The document provides statistics on various sectors in Pakistan for the years 2014-15 and 2015-16. It shows that literacy rates, enrollment in schools, healthcare facilities and GDP spending on education and health increased slightly from 2014-15 to 2015-16. The number of mobile phone subscribers decreased while telecom revenue and taxes increased. Infrastructure projects expanded roads and railways while ports and aviation saw higher cargo volumes and reduced costs. Energy production grew and relied more on natural gas and electricity compared to previous years. Population and employment increased marginally while unemployment and poverty rates decreased slightly.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para que los estudiantes aprendan a buscar y compartir informaci坦n cient鱈fica a trav辿s de las redes sociales. Los estudiantes trabajar叩n en grupos para encontrar noticias cient鱈ficas actuales, crear tableros en Pinterest, tuitear sobre las noticias, recopilar informaci坦n en Storify y publicar sus hallazgos en un blog. Al final del curso, cada grupo habr叩 trabajado en 7 noticias y creado una infograf鱈a que resume sus descubrimientos.
El documento presenta 10 ejercicios de f鱈sica resueltos relacionados con conceptos de cinem叩tica como velocidad, masa, fuerza, energ鱈a cin辿tica y trabajo. Los ejercicios involucran situaciones como la velocidad de un cami坦n despu辿s de que cae una roca sobre 辿l, el c叩lculo de la velocidad com炭n de dos cuerpos despu辿s de un choque, y la fuerza necesaria para elevar un bulto de cemento por un plano inclinado.
Ajuchitl叩n del Progreso es un municipio en el estado de Guerrero, M辿xico. Ocupa un 叩rea de 1,983.6 km2 y se localiza en la regi坦n de Tierra Caliente. Su cabecera municipal es la poblaci坦n de Ajuchitl叩n de Progreso. El municipio tiene una poblaci坦n de aproximadamente 12,000 habitantes y una econom鱈a basada en la agricultura y la ganader鱈a.
Este documento resume los resultados de la implementaci坦n de la Contralor鱈a M辿dica Centralizada en la regi坦n de Valpara鱈so, Chile. Resalta que ha aumentado los tiempos de respuesta para el pago de licencias m辿dicas, los rechazos de licencias, y las reducciones de d鱈as de licencia. Tambi辿n ha aumentado la burocracia, duplicidad de trabajo, y malestar laboral. La propuesta es eliminar la contralor鱈a centralizada para descentralizar el proceso, disminuir tiempos de respuesta, eliminar metas de rechazos y reducciones, y
The document contains details of various candidates like their name, username, password and roll number. There are a total of 196 candidates listed with their details. The candidates are identified with a unique candidate ID ranging from candidate_3813 to candidate_3996.
Digital Legal Transcription White Paper 11-2016Lisa Odaffer
This document provides an analysis of the advantages of digital court reporting and recording in legal proceedings. It discusses how digital court reporting works, the venues where it is used, considerations around the official record, relevant technology, best practices, certification of digital court reporters, accuracy, accessibility and timeliness of records, cost efficiency, the supply and demand of court reporters, opportunities for digital transcription, the value and benefits of digital reporting, and concludes that digital court reporting is a proven superior method for creating an accurate official record.
El documento resume la historia del internet en M辿xico desde 1987 hasta el 2000. En 1987, el ITESM en Monterrey se conect坦 a internet a trav辿s de una l鱈nea anal坦gica. En 1990, la UNAM accedi坦 a internet v鱈a sat辿lite. En 1993, el Conacyt se conect坦 mediante un enlace satelital. En 1995, el ITESM cre坦 el NIC-M辿xico para administrar el dominio .mx. En 1996, hab鱈a m叩s de 2,600 dominios .mx y se consolidaron los principales proveedores de internet. En 1997, hab鱈a 150 proveedores de internet en
El documento describe los cuatro niveles (TIER) de clasificaci坦n de centros de datos seg炭n el est叩ndar ANSI/TIA-942. TIER I son b叩sicos sin redundancia, TIER II tienen sistemas vitales redundantes pero un solo suministro, TIER III permiten mantenimiento sin paradas al tener todo redundante incluido suministro el辿ctrico, y TIER IV son tolerantes a fallos con m炭ltiples l鱈neas y componentes redundantes.
Versi坦n reducida del taller experiencial de STARTUP ASTRONAUTS de 4 hrs para emprendedores y peque単os empresarios. M辿tricas, funnel de ventas, scorecard y lean startup con ejemplos de startups reales y del mundo SaaS
This document lists popular WordPress plugins including those for cleaning transients, Google Analytics integration, contact forms, custom sidebars, disabling comments, dynamic scrolling buttons, font icons, XML sitemaps, reCAPTCHA integration, and forms. It provides a concise list of commonly used plugins to enhance WordPress functionality.
The document provides biographies of the board members of the Michigan Wheat Program, which was created in 2011 to fund research and education for wheat farmers in Michigan. It summarizes each board member's farming experience and background, role on the board, and involvement in other agricultural organizations. The board is dedicated to developing the program and ensuring the success of the wheat industry in Michigan.
