모바일 서비스 Cozzee 최종 기획안 지애 박2014 SK플래닛 T아카데미 기획전문가과정 최종 기획안
[모바일 서비스 COZZEE]
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Planning 박지애 GUI design 구지예 UI design 유현진 Android developer 김민섭 Server developer 임성열
프레젠테이션 기획, 80%용석 김This document discusses improving presentations by focusing on planning using Evernote. It recommends spending 80% of time on planning by using Evernote according to four principles: 1) focus in one place, 2) be diligent with basic work, 3) use simple tools, and 4) keep Evernote light. Planning in Evernote with these principles allows generating a clear framework to follow for the presentation without being overwhelmed by different tools or information.
프레젠테이션 기획, 80%용석 김This document discusses improving presentations by focusing on planning using Evernote. It recommends spending 80% of time on planning by using Evernote according to four principles: 1) focus in one place, 2) be diligent with basic work, 3) use simple tools, and 4) keep Evernote light. Planning in Evernote with these principles allows generating a clear framework to follow for the presentation without being overwhelmed by different tools or information.