Versaly is a global mobile media company founded in 2000 that distributes video and wallpaper content to mobile devices. It operates a mobile video syndication network called that produces and programs mobile video channels. Versaly focuses on aggregating, publishing, distributing, and marketing both video and wallpaper content. It has experience producing content in various formats for over 250 mobile handset models and distributing content across carriers and platforms.
2. Who We Are
Versaly is a global mobile media and entertainment
company for the always-connected mobile generation
Founded in October 2000
Based in Seattle, WA USA is a mobile video syndication network operated
by Versaly
Actively operates, produces and programs mobile video channels
Expanding into non-mobile distribution channels
We are an experienced, dynamic, hard-working and
aggressive company with great relationships throughout
the industry
3. What We Do
Versaly focuses on 2 areas of mobile media
1) Video - aggregate, publish, distribute and market
2) Wallpaper - aggregate, publish, distribute and market
We are a mobile media company
and mobile is our #1 focus
5. Mobile Video
Wide-scale mobile video distribution is complex
Each carrier, social networking site and video portal
has their video own specs, guidelines, supporting data, delivery
processes, proprietary ingestion and management systems
Our Production Syndication Platform (PSP) allows Versaly
to easily and scalably deliver video to all these mobile
video destinations and to the mobile viewing audience
Produce 14 video formats to support over 250 handset models
Consumer facing titles, meta-data, search terms
Report back with a single aggregated and normalized format
Active programming
Daily/weekly activity to maximize viewership
Deck placement, ordering, availability, search results, etc.
Relationships enable featured placement and other marketing
7. Reach your target demo on all the devices and platforms
that they use - mobile, web and television.
The elusive 18-24 year old demo consumes
entertainment on all three devices. Plan your campaign
to reach them all. offers programming for all of these platforms.
Multi Platform
8. Mobile
The mobile phone is
both in-home and
It is always on and
always with the
It is the must-have
device for 18-34
year olds
One ad displayed at
a time, doesnt
compete for ad
Fully interactive
Deepest and widest
distribution network
Largest audience,
easiest to find,
easiest to search
Registered in top
conceptual search
engines, 5 million
searches daily
Ability for viral
TiVo Cast subs in
850,000 US homes
Most popular
device for
watching video
Single ad may
produce multiple
consumer views
Pre-rolls and post-
rolls more
Multi Platform VOD
With VOD, viewer actively selects program, episode, place and time to
watch; the consumer is fully engaged with his/her screen
9. Comedy Sketch outperforming Standup Comedy
Entertainment Hollywood News, previews, etc
Fashion Female-focused glamour, fashion, shopping
Music Videos Top 40, Rock, Hip Hop
News Daily, weather, finance and weekly summary
Sexy Girls Non-nude
Sports Mainstream and action/extreme
Top Video Genres
Own distribution point within syndication network available in RIM BlackBerry store
Both online and on-device
Better and quicker insight, greater flexibility
Featured placements
11. Program Syndication programming availability varies for each
distribution channel
Programs and episodes vary based on viewer trends,
usage statistics and portal demo to maximize
Programming strongly defines audience demo
Most distribution channels are cross-carrier and
Can hyper-target for RIM BlackBerry devices and
other segments works closely with our distribution channels
to provide featured listings and promotional
placements to drive viewership
Approx. 267 million mobile phone users in US
Over 10% are mobile video viewers (over 26 million)
18-34 yr old demo comprise over 65% of market
12. Products & Territories
Streaming video-on-demand
Subscription (watch all you want)
Free, Ad-funded (watch all you want)
MMS Alerts Subscription (one URL per day sent to subscriber)
Video clips
Subscription (download and watch all you want)
MMS Alerts Subscription (peer to peer)
20+ video clips per program per month
Primary in USA strong coverage to majority of mobile audience
Secondary in Europe
Tertiary in Asia
13. Services
Marketing and Marketability
Program Concept Evaluation and Market Analysis
Content Review (compliance to standards)
VOD Programming
Selection, publish dates, expire dates
Post-Production (quality & consistency)
Any format, frame-rate, audio-quality & bit-rate
QA optimize both audio and video quality
Final Cutting/Editing (creative)
Inventory Management
Hosting and Delivery
Dedicated and secure delivery network FTP, XML, etc
New distribution channel development
Viewer Acquisition and Retention Strategies
Tracking and Reporting
Ad Sales
15. Mobile Merchandising
Keep up with current events and pop culture
Research and maintain demographic info on consumer groups
Fully understand distribution channels strategy
Ensure deck is aligned with strategy
Ensure deck is aligned with customer demographics
Select the right content to sell to the target consumer
Produce over 200 WP formats to support over 600 handset
models across all distribution partners
Market the content in an attractive manner
Potentially create branded categories on deck
Consider redundant placement
Promote the content
Review results and recommend new actions
16. Mobile Merchandising results in the best of the
best products for the target demographic
offered for sale in the easiest-to-find
categoriesto optimize sales.
