The document discusses the content life cycle (CLC) and how it can help identify business requirements for how content is treated throughout its lifecycle. It provides examples of CLC models and recommends holding a workshop to map out the current content process, including the roles, products, and tools involved. The workshop aims to optimize the content workflow and inform the selection of a content management system. The results of one such workshop identified business needs, removed content silos, defined an end-to-end CLC, and focused on standardizing roles, products, and transitioning authoring technologies to better support publishing to multiple formats and audiences.
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LavaCon 2011: Content Life Cycle Strategic Compass
1. The Content Life Cycle
A Strategic Compass for People, Products and Technology
November 15, 2011
Mollye Barrett
2. Use the Content Life Cycle
The content life cycle helps identify business
requirement for how content must be treated,
handled and processed.
Identify requirements for an end-to-end content
lifecycle with a focus on roles of people, information
products produced and technology currently used.
7. Content Life Cycle Thought Leaders
Authoring, Repository, Assembly, Delivery, Archive
Ann Rockley, Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy
Capture, Manage, Deliver, Store, Preserve
Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM)
Authoring, Repository, Assembly/Linking, Publishing
JoAnn Hackos, Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery
Collect, Manage, Publish
Bob Boiko, The Content Management Bible
Creation, Editing, Publishing
Gerry McGovern, New Thinking
Production, Delivery
Tony Byrne, CMS Report
8. About the CLC for a Unified
Content Strategy
One Technical Publications team with 20 writers
covering 14 products used 48 tools to produce PDF,
HTML and HTML Help.
Learn what every content creator does in the course
of their normal day.
Not everyone views their work in the same way,
Work with a group to determine how they see their work.
9. CLC Workshop
Identify how focus content is treated, handled and processed.
Listen for problems. Look to optimize activities. More than
authoring and publishing.
Use workshop as a change management opportunity; let
people know what is coming. Frame business process with
the content lifecycle, not software functionality
With information gathered, develop an impromptu content
life cycle. Discovery presents opportunities for automation,
areas of workflow improvement, ways to measure cost and a
way to make a tacit technical publication process explicit.
Understand projects and prepare for a content management
system. Know what to look for!
15. CLC Workshop: Tasks
automate workflow/reports track/attributes/conrefs IA role
conversion research reuse
reuse troubleshoot
style sheets add structure workflow/reports workflow automate style
web design
web design plan/replan
plan/replan peer reviews
peer reviews edit rebrand
workflow workflow transforms/workflow automate
post usability
manage proof publish
documents design
version control IA role add role
quality system
system content
track scripting
scripting analysis
control admin
add structure DITA workflow/reports metrics SVG
organize structure
structure herd/nudge
herd/nudge estimate
estimate tweaking
IA role
queries meetings
21. CLC Results
Identified business requirements: personas and unified content
How content is treated, handled and processed: removed
content silos and publish from one source across products
End-to-end content lifecycle: include published model that
supports Web Help, HTML Help, PDF
Focus on roles:
People writers, information architect, system admin
Information products Online Help, User Guide, Admin
Guide, Forms Guide, Install Guide, Function Guide, Quick
Reference Guide, Form Builder, Report Builder
Technology Frame, Flare and RoboHelp to DITA with
automated publishing, 17 audiences for all information