A presentation given to the Alabama Mosaic Users Group Meeting about CONTENTdm's Custom Queries and Results online tool. Shows how this online tool may be used to advertise and market online collections using CONTENTdm.
A presentation of Birmingham Public Library's marketing efforts for the digital collections database. It was presented at the Alabama Solinet Users Group Meeting on March 14, 2008 at Jacksonville State University.
This document provides an overview of new features in SharePoint 2013. It discusses platform improvements including storage, SQL, caching and request management. New features for enterprise content management, web content management, social features, search, and workflows are also outlined. The document also covers apps, business intelligence capabilities, and the new workflow model using Windows Azure Workflow.
X Media Solutions provides a variety of web design and development services including static and template-based website design, ecommerce solutions, graphic design, internet marketing, and multimedia solutions. Services also include PHP development, dedicated server hosting, and custom website solutions.
Founded in 2007 by an experienced enterprise software development team, Orbius has emerged as the only Software as a Service based Social Website Platform that enables non-technical community managers to create, update, manage and govern organization and user content.
This document provides an overview and history of Microsoft SharePoint. It summarizes the evolution of SharePoint from 2001 to 2013, highlighting the key releases and new features. These include SharePoint Portal Server 2001, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and 3.0, SharePoint Foundation 2010, and SharePoint Server 2010. The document also outlines some of SharePoint's main capabilities like sites, communities, insights, content management, search, and composites. It provides examples of how SharePoint can be used for tasks like content management, collaboration, social networking, business intelligence, and more.
This document appears to be a product catalog listing specifications for various laptop models available for purchase. It provides details like processor, memory, hard drive size, operating system, price and included accessories for over 20 laptops ranging from brands like Dell, HP, Acer, Toshiba, and Apple. Special offers and financing options are also mentioned.
La historia cuenta la vida de Blancanieves, quien vive con su malvada hermanastra. Un día, el espejo le dice a la hermanastra que Blancanieves es la más bella, por lo que decide envenenarla. Blancanieves huye al bosque, donde conoce a unos enanos y al príncipe. La hermanastra la envenena, pero el beso del príncipe la revive. Blancanieves y el príncipe se enamoran y viven felices para siempre.
CILIP Conference - x metadata evolution the final mile - Richard WallisCILIP
Bibliographic metadata forms have evolved over centuries, the last 50 years in machine readable formats. The library community appears to be evolving from records, towards describing real-world entities using an agreed form of linked data. Is that step a step far enough to satisfy the ever-present need to aid discovery? Discovery in the environment of the approaching twenty first century’s 3rd decade. Or do we need to include a move into the landscape of globally understood structured data and knowledge graphs? The millennial environment of answer engines, mobile/local search and voice assistants.
Presentation to SWIB23 in Berlin.
The journey to implement a production Linked Data Management and Discovery System for the National Library Board of Singapore.
The National Library Board of Singapore embarked on a journey to create an operational Linked Data Management and Discovery System. Their goals were to enable discovery of entities from different sources in a combined interface, bring together physical and digital resources, and provide a staff interface to manage entities and relationships. They selected a cloud-based system from metaphactory to ingest and link data from their integrated library system, content management system, national archives system, and authority files. Various scripts were used to transform the data and represent it using Schema.org for the public interface and BIBFRAME internally. This new system aimed to provide unified discovery and management of the Library Board's vast resources.
Internet Research: Finding Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and Moreeclark131
The document discusses different types of internet resources including search engines, directories, blogs, wikis, and the invisible web. It provides examples of popular search engines, directories, blogs, and wikis. It also discusses different types of invisible web content that may not be indexed by typical search engines and provides an example of an invisible web search tool.
Analytics and Access to the UK web archiveLewis Crawford
The document summarizes the background, purpose, and methods of the UK Web Archive. It discusses how the archive collects, stores, and provides access to snapshots of UK websites over time to preserve digital cultural heritage. It also describes challenges of scale due to the immense size of web content and techniques like full-text search and data analytics that are used to facilitate discovery of information within the archive.
