This content page uses larger numbers and colorful labeling to highlight what articles will be featured on each page in a quirky, stylized way aligned with the magazine's music theme. Sections are delineated and some stories are highlighted in yellow to show their front cover placement. The font, hearts, and girlish elements aim this magazine at a young female audience and signal it contains both music and fashion content.
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Content page anaylsis 2
1. There is an image of the front cover
Content page analysis
There are pictures of other artist and what pages
instead of a large artist this is different
they will be seen on however there are not as
but a good way of displaying what on
many pictures of artist than in the other content
the front cover is where within the
page, this distracts us from the fact that it’s a
magazine, with a clear label of what
music magazine rather than a gossip magazine.
Most of the writing displayed on the content
We have the typical display of number
page is black, however some of the featured
pages and what is displayed on that
stories are highlighted on yellow this s to show
page however in a quirky way which
that they have been displayed on the front cover.
goes with the style of the music and
This creates a great correlation and a sense of
magazine. The numbers are bigger
organisation from the magazine
and stand out due to the colour which
contrasts with the black writing which
The content that will be displayed within the
displays the content.
magazine has been set into section within the
content page as we see there are sections like
The colour scheme for this content
; ‘we heart shopping’ or ‘ all about you’
page correlates wit the other content
however the other content page in which I
page as it has a white background
analysed there was just a list of what will be
however stick to the convention
inside the magazine.
colours of a pop magazine which are
pink and yellow both of these colours
All the font in which is displayed on the front
are clearly displayed.
cover is aimed at a much younger and girl age
group, due to the hearts and the flick bits on the
There are little pictures of fashionable main heading gives sense of girly child like
items this shows that are not only a behaviour and style which gives us the
music magazine but also contain correlation in which its aimed at young girls.
fashion, displaying that the target The mast head gives us the idea that there s a lot to look out for
audience is a girl. in the magazine give us this almost crave the read what’s inside
he magazine due to the use of the dots.