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Consumer Device Security and
Privacy for the General Public
Matt (mattrix) Hoy
David (davo) Khudaverdyan
About Matt (mattrix) Hoy
 @mattrix_ on twitter
 Has fancy security alphabet certs
 Principal Consultant  Security Optiv
About David (davo) Khudaverdyan
 Twitters: @deltaflyerzero
 Drinks whisky from Japan (scotch can come
 Wishes he was here
 Has Cat pics:
Consumer Device Security and Privacy
for the General Public
 Mobile Devices and Operating Systems are becoming more invasive by default
 The general consumer has no idea that these settings exist.
 Many in our own community have no idea that these settings exist as well
 This is what the GENERAL PUBLIC can do about consumer security and privacy
 What this covers:
 Do you trust your device?
 Tailored Access Operations (TAO) on iOS, Android and General computing devices
 Superfish on Lenovo
 Windows 10
 iOS vs. Android Privacy Granularity
 Windows 10
 Ubuntu Unity
Consumer Device Security and Privacy
for the General Public
 What this covers (cont.)
 What cloud are you on?
 What carrier are you on?
 What apps should you use?
 Recent advances in mobile security
 Recent fails in security
 Invasive Operating System Defaults
 Why do we willingly allow this?
Do you trust your device?
 Shrink Wrapped Compromise
 Default invasive privacy settings
 Bloatware and Crapware
 SIM Card Security
 The Fappening
You got your new device, now what?
 And now we clean
 iOS Device Firmware Update (DFU)  3 times
 Android  Factory Reset  Best Effort
 Macintosh Computer  Create Standard GUID
Partition Table
 Use a Windows or Linux to format EFI partition
 X86 Computer
 Rip and Replace entire Hard Drive
 Write Zeroes to HD
 Remove and Create Standard GUID Partition with HD Tools
iOS Privacy Granularity
 iOS has built-in granular privacy controls for:
 Location Services
 Bluetooth Sharing
 Motion & Fitness
 Social Media
To Illustrate
iOS 9.0.2 New Settings and iPhone 6S
 New to iOS 9.0.2
 Spotlight Search
 Disable Bing Web Results
 Disable Spotlight Suggestions
 New to iPhone 6S Hardware
 Live Photo Mode on by Default
 Video and Audio for 3 seconds when taking a
 Disable Live Photo Mode
 Could potentially be embarrassing by hot mic
iOS Privacy Granularity
 When does it ask you?
 When the app needs access to that feature
 What if you dont want to give the app access
 The app just has to deal (Thanks Apple!)
 What if I changed my mind?
 Settings -> Privacy -> App Name, flip the switch
next to the app. Easy.
iOS Privacy Granularity
 What about options?
 For Location Privacy:
 Never: It never happens
 While Using the App: Only when the app is ON THE
 Always: Even if the app is running in the background
 Everything else:
 Keep it simple, the app has access or it doesn't.
iOS Privacy Granularity
 Siri and iCloud Spies on you
 How They do it
 Location History  Apple Maps, Frequent Locations
 Siri  Siri, when do you track me?
 Safari History
 How to disable
 Turn off iCloud
 Limit Location use
 Turn off Frequent Locations!
 Change your advertising ID / Limit Ad tracking
iOS Services
 Turn off unused services
 General -> Settings -> Restrictions
 Lock Screens
 Why lock the screen if you are going to allow
notifications and banners?
 Check your notifications settings
Limit Siri
 Siri is always listening for invoke command
(iPhone 6s [Plus] Only)
 Hey Siri
 Disable Hey Siri General -> Siri
Android Privacy Granularity (or not)
 No unless you root
 If you root youre not secure!
 Rebuild Manifest using Android SDK
 Who has time for this?