The web is now firmly established as the primary communication and publication platform for sharing and accessing social and cultural materials. This networked world has created both opportunities and pitfalls for libraries and archives in their mission to preserve and provide ongoing access to knowledge. How can the affordances of the web be leveraged to drastically extend the plurality of representation in the archive? What challenges are imposed by the intrinsic ephemerality and mutability of online information? What methodological reorientations are demanded by the scale and dynamism of machine-generated cultural artifacts? This talk will explore the interplay of the web, contemporary historical records, and the programs, technologies, and approaches by which libraries and archives are working to extend their mission to preserve and provide access to the evidence of human activity in a world distinguished by the ubiquity of born-digital materials.
Information Science Brown Bag talks, hosted by the Program on Information Science, consists of regular discussions and brainstorming sessions on all aspects of information science and uses of information science and technology to assess and solve institutional, social and research problems. These are informal talks. Discussions are often inspired by real-world problems being faced by the lead discussant.
The document discusses three options for libraries to adopt linked data: BIBFRAME 2.0, Schema.org, and Linky MARC. BIBFRAME 2.0 is a library standard that allows standardized RDF interchange but is not recognized outside libraries. Schema.org is the de facto web standard that improves discovery on the web but lacks detail for library needs. Linky MARC adds URIs to MARC without changing its format. The document evaluates the pros and cons of each and who may want to adopt each standard.
The document discusses the Illinois library landscape and an Illinois WorldCat Local pilot. It provides an overview of library cooperation in Illinois, describes the various integrated library systems used, and lists the e-resources available. It then summarizes the key features and functionality of WorldCat Local, including integrated searching, social networking tools, and delivery options. Screenshots demonstrate the user interface. Feedback from pilot libraries is positive, and next steps include expanding the pilot and adding more local content and indexes.
Courtney Greene McDonald - Discovery Layer Strategies for Kuali OLE at Indian...Kuali Days UK
Presented by Courtney Greene McDonald, Head, Discovery & Research Services, at Indiana University Libraries.
Presentation given on the Indiana University Blacklight discovery layer implementation at the Kuali Days UK conference, 29 October 2013.
The session focused on discovery layer choices – software-as-a-service, open source or community source – of three libraries that are actively planning integration with Kuali OLE, including perspectives from the University of Chicago, Indiana University and the University of London and featured specific use cases for OLE discovery layer implementations at their institutions and what influenced their choices.
Discovery Layer Strategies for Kuali OLE: Indiana UniversityCourtney McDonald
This document summarizes Indiana University's implementation of the Blacklight discovery layer to replace its legacy catalog (IUCAT). Key points:
- IU has 9 campuses and 50 libraries with a shared statewide catalog of 8 million records.
- Blacklight was selected in 2011 for its flexibility and development community to serve as a unified discovery interface.
- Features implemented include campus-specific views, authentication, faceted search, and integration with digital collections.
- Challenges included managing a complex data environment and integrating multiple systems across campuses.
- Future plans include improving lists, notifications of new titles, and preparing for an upcoming migration to the Kuali OLE system.
How to Leverage SharePoint 2013 to Organize, Label, Navigate, and Search Your...J. Kevin Parker, CIP
At the end of this presentation, you should be able to articulate why good information architecture (IA) makes SharePoint better; identify the four systems of IA components; leverage SharePoint features for improved information management; and build dynamic information management solutions in SharePoint without code.
The document discusses the key concepts of Web 2.0, including how it utilizes collective intelligence through social bookmarking, tagging, wikis and collaborative filtering. It also examines how Web 2.0 applications harness the network effect to aggregate user data and benefit from increased participation. Finally, it outlines some of the design principles of Web 2.0 such as treating the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence, and providing rich user experiences through technologies like AJAX.
The document summarizes the history and impact of the Semantic Web. It discusses how the Semantic Web was originally envisioned as a way to make information on the web more machine-readable through semantic annotations. While early work showed promise, widespread adoption lagged behind expectations. Key impacts included positive but limited effects on web search through knowledge graphs, the rise of centralized social networks rather than distributed semantic social media, and limited use in e-commerce. Ongoing work continues on standards and applications while addressing challenges around centralization.
