3. 3
16 Million+
9 Million+
Ranked #3 in the Navigation category of the app store only behind
Waze and Google Maps
Adopted by over 1 in 14 U.S. drivers
27% of users engage with the app as they travel to different markets
4. 4
Part of a Global Mobility Company
Parking | Charging | Ride Sharing | Ride Hailing | Transit
12. 12
What is the top factor when it comes to parking?
Convenience to my location
Attendant on duty
13. 13
Convenience, Price and Safety are the top 3 factors when it
comes to parking
Other (please specify)
Attendant on duty
Amenities (covered garage, handicapped
accessible, security cameras)
Convenience to my location
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What are the key factors when deciding where to park?
14. 14
What do type of parking do people prefer?
Open surface lot
Gated garage
15. 15
Most prefer on-street parking to lots and garages
In a spot on the
In an open
surface parking
In a gated
Valet parking Other (please
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: When you are in a location where you have to pay for parking, where do you prefer to park?
17. 17
Everything about parking sucks
Technical difficulties at the meter
Having to run back and feed the meter
You can only pay with cash or coins
Getting a parking ticket
The price is too high
Parking time limitations
Being able to find an open spot
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
But, finding on-street parking is also one of the
biggest frustrations
Being able to find
open parking is
the biggest
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What are your top 3 biggest frustrations with parking?
18. 18
People are very interested in an app that would show them
where the available spots are nearby
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How interested would you be in an app that showed you where available on-street parking spots are in your area?
Not at all interested
Not so interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Extremely interested
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
are very to
19. 19
What percentage of people would
park more than 村 mile away from
their destination to save money?
20. 20
People arent willing to park far away from their destination
to save money
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How far would you park away from your destination in order to save money on parking?
Over 1 mile
1 mile
3/4 of a mile
1/2 of a mile
1/4 of a mile
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Would walk only
村 mile at most
22. 22
How long have people had a mobile parking app on their
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
23. 23
Mobile Parking Apps are still relatively new to consumers
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How long have you been using a mobile app to pay for parking?
+5 years
3-4 years
1-2 years
Less than 1 year
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
of mobile parking app
users have only been
using the app for 2
years or less
25. 25
17 or younger
60 or older
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Mobile Parking Apps are not just for young people anymore
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What is your age?
of mobile app
users are 50+
26. 26
How often do people use a mobile parking app?
Every day
A few times a week
Once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
27. 27
People use the mobile app frequently
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How many times a month do you pay for parking?
Every day
A few times a week
About once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Use an app to park
at least a few times
each month
29. 29
People who have used a mobile app to pay for parking,
generally prefer it
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What is your preferred method of paying for parking?
Calling an 800 number
Other (please specify)
Paying an attendant
Cash/coins at a meter
Credit card at a meter or kisok
Mobile app
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Prefer to pay for
parking with a
mobile app to other
30. 30
100% - I pay with an app every time I park
75% - I pay with an app most of the time
50% - I pay with an app half of the time
25% - I don't pay with an app very often
0% - I almost never pay with an app
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
And pay with the app most of the time.
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How often do you pay for parking with an app versus paying at a meter or kiosk?
Pay for parking
with a mobile
app at least half
of the time
31. 31
Not using the app is usually caused by situations where the
app is not accepted
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What is the main reason you would NOT pay with an app, but would pay at the meter or kiosk?
Sometimes I just prefer to pay at the meter
I get nervous paying with the app and I worry
that I will get a ticket
Other (please specify)
I did not have the correct parking app on my
phone and I didn't want to download a new one
Paying at the meter was less expensive
My app was not working at the time
Paying by app was not accepted at the location
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
32. 32
People have confidence paying by app
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: What is the main reason you would NOT pay with an app, but would pay at the meter or kiosk?
Sometimes I just prefer to pay at the meter
I get nervous paying with the app and I worry
that I will get a ticket
Other (please specify)
I did not have the correct parking app on my
phone and I didn't want to download a new one
Paying at the meter was less expensive
My app was not working at the time
Paying by app was not accepted at the location
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Only 4% of
respondents were
nervous about getting
a ticket when using a
mobile app
34. 34
Why people use mobile apps for parking
1. Extend time remotely
2. Dont have to worry about coins for the meter
3. Skip the meter
4. Alerts that let you know when your parking session will expire
5. Find your way back to your car
6. See the streets around you where you can use the app to park
7. Avoid standing in line at a parking kiosk
8. Track all your recent parking activity
9. Save your favorite locations in the app
35. 35
People are extending time frequently
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: When you park with a mobile app, how often will you extend the time of your parking session from the app?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Will extend at least
37. 37
While there are multiple parking apps, most only have one
on their phone
Source: Parking Behavior Survey, September 2018: How many different parking apps do you have on your phone?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Only have 1
parking app on
their phone
39. 39
Most people are not aware that you can make parking
reservations with an app
Source: Parking Reservations Survey, July 2018: Did you know ParkMobile lets you make parking reservations in garages in your area?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
40. 40
But they are very interested in making a reservation
Source: Parking Reservations Survey, July 2018: Would you be interested in making a parking reservation using ParkMobile?
Extremely interested
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not so interested
Not at all interested
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
are at least Somewhat
Interested in parking
43. 43
ParkMobile users are using a
range of mobility services
Source: ParkMobile Mobility Survey, April 2019
are using
public transit
are using
are using
and e-bikes
are using
car sharing
44. 44
What percentage of ParkMobile
users are using multiple mobility
services in a given day?
45. 45
And they use them together
Source: ParkMobile Mobility Survey, April 2019, 561 respondents
use multiple mobility
services in a given day
Use or would use multiple mobility
services when navigating to a single
46. 46
Key Takeaway
Creating a better parking experience is
all about providing more convenience
for the consumer
47. 47
Things You Can Do
Effectively communication: Good signage
at the parking location and provide
information online
Leverage new technologies like mobile
apps to provide more convenience
49. 49
Gameday Parking Convenience: Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Stadium that holds 75,000 people was
only built with 4000 parking spots
We formed partnerships with 50 parking
facilities around the stadium to sell
gameday inventory
Fans can buy single game and full
season parking passes
Waze directs parkers to the ramp of the
parking location, reducing congestion
around the stadium
Stadium also promoted alternative forms
of transportation Lyft, MARTA, bicycles
#9: As Jeff mentioned, ParkMobile connects 1 in 15 driver in the US to parking and mobility services in over 500 cities, on street and off
And with more than 500,000 new drivers joining each month, they are looking for better ways to get from A to B
We know this because we asked them, and what we found out was pretty interesting.
#12: Generally, people dont use the most flattering terms to describe parking.
#14: Implication Price is important. But its not the only thing to promote. Operators should focus on a convenience message in signage and marketing 5 minute walk to the stadium, Closest garage to nearby attractions, etc
#16: On-street parking has the perception of convenience and cost. Operators could get on-street parkers into their lots with messaging $8 for 6 hours. cheaper than parking on the street
#33: In the past, people were nervous using a mobile app because there was no printed ticket to put on the dashboard, confirming you paid. It seems this mindset has faded and people are confident paying for parking on an app.
#38: This is an important consideration for cities considering a white label. If you do a whitelable, make sure you clearly state that ParkMobile accepted
#41: Good opportunity to promote reservations in the garage on tickets and with signage.
#44: One of the most interesting things is that our users, who by definition own or have access to a car, are ALREADY using a range of mobility services well beyond their personal vehicle.
Infact... (next slide)
#46: Our users are using them not in isolation, but together.
(Site stats on slide)
So in essence... (next slide)