 Also this talk is for people that are not doing
infosec/IT for a living
 Marshmallow (Android 6)
 Has iOS-like privacy options
 Effectiveness will remain to be seen
 Only available on latest devices
Android Privacy Granularity (or not)
 Google Spies on you
 How they do it
 Voice and Audio Activity  Google Now
 Search History  Web Searches
 You Tube History Anything you watched on You Tube
 Location History
 Applications Drawer
 Account History > Web and App Activity > Manage History
 Tap the Settings Button (looks like a gear) and delete
To Illustrate
Google Spies on you
Google Spies on you
Google Spies on you
Google Spies on you
Windows Privacy
 Cortana spies as well
 How they do it
 So does Bing
 How to disable?
 So does the OS?
 Using a Microsoft Account?
 Default Privacy Settings send MS lots of PID!
OS X Privacy
 Limited Granular Privacy Settings (almost like iOS)
 Spotlight is invasive
 (Settings -> Spotlight) Turn off:
 Bing Web Searches
 Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Spotlight and Look up
 Anything else you dont want search indexed
 Privacy Defaults
 (Settings -> Security & Privacy)
 From the Privacy tab, in the Diagnostics and Usage
 Turn off Send diagnostic & usage data to Apple
 Turn off Share crash data with app developers
 Not even Linux is sacred anymore
 Unity Desktop
 Searches the web by default
 Need to either disable Unity or use a (not built-in)
tool to disable hidden settings
 The Unity Tweak Tool from the Software Center can
do this
What cloud are you on?
 Makes money from Targeted Advertising
 Takes your money but who has access?
 Lacks controls
 Microsoft is new to the space and hasnt yet gotten
too evil if you avoid using Cortana and Bing
 Takes your money
 Pretty good actually
What carrier are you on?
 Supercookie anyone?
 AT&T: Unknown
 T-mobile: Unknown
 Sprint: Unknown
 Verizon: Now allows opt out
What carrier are you on?
 No longer using carriers internet
 Need L2TP IPSEC VPN with Secret or Certs
 Mattrixs choices  so fuckin 1337 I need two
損 AceVPN  Dirty and untrusted
損 Private Internet Access  General Use
 Davos choice  fast and simple
損 VyprVPN (Golden Frog)
What Apps should you use?
 For Enhanced Privacy
 Red Phone / Secure Text
 Google Authenticator
Advances in Smartphone Security
 iOS  Encryption (Hardware Based) with iOS 7+
 iOS  Full Device Encryption (Hardware Based) with iOS 8+
 iOS  Forced longer passcode with iOS 9 (New setup only)
 Android  Full Device Encryption (Included SD Card) - Jelly
 Android  Full Device Encryption (Whats an SD Card?) 
 Android  Also forced longer passcode with Marshmallow
 It must be good since there was a recent Senate Hearing on
why we should not have encryption on any Smartphone
Fails in Smartphone Security
 Android Lollipop  Encryption not enabled out of
the box
 iOS  Encryption but a 4 digit pin out of the box
 Samsung Galaxy S5-6  Fingerprints not
encrypted and accessible by rogue apps
 Android App Store  1228 Vulnerable to FREAK
 iOS 8  Wifi Denial of Service
 Android Complex Password Bug
 Gemalto  Entire SIM Card Plant compromised by
stolen encryption keys
This is OUR fault!
 We LET them do this!
 We, the consumers. We, the professionals
 We thought it would be more convenient.
 Now we all use smartphones and OS that SUCK
on security >:(
 How could we let this happen?
 Why didnt we stop it when we had the chance?
How Did We Get Here?
