf of consumer(s)
6.Less expensive
7.Compensation can be claimed for the loss suffered including
mental agony

Protection offered by Consumer Protection Act, 1986 against:
a.Deficiency in product or service
b.Poor aftersales service
c.Damage/Loss to health, life and property due to
d.Hazards arising out of product/service
e.Unjust enrichment through unfair means
f.Misleading advertisements
g.Unfair Trade Practices
h.Restrictive Trade Practices (like tie-up sales)
i.Violations of any other applicable laws or regulations
b. Grievance Redressal
Consumer should send a detailed petition to the dealer /
service provider through registered post pointing out the
defect / deficiency and details regarding relief sought for
Copy of the petition with postal acknowledgement card to be
If the dealer / service provider not responded in time
consumer may approach District Consumer Protection Council
headed by District Collector (for districts other than Chennai)
or Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection (in
Chennai) or Reputed Consumer Organisation who will be sending notices to the dealer /
service provider on behalf of
If no remedy available through all above agencies, then
relevant Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission / Forum as
the case may be approached to file a complaint against dealer/ service provider
Public Distribution System Outlets (ration shops) are distributing
commodities against family cards at subsidized rates. Consumer should
ensure that

Commodities are provided in correct weight without
Display board is placed in front of every shop
indicating available commodities and their quantity
with selling price of each product
Samples of commodities are placed for notice of card
In the absence of any of above complaint can be made
to Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department,
Government of Tamil Nadu
Can make an online complaint at

While buying cosmetics consumer should
Not be carried away through Colorful misleading
Check manufacturing date and date of expiry
keep in mind that Colours are almost Chemicals
keep in mind that following statements are mostly
false 100% Natural, Chemicals not used, Oil free
Consult other users
If you have any grievance/complaint, you may file it
with the Local Drug Inspector or with the Controller of
Drugs, 259/261 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 006, phone
044 24321830 or in the web at

Purchase to be made only as per prescription
by Registered Medical Practitioner - Self medication
is dangerous
Checking for manufacturing date / expiry date
Checking name of medicine purchased with prescription
Checking availability of Maximum Retail Price on the strips /
Insisting for bill with details of batch number etc. printed over
strips / containers
Checking for dosage and perseverance details of medicines
If you have any grievance/complaint, you may file it with the Local
Drug Inspector or with the Controller of Drugs at 259/261 Anna
Salai, Chennai 600 006 phone 044 24321830 or in the web at
Checking whether cloths withstand normal washing habits
Insisting and obtaining bills and preserving them
Insisting for silk mark while purchasing costly silk sarees
If you have any grievance you may send a notice to the
seller/manufacturer or file a petition in the District Consumer Forum

Checking for Hall Mark
Weight of stones to be separately noted down in bills while
purchasing ornaments with precious stones
Obtaining purchase bills and keeping it safely
In case of grievances you may issue a notice to the seller or file a
complaint with Bureau of Indian Standards at

Consumer should always
be alert about the advertisements while going for purchase of goods
A fresh or in exchange of old product
not be carried away by statements like free offers / discounts etc.
since they are not the deciding factors for the requirement of
not be misled through colourful glamorous advertisements
In case of grievances, please issue a notice to the newspaper or
complain to Advertisement Standards Council of India (ASCI) at 219,
Bombay Market, Tardeo Road, Mumbai 400 034, ph 23521066 /
Web: www.ascionline.org and Email: ascia@vsnl.com

Dont buy spoilt products. It is dangerous to

Check manufacturing and expiry date, weight,
manufacturer address etc.
If perishables, check if it has been stored in
freezer/cold storage properly.
Avoid cheap and colourful food with hazardous
colour additives
Avoid products without manufacturer address.
You have no recourse in case of any problem
Avoid purchase of unbranded products like oil
without sealed packs
In case of any complaint, including adulteration, call up your Local Food
Inspector or Joint Director (PFA) at 359 Anna Salai, DMS Complex,
Teynampet Chennai 600 006, phone 044-24335075 /24334811/
24334818 Web at www.tnhealth.org.
Every packed commodity has to carry the following information
Name and address of packer / manufacturer
Name of commodity
Net quantity / Weight
Month and year of packing and expiry date
Maximum Retail selling price
Quality assurance symbols like AGMARK, FPO, ISI etc.
Other relevant information (regarding ingredients of product)

                         G.SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION
Every alert consumer has a duty to be a
responsible consumer too. This means:
Consume only what one needs. Remember
the poor and underprivileged
Dont waste products/service, natural
resources. Someone else may badly need it
Avoid polluting products such as plastics,

chemicals. Instead, use environmentally
friendly degradable materials such as cloth, jute
bags/ materials
Help keeping the environment safe and
healthy. Recycle degradable waste in Your
 Remember the 3 Rs of a dutiful consumer
 Reduce: Consume only what you need, if
possible reduce consumption of water,
electricity, fuel and other non-renewables
 Reuse: If a product can serve you for a
longer period, use it instead of buying a
new one .
 Recycle: Dont litter the environment,
please recycle degradable or recyclable mate
-rials through scrap dealers.