The document discusses using websites to promote museums and make their collections available online. It provides information on funding and support available from various organizations to help museums develop websites. Key steps outlined for creating a website include defining goals, designing a solution, building the site, testing it, and ongoing updates. Options discussed for getting help include volunteers, IT support companies, and various regional and national digital service organizations for cultural and heritage sectors.
This document summarizes the origins and development of Schema.org. It began as an effort by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 to conceive of the World Wide Web. Later developments included the semantic web in 2001 and linked open data in 2009. Schema.org was introduced in 2011 as a joint effort between Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex to create a common set of schemas for structured data on web pages. It has since grown significantly, with over 12 million websites now using Schema.org markup and over 500 types and 800 properties defined. Various communities like libraries have also influenced Schema.org through extensions and standards like LRMI.
This presentation was provided by Michael Healy of BISG, during the NISO/BISG Forum: "The Changing Standards Landscape: Creative Solutions to Your Information Problems," held at ALA Annual on June 27, 2008.
The document provides an introduction to basic email and instructions for setting up an email account with Hotmail. It explains what email is, the components of an email address, and how to choose a username and password. It also outlines best practices for using email safely, such as not sharing passwords, deleting unwanted messages, and avoiding spamming or flaming other users.
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CILIP Conference - x metadata evolution the final mile - Richard WallisCILIP
Bibliographic metadata forms have evolved over centuries, the last 50 years in machine readable formats. The library community appears to be evolving from records, towards describing real-world entities using an agreed form of linked data. Is that step a step far enough to satisfy the ever-present need to aid discovery? Discovery in the environment of the approaching twenty first century’s 3rd decade. Or do we need to include a move into the landscape of globally understood structured data and knowledge graphs? The millennial environment of answer engines, mobile/local search and voice assistants.
Presentation to SWIB23 in Berlin.
The journey to implement a production Linked Data Management and Discovery System for the National Library Board of Singapore.
The National Library Board of Singapore embarked on a journey to create an operational Linked Data Management and Discovery System. Their goals were to enable discovery of entities from different sources in a combined interface, bring together physical and digital resources, and provide a staff interface to manage entities and relationships. They selected a cloud-based system from metaphactory to ingest and link data from their integrated library system, content management system, national archives system, and authority files. Various scripts were used to transform the data and represent it using Schema.org for the public interface and BIBFRAME internally. This new system aimed to provide unified discovery and management of the Library Board's vast resources.
Internet Research: Finding Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and Moreeclark131
The document discusses different types of internet resources including search engines, directories, blogs, wikis, and the invisible web. It provides examples of popular search engines, directories, blogs, and wikis. It also discusses different types of invisible web content that may not be indexed by typical search engines and provides an example of an invisible web search tool.
Analytics and Access to the UK web archiveLewis Crawford
The document summarizes the background, purpose, and methods of the UK Web Archive. It discusses how the archive collects, stores, and provides access to snapshots of UK websites over time to preserve digital cultural heritage. It also describes challenges of scale due to the immense size of web content and techniques like full-text search and data analytics that are used to facilitate discovery of information within the archive.
The web is now firmly established as the primary communication and publication platform for sharing and accessing social and cultural materials. This networked world has created both opportunities and pitfalls for libraries and archives in their mission to preserve and provide ongoing access to knowledge. How can the affordances of the web be leveraged to drastically extend the plurality of representation in the archive? What challenges are imposed by the intrinsic ephemerality and mutability of online information? What methodological reorientations are demanded by the scale and dynamism of machine-generated cultural artifacts? This talk will explore the interplay of the web, contemporary historical records, and the programs, technologies, and approaches by which libraries and archives are working to extend their mission to preserve and provide access to the evidence of human activity in a world distinguished by the ubiquity of born-digital materials.