 "Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death cover Licensed under Fair use
The Informed Conclusion
 Check your settings
 Check your settings with each revision change
 Review App Permissions
 Restrict Apps if you can
 Do not log into the Cloud for browser usage
 Clear your cache and cookies
 Use a VPN
The Informed Conclusion
 Learn about your Operating System Settings
 Never Activate the Cloud
 When you set up OS X it asks you to sign up for
iCloud  Dont
 When you set up Ubuntu disable Unity Services
 When you set up Windows 8.1  10 it asks you to
sign up for its cloud services  Dont
 Unplug the internet /disable wi-fi and install/setup
without connection
The Paranoid Conclusion
 Dont Piss off a Nation State
 Dont use a smartphone
 Dont use a computer
 Install a Faraday Cage around your house
 Theres no such thing as a silly question

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  • 1. Consumer Device Security and Privacy for the General Public Matt (mattrix) Hoy David (davo) Khudaverdyan
  • 2. About Matt (mattrix) Hoy @mattrix_ on twitter Has fancy security alphabet certs Principal Consultant Security Optiv
  • 3. About David (davo) Khudaverdyan Twitters: @deltaflyerzero Drinks whisky from Japan (scotch can come too) Wishes he was here Has Cat pics:
  • 4. Consumer Device Security and Privacy for the General Public Why? Mobile Devices and Operating Systems are becoming more invasive by default The general consumer has no idea that these settings exist. Many in our own community have no idea that these settings exist as well This is what the GENERAL PUBLIC can do about consumer security and privacy What this covers: Do you trust your device? Tailored Access Operations (TAO) on iOS, Android and General computing devices Superfish on Lenovo Windows 10 OS X Ubuntu iOS vs. Android Privacy Granularity Windows 10 OS X Ubuntu Unity
  • 5. Consumer Device Security and Privacy for the General Public What this covers (cont.) What cloud are you on? What carrier are you on? What apps should you use? Recent advances in mobile security Recent fails in security Invasive Operating System Defaults Why do we willingly allow this?
  • 6. Do you trust your device? Shrink Wrapped Compromise Default invasive privacy settings Bloatware and Crapware SIM Card Security The Fappening
  • 7. You got your new device, now what? And now we clean iOS Device Firmware Update (DFU) 3 times Android Factory Reset Best Effort Macintosh Computer Create Standard GUID Partition Table Use a Windows or Linux to format EFI partition X86 Computer Rip and Replace entire Hard Drive Write Zeroes to HD Remove and Create Standard GUID Partition with HD Tools
  • 8. iOS Privacy Granularity iOS has built-in granular privacy controls for: Location Services Contacts Calendar Reminders Photos Bluetooth Sharing Microphone Camera Health HomeKit Motion & Fitness Social Media Facebook Twitter etc
  • 10. iOS 9.0.2 New Settings and iPhone 6S New to iOS 9.0.2 Spotlight Search Disable Bing Web Results Disable Spotlight Suggestions New to iPhone 6S Hardware Live Photo Mode on by Default Video and Audio for 3 seconds when taking a picture Disable Live Photo Mode Could potentially be embarrassing by hot mic
  • 11. iOS Privacy Granularity When does it ask you? When the app needs access to that feature What if you dont want to give the app access The app just has to deal (Thanks Apple!) What if I changed my mind? Settings -> Privacy -> App Name, flip the switch next to the app. Easy.
  • 12. iOS Privacy Granularity What about options? For Location Privacy: Never: It never happens While Using the App: Only when the app is ON THE SCREEN Always: Even if the app is running in the background Everything else: Keep it simple, the app has access or it doesn't.
  • 13. iOS Privacy Granularity Siri and iCloud Spies on you How They do it Location History Apple Maps, Frequent Locations Siri Siri, when do you track me? Safari History How to disable Turn off iCloud Limit Location use Turn off Frequent Locations! Change your advertising ID / Limit Ad tracking
  • 14. iOS Services Turn off unused services General -> Settings -> Restrictions Airdrop CarPlay Lock Screens Why lock the screen if you are going to allow notifications and banners? Check your notifications settings
  • 15. Limit Siri Siri is always listening for invoke command (iPhone 6s [Plus] Only) Hey Siri Disable Hey Siri General -> Siri
  • 16. Android Privacy Granularity (or not) No unless you root If you root youre not secure! Rebuild Manifest using Android SDK Who has time for this? Also this talk is for people that are not doing infosec/IT for a living Marshmallow (Android 6) Has iOS-like privacy options Effectiveness will remain to be seen Only available on latest devices
  • 17. Android Privacy Granularity (or not) Google Spies on you How they do it Voice and Audio Activity Google Now Search History Web Searches You Tube History Anything you watched on You Tube Location History Applications Drawer Account History > Web and App Activity > Manage History Tap the Settings Button (looks like a gear) and delete everything
  • 23. Windows Privacy Cortana spies as well How they do it Location So does Bing How to disable? Cortana So does the OS? Using a Microsoft Account? Default Privacy Settings send MS lots of PID!