18. Online Catalogs
Sales pitch rationale behind packages
Demographic, market and other research included
Well-defined, well-organized packages which can be
placed on deck as is
Allows consumers to find what they want easier/quicker
Package and items named to influence sales
Automatically delivered
Dont have to order every one
Easy access, easy viewing, easy ordering
Keywords supplied upon order delivery
Does not replace periodic sales/merchandise calls
22. Easy Ordering
Quick and easy
to preview and
Check or dont
email with
itemized order
23. Sexy (Girls and Guys)
Landscapes, Landmarks and Scenery (Destinations)
Urban (Multicultural)
Teen, Tween & College
Art and Illustrations
Popular Culture and Niche
Holidays, Seasonal and Gifting
Latino (Mexico, PR, Cuba, other regions)
Top Wallpaper Genres
24. Products & Territories
Wallpapers and Screensavers
Graphics, illustrations and photography
Still, animated, slideshows and video
Pay-per-download and subscription (download all you want)
MMS Subscription (Alerts and P2P)
Ringtones (TruTones, VoiceTones, Video Ringers, Alarms)
Ringback Tones
Varies greatly (depending on product)
Hits-based business, more content increases chances for success
Primary in USA strong coverage to majority of mobile consumers
Secondary in Europe
Tertiary in Asia
26. iPhone Wallpaper App
Available in AppStore
Fully interactive application
Click-thrus to your website
Provide value to consumer
With repeated display of your brand/message
Every screen has branding opportunity
Preview Screen Full Image Mode Image Info App Description Save to Phone
27. Versaly Services
Category/Genre Concept Evaluation and Market Analysis
Content Creation (your brand)
Content Review (compliance to standards)
Post-Production (quality & consistency)
Inventory Management
Hosting and Delivery
New distribution channel development
Viewer Acquisition and Retention Strategies
Tracking and Reporting
Mobile Content Management
28. Benefits of MCM
Expedite content into the mobile marketplace
Assist in reviewing raw inventory to create mobile products
Select the best of the best
Online catalogs merchandise w/ proper item names and groupings
Easy to manage and send product offering
Maintain brand integrity
Single set of highly compelling assets in inventory and ready for distribution
Consistent standard of content and high-quality throughout the market
All steps approved by Client trusted partner
Versaly does all post-production in world-class production studio
Improve Clients mobile performance
Lower mobile entry costs
Optimize mobile products for maximum sales
Very responsive - quick turn-arounds
Easy for Storefront Manager to preview and order
Delivers with keywords for platform search engines
Delivery reports cced to Client
29. Summary
Experience One of the most mature and established
content companies in the industry8+ years
Focus Content and B2B delivery of that content
Ability Full staff to meet all needs
Expertise Merchandising well-defined, relevant,
creative and researched collections presented cleanly
Thorough Names, categories and meta-data provided
Execution Easy and efficient process, running
smoothly for 3+ years
30. 555 116th Avenue NE
Suite 232
Bellevue, WA 98004
(425) 577- 0201
Copyright 息 2000-2009, Versaly Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Versaly and the Versaly logo are registered trademarks., Hollywood Insider, Fast Lane,
Underground Sound, Club Brazil, Fleur and their respective logos, Big Entertainment on Small Screens are trademarks of Versaly Games, Inc. All other product
and company names contained herein are trademarks, registered trademarks, or copyrights of their respective owners. Permission to use or reproduce any
information contained herein, in its entirety or any portion, must be obtained in writing from Versalys President. Any unauthorized use of the contents herein is
strictly prohibited.
Thank you
For further information contact:
Stefan Heller
VP of Asset Mgmt
mob: (206) 399 - 3017