Establishment of Citizen Consumer Clubs in every educational
Providing consumer education to rural masses through Women Self
Help Groups / Panchayat Level Federations and through Residents
Welfare Associations / Apartment Owners Associations in Urban
Generating awareness through sectoral work shops / seminars
Publication and distribution of monthly magazine under the caption
Tamil Nadu Nugarvor Kavasam
Propagating consumer awareness messages through Radio /
Television Media and short video films
With the motive of developing Citizen as Valuable Consumer
various consumer organisations are serving together with Government
of Tamil Nadu in providing consumer education to general public.

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Consumer awareness guidelines

  • 18. CONSUMER AWARENESS GUIDELINES:---- A.. WHO IS A CONSUMER-----A consumer is a person who buys any goods or hires any service for valuable consideration (including deferred payment). The term does not include a person who obtains goods or services for resale or for any commercial purpose. However, persons who avail goods or services exclusively for the purpose of earning their livelihood by means of self employment are considered as consumers. B. CONSUMER RIGHTS Rights 1 to 6 are directly guaranteed under the Consumer Protection Act 1986 while Rights 7&8 are implied under the Constitution of India. 1. Right to safety Right to be protected against marketing of goods or services which are hazardous to life and property. 2. Right to information Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services as the case may be, so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices. 3. Right to choose Right to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices. 4. Right to be heard Right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interest will receive due consideration at appropriate fora. 5. Right to redressal Right to seek redressal against Unfair Trade Practices or Restrictive Trade Practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers. 6. Right to consumer education Right to acquire knowledge and skills needed for taking action to
  • 19. influence factors which affect consumer decisions. 7. Right to Healthy Environment The right to physical environment that will enhance the quality of life. It includes protection against environmental dangers over which the individual has no control. It acknowledges the need to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations. 8. Right to basic needs Right to basic needs ensures basic goods and services which guarantee survival. It includes adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and sanitation to lead a decent life. C. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSUMERS 1. BEFORE BUYING Planning in advance Enquiring past performance of product / service Enquiring about reputation and past performance of producer / seller / service provider. 2. WHILE BUYING Asking for demonstration regarding how to operate / use the product/service Enquiring about after-sales service and ensuring availability, phone number, address and e.mail of service center Reading and knowing the contents of guarantee / warranty card Insisting for approved sale bill with serial number, address, phone number, etc. Obtaining guarantee / warranty card and getting it signed/sealed by dealer 3. AFTER BUYING Using products as per instruction given in user manual Keeping bills and guarantee card safely In case of fault inform dealer and service center. Do not meddle or repair yourself Keeping record for all correspondences Seek immediate redressal of deficiency in product. D. CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986
  • 20. The Act envisages a three tier quasi judicial system. They are known as (i) District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (ii) State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and (iii) National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission a. Features of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and filing of complaints 1.Simple formalities 2.Advocates not compulsory 3.Consumers themselves can conduct cases 4.Complaints may be sent even through Registered Post 5.Registered Consumer Organisations or Government can also file complaint on behalf of consumer(s) 6.Less expensive 7.Compensation can be claimed for the loss suffered including mental agony Protection offered by Consumer Protection Act, 1986 against: a.Deficiency in product or service b.Poor aftersales service c.Damage/Loss to health, life and property due to product d.Hazards arising out of product/service e.Unjust enrichment through unfair means f.Misleading advertisements g.Unfair Trade Practices h.Restrictive Trade Practices (like tie-up sales) i.Violations of any other applicable laws or regulations b. Grievance Redressal Consumer should send a detailed petition to the dealer / service provider through registered post pointing out the defect / deficiency and details regarding relief sought for Copy of the petition with postal acknowledgement card to be preserved If the dealer / service provider not responded in time consumer may approach District Consumer Protection Council headed by District Collector (for districts other than Chennai)