Information Science Brown Bag talks, hosted by the Program on Information Science, consists of regular discussions and brainstorming sessions on all aspects of information science and uses of information science and technology to assess and solve institutional, social and research problems. These are informal talks. Discussions are often inspired by real-world problems being faced by the lead discussant.
The document discusses three options for libraries to adopt linked data: BIBFRAME 2.0, Schema.org, and Linky MARC. BIBFRAME 2.0 is a library standard that allows standardized RDF interchange but is not recognized outside libraries. Schema.org is the de facto web standard that improves discovery on the web but lacks detail for library needs. Linky MARC adds URIs to MARC without changing its format. The document evaluates the pros and cons of each and who may want to adopt each standard.
The document discusses the Illinois library landscape and an Illinois WorldCat Local pilot. It provides an overview of library cooperation in Illinois, describes the various integrated library systems used, and lists the e-resources available. It then summarizes the key features and functionality of WorldCat Local, including integrated searching, social networking tools, and delivery options. Screenshots demonstrate the user interface. Feedback from pilot libraries is positive, and next steps include expanding the pilot and adding more local content and indexes.
Courtney Greene McDonald - Discovery Layer Strategies for Kuali OLE at Indian...Kuali Days UK
Presented by Courtney Greene McDonald, Head, Discovery & Research Services, at Indiana University Libraries.
Presentation given on the Indiana University Blacklight discovery layer implementation at the Kuali Days UK conference, 29 October 2013.
The session focused on discovery layer choices – software-as-a-service, open source or community source – of three libraries that are actively planning integration with Kuali OLE, including perspectives from the University of Chicago, Indiana University and the University of London and featured specific use cases for OLE discovery layer implementations at their institutions and what influenced their choices.
Discovery Layer Strategies for Kuali OLE: Indiana UniversityCourtney McDonald
This document summarizes Indiana University's implementation of the Blacklight discovery layer to replace its legacy catalog (IUCAT). Key points:
- IU has 9 campuses and 50 libraries with a shared statewide catalog of 8 million records.
- Blacklight was selected in 2011 for its flexibility and development community to serve as a unified discovery interface.
- Features implemented include campus-specific views, authentication, faceted search, and integration with digital collections.
- Challenges included managing a complex data environment and integrating multiple systems across campuses.
- Future plans include improving lists, notifications of new titles, and preparing for an upcoming migration to the Kuali OLE system.
How to Leverage SharePoint 2013 to Organize, Label, Navigate, and Search Your...J. Kevin Parker, CIP
At the end of this presentation, you should be able to articulate why good information architecture (IA) makes SharePoint better; identify the four systems of IA components; leverage SharePoint features for improved information management; and build dynamic information management solutions in SharePoint without code.
The document discusses the key concepts of Web 2.0, including how it utilizes collective intelligence through social bookmarking, tagging, wikis and collaborative filtering. It also examines how Web 2.0 applications harness the network effect to aggregate user data and benefit from increased participation. Finally, it outlines some of the design principles of Web 2.0 such as treating the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence, and providing rich user experiences through technologies like AJAX.
The document summarizes the history and impact of the Semantic Web. It discusses how the Semantic Web was originally envisioned as a way to make information on the web more machine-readable through semantic annotations. While early work showed promise, widespread adoption lagged behind expectations. Key impacts included positive but limited effects on web search through knowledge graphs, the rise of centralized social networks rather than distributed semantic social media, and limited use in e-commerce. Ongoing work continues on standards and applications while addressing challenges around centralization.
The document discusses using websites to promote museums and make their collections available online. It provides information on funding and support available from various organizations to help museums develop websites. Key steps outlined for creating a website include defining goals, designing a solution, building the site, testing it, and ongoing updates. Options discussed for getting help include volunteers, IT support companies, and various regional and national digital service organizations for cultural and heritage sectors.
This document summarizes the origins and development of Schema.org. It began as an effort by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 to conceive of the World Wide Web. Later developments included the semantic web in 2001 and linked open data in 2009. Schema.org was introduced in 2011 as a joint effort between Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex to create a common set of schemas for structured data on web pages. It has since grown significantly, with over 12 million websites now using Schema.org markup and over 500 types and 800 properties defined. Various communities like libraries have also influenced Schema.org through extensions and standards like LRMI.