  • 24. OS X Privacy iCloud Limited Granular Privacy Settings (almost like iOS) Spotlight is invasive (Settings -> Spotlight) Turn off: Bing Web Searches Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Spotlight and Look up Anything else you dont want search indexed Privacy Defaults (Settings -> Security & Privacy) From the Privacy tab, in the Diagnostics and Usage Turn off Send diagnostic & usage data to Apple Turn off Share crash data with app developers
  • 25. Ubuntu Not even Linux is sacred anymore Unity Desktop Searches the web by default Need to either disable Unity or use a (not built-in) tool to disable hidden settings The Unity Tweak Tool from the Software Center can do this
  • 26. What cloud are you on? Google Makes money from Targeted Advertising iCloud Takes your money but who has access? Lacks controls Microsoft Microsoft is new to the space and hasnt yet gotten too evil if you avoid using Cortana and Bing Box Takes your money Pretty good actually
  • 27. What carrier are you on? Supercookie anyone? AT&T: Unknown T-mobile: Unknown Sprint: Unknown Verizon: Now allows opt out
  • 28. What carrier are you on? No longer using carriers internet VPN Need L2TP IPSEC VPN with Secret or Certs Mattrixs choices so fuckin 1337 I need two 損 AceVPN Dirty and untrusted 損 Private Internet Access General Use Davos choice fast and simple 損 VyprVPN (Golden Frog)
  • 29. What Apps should you use? For Enhanced Privacy Signal Red Phone / Secure Text STRIP Burner iMessage Google Authenticator
  • 30. Advances in Smartphone Security iOS Encryption (Hardware Based) with iOS 7+ iOS Full Device Encryption (Hardware Based) with iOS 8+ iOS Forced longer passcode with iOS 9 (New setup only) Android Full Device Encryption (Included SD Card) - Jelly Bean Android Full Device Encryption (Whats an SD Card?) Lollipop Android Also forced longer passcode with Marshmallow It must be good since there was a recent Senate Hearing on why we should not have encryption on any Smartphone
  • 31. Fails in Smartphone Security Android Lollipop Encryption not enabled out of the box iOS Encryption but a 4 digit pin out of the box Samsung Galaxy S5-6 Fingerprints not encrypted and accessible by rogue apps Android App Store 1228 Vulnerable to FREAK iOS 8 Wifi Denial of Service Android Complex Password Bug Gemalto Entire SIM Card Plant compromised by stolen encryption keys
  • 32. This is OUR fault! <rant> We LET them do this! We, the consumers. We, the professionals We thought it would be more convenient. Now we all use smartphones and OS that SUCK on security >:( How could we let this happen? Why didnt we stop it when we had the chance? </rant>
  • 33. How Did We Get Here? "Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death cover Licensed under Fair use
  • 34. The Informed Conclusion Check your settings Check your settings with each revision change Review App Permissions Restrict Apps if you can Do not log into the Cloud for browser usage Clear your cache and cookies Use a VPN
  • 35. The Informed Conclusion Learn about your Operating System Settings Never Activate the Cloud When you set up OS X it asks you to sign up for iCloud Dont When you set up Ubuntu disable Unity Services When you set up Windows 8.1 10 it asks you to sign up for its cloud services Dont Unplug the internet /disable wi-fi and install/setup without connection
  • 36. The Paranoid Conclusion Dont Piss off a Nation State Dont use a smartphone Dont use a computer Install a Faraday Cage around your house
  • 37. Questions Theres no such thing as a silly question