  • 21. or Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection (in Chennai) or Reputed Consumer Organisation who will be sending notices to the dealer / service provider on behalf of consumer If no remedy available through all above agencies, then relevant Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission / Forum as the case may be approached to file a complaint against dealer/ service provider E. POINTS FOR CONSUMER ATTENTION a)PURCHASING UNDER PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Public Distribution System Outlets (ration shops) are distributing commodities against family cards at subsidized rates. Consumer should ensure that Commodities are provided in correct weight without denial Display board is placed in front of every shop indicating available commodities and their quantity with selling price of each product Samples of commodities are placed for notice of card holders In the absence of any of above complaint can be made to Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Government of Tamil Nadu Can make an online complaint at www.consumer.tn.gov.in b) PURCHASE OF COSMETICS While buying cosmetics consumer should
  • 22. Not be carried away through Colorful misleading advertisements Check manufacturing date and date of expiry keep in mind that Colours are almost Chemicals keep in mind that following statements are mostly false 100% Natural, Chemicals not used, Oil free Consult other users If you have any grievance/complaint, you may file it with the Local Drug Inspector or with the Controller of Drugs, 259/261 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 006, phone 044 24321830 or in the web at www.tnhealth.org. c) PURCHASE OF DRUGS Purchase to be made only as per prescription by Registered Medical Practitioner - Self medication is dangerous Checking for manufacturing date / expiry date Checking name of medicine purchased with prescription Checking availability of Maximum Retail Price on the strips / containers Insisting for bill with details of batch number etc. printed over strips / containers Checking for dosage and perseverance details of medicines If you have any grievance/complaint, you may file it with the Local Drug Inspector or with the Controller of Drugs at 259/261 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 006 phone 044 24321830 or in the web at www.tnhealth.org d) PURCHASE OF CLOTHS Checking whether cloths withstand normal washing habits Insisting and obtaining bills and preserving them Insisting for silk mark while purchasing costly silk sarees If you have any grievance you may send a notice to the seller/manufacturer or file a petition in the District Consumer Forum e) PURCHASE OF GOLD Checking for Hall Mark Weight of stones to be separately noted down in bills while purchasing ornaments with precious stones Obtaining purchase bills and keeping it safely In case of grievances you may issue a notice to the seller or file a
  • 23. complaint with Bureau of Indian Standards at www.bis.org.in f) MISLEADING ADVERTISEMENTS Consumer should always be alert about the advertisements while going for purchase of goods A fresh or in exchange of old product not be carried away by statements like free offers / discounts etc. since they are not the deciding factors for the requirement of consumers not be misled through colourful glamorous advertisements In case of grievances, please issue a notice to the newspaper or complain to Advertisement Standards Council of India (ASCI) at 219, Bombay Market, Tardeo Road, Mumbai 400 034, ph 23521066 / 23516863, Web: www.ascionline.org and Email: ascia@vsnl.com g) PURCHASE OF FOOD PRODUCTS Dont buy spoilt products. It is dangerous to health Check manufacturing and expiry date, weight, manufacturer address etc. If perishables, check if it has been stored in freezer/cold storage properly. Avoid cheap and colourful food with hazardous colour additives Avoid products without manufacturer address. You have no recourse in case of any problem Avoid purchase of unbranded products like oil without sealed packs In case of any complaint, including adulteration, call up your Local Food Inspector or Joint Director (PFA) at 359 Anna Salai, DMS Complex, Teynampet Chennai 600 006, phone 044-24335075 /24334811/ 24334818 Web at www.tnhealth.org. F. PACKAGED COMMODITIES Every packed commodity has to carry the following information Name and address of packer / manufacturer
  • 24. Name of commodity Net quantity / Weight Month and year of packing and expiry date Maximum Retail selling price Quality assurance symbols like AGMARK, FPO, ISI etc. Other relevant information (regarding ingredients of product) G.SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION Every alert consumer has a duty to be a responsible consumer too. This means: Consume only what one needs. Remember the poor and underprivileged Dont waste products/service, natural resources. Someone else may badly need it Avoid polluting products such as plastics, chemicals. Instead, use environmentally friendly degradable materials such as cloth, jute bags/ materials Help keeping the environment safe and healthy. Recycle degradable waste in Your house Remember the 3 Rs of a dutiful consumer Reduce: Consume only what you need, if possible reduce consumption of water, electricity, fuel and other non-renewables Reuse: If a product can serve you for a
  • 25. longer period, use it instead of buying a new one . Recycle: Dont litter the environment, please recycle degradable or recyclable mate -rials through scrap dealers. H. OUR CONSUMER PROTECTION ACTIVITIES Establishment of Citizen Consumer Clubs in every educational institution Providing consumer education to rural masses through Women Self Help Groups / Panchayat Level Federations and through Residents Welfare Associations / Apartment Owners Associations in Urban areas Generating awareness through sectoral work shops / seminars Publication and distribution of monthly magazine under the caption Tamil Nadu Nugarvor Kavasam Propagating consumer awareness messages through Radio / Television Media and short video films With the motive of developing Citizen as Valuable Consumer various consumer organisations are serving together with Government of Tamil Nadu in providing consumer education to general public.