WordPress custom posts allow creating custom post types beyond standard posts and pages. This presentation demonstrates how to create a custom post type for product catalogs using post meta boxes and custom fields. It covers registering a custom post type, adding meta boxes to the post editor interface, and saving custom field values to the database on post update. The example creates a "Grills" post type with fields for product details, images, and specifications to structure data entry for a grill catalog site.
There are lots of resources that explain how to create a Custom Post Type, but few go into detail on how to display. This presentation does both, all from a Designer's perspective.
This document provides an overview of using webfonts. It discusses where fonts come from and the history of typesetting. It explains that type designers hold copyrights on their fonts, so foundries pay them to convert designs to digital formats. The document reviews options for finding free and purchased fonts, and covers how to use @font-face kits to embed fonts across browsers. It also discusses hosting font libraries through services like Google Fonts, Fontdeck, and Finally, it offers tips for using type professionally through best practices like line height, quotes, and limiting justified text.
Este documento resume los resultados de la implementaci坦n de la Contralor鱈a M辿dica Centralizada en la regi坦n de Valpara鱈so, Chile. Resalta que ha aumentado los tiempos de respuesta para el pago de licencias m辿dicas, los rechazos de licencias, y las reducciones de d鱈as de licencia. Tambi辿n ha aumentado la burocracia, duplicidad de trabajo, y malestar laboral. La propuesta es eliminar la contralor鱈a centralizada para descentralizar el proceso, disminuir tiempos de respuesta, eliminar metas de rechazos y reducciones, y
The document contains details of various candidates like their name, username, password and roll number. There are a total of 196 candidates listed with their details. The candidates are identified with a unique candidate ID ranging from candidate_3813 to candidate_3996.
Digital Legal Transcription White Paper 11-2016Lisa Odaffer
This document provides an analysis of the advantages of digital court reporting and recording in legal proceedings. It discusses how digital court reporting works, the venues where it is used, considerations around the official record, relevant technology, best practices, certification of digital court reporters, accuracy, accessibility and timeliness of records, cost efficiency, the supply and demand of court reporters, opportunities for digital transcription, the value and benefits of digital reporting, and concludes that digital court reporting is a proven superior method for creating an accurate official record.
El documento resume la historia del internet en M辿xico desde 1987 hasta el 2000. En 1987, el ITESM en Monterrey se conect坦 a internet a trav辿s de una l鱈nea anal坦gica. En 1990, la UNAM accedi坦 a internet v鱈a sat辿lite. En 1993, el Conacyt se conect坦 mediante un enlace satelital. En 1995, el ITESM cre坦 el NIC-M辿xico para administrar el dominio .mx. En 1996, hab鱈a m叩s de 2,600 dominios .mx y se consolidaron los principales proveedores de internet. En 1997, hab鱈a 150 proveedores de internet en
El documento describe los cuatro niveles (TIER) de clasificaci坦n de centros de datos seg炭n el est叩ndar ANSI/TIA-942. TIER I son b叩sicos sin redundancia, TIER II tienen sistemas vitales redundantes pero un solo suministro, TIER III permiten mantenimiento sin paradas al tener todo redundante incluido suministro el辿ctrico, y TIER IV son tolerantes a fallos con m炭ltiples l鱈neas y componentes redundantes.
Versi坦n reducida del taller experiencial de STARTUP ASTRONAUTS de 4 hrs para emprendedores y peque単os empresarios. M辿tricas, funnel de ventas, scorecard y lean startup con ejemplos de startups reales y del mundo SaaS
This document lists popular WordPress plugins including those for cleaning transients, Google Analytics integration, contact forms, custom sidebars, disabling comments, dynamic scrolling buttons, font icons, XML sitemaps, reCAPTCHA integration, and forms. It provides a concise list of commonly used plugins to enhance WordPress functionality.
The document provides biographies of the board members of the Michigan Wheat Program, which was created in 2011 to fund research and education for wheat farmers in Michigan. It summarizes each board member's farming experience and background, role on the board, and involvement in other agricultural organizations. The board is dedicated to developing the program and ensuring the success of the wheat industry in Michigan.
WordPress custom posts allow creating custom post types beyond standard posts and pages. This presentation demonstrates how to create a custom post type for product catalogs using post meta boxes and custom fields. It covers registering a custom post type, adding meta boxes to the post editor interface, and saving custom field values to the database on post update. The example creates a "Grills" post type with fields for product details, images, and specifications to structure data entry for a grill catalog site.
There are lots of resources that explain how to create a Custom Post Type, but few go into detail on how to display. This presentation does both, all from a Designer's perspective.
This document provides an overview of using webfonts. It discusses where fonts come from and the history of typesetting. It explains that type designers hold copyrights on their fonts, so foundries pay them to convert designs to digital formats. The document reviews options for finding free and purchased fonts, and covers how to use @font-face kits to embed fonts across browsers. It also discusses hosting font libraries through services like Google Fonts, Fontdeck, and Finally, it offers tips for using type professionally through best practices like line height, quotes, and limiting justified text.
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