This presentation was provided by Michael Healy of BISG, during the NISO/BISG Forum: "The Changing Standards Landscape: Creative Solutions to Your Information Problems," held at ALA Annual on June 27, 2008.
The document provides an introduction to basic email and instructions for setting up an email account with Hotmail. It explains what email is, the components of an email address, and how to choose a username and password. It also outlines best practices for using email safely, such as not sharing passwords, deleting unwanted messages, and avoiding spamming or flaming other users.
Social bookmarking allows users to store and share bookmarks online rather than locally on their computer. Users can tag bookmarks with keywords to describe them. Popular social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Diigo, and Magnolia allow users to access their bookmarks from any computer, discover bookmarks others have shared, and quickly search bookmarks by tag. Tags are used to categorize and describe bookmarks, and sites may display tags in a weighted "tag cloud".
Online Options for Storing, Organizing Editing and Sharing Your PhotosBirminghamPublicLIbrary
The document discusses online options for storing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital photos. It evaluates factors to consider for online photo services like cost, storage limits, how photos are uploaded and organized, editing capabilities, sharing options, privacy policies, and products available like prints. The document recommends exploring websites thoroughly, checking requirements and FAQs, and reading fine print to find the best photo hosting service.
The document discusses blogs, including what they are, some definitions and statistics about blogging, the history of blogs, reasons why people blog, different types of blogs, how to find blogs, and major blog hosting sites. It notes that a blog is a contraction of "web log" where people chronicle their thoughts online. It provides statistics showing over 100 million blogs worldwide with 1/5 of US adults reading blogs and 1/4 maintaining one. Major blog hosts include Blogger, TypePad, and LiveJournal.
The document provides an overview of instant messaging (IM), including what it is, popular IM services, how to get started using IM, features like buddy lists and emoticons, security concerns, and how the Birmingham Public Library uses IM for reference questions. Popular free IM services mentioned are Yahoo, MSN, and AOL, which allow live text-based chats between internet-connected computers. Setting up an IM account involves choosing a service, downloading software, creating a username and password, and adding contacts to your buddy list.
An overview of comic books and comic novels. Describes how to find graphic novels and the best way to place orders for the books. This presentation was given at the Jefferson County Public Library Association (Alabama)
AP Automation: The Competitive Advantage Your Business NeedsAggregage
Struggling to get buy-in for finance automation? Learn how to build a compelling business case and streamline your purchase-to-pay process to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition.
_Offshore Banking and Compliance Requirements.pptxLDM Global
Offshore banking allows individuals and businesses to hold accounts in foreign jurisdictions, offering benefits like privacy, asset protection, and potential tax advantages. However, strict compliance regulations govern these banks to prevent financial crimes. Key requirements include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, along with international regulations like FATCA (for U.S. taxpayers) and CRS (for global tax transparency).
Pearson's Chi-square Test for Research AnalysisYuli Paul
The Chi-Square test is a powerful statistical tool used to analyze categorical data by comparing observed and expected frequencies. It helps determine whether a dataset follows an expected distribution (Goodness-of-Fit Test) or whether two categorical variables are related (Test for Independence). Being a non-parametric test, it is widely applicable but requires large sample sizes and independent observations for reliable results. While it identifies associations between variables, it does not measure causation or the strength of relationships. Despite its limitations, the Chi-Square test remains a fundamental method in statistics for hypothesis testing in various fields.
??My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldn’t have been able to recover my funds.?iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
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Nadia Dawed’s remarkable journey in financial management reflects her commitment to delivering measurable results. With extensive experience in supply chain financial analysis and compliance, she ensures businesses operate efficiently and profitably. Her ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and implement strategic solutions makes her an invaluable leader in financial operations.
THSYU Launches Innovative Cryptocurrency Platform: A New Era of Secure and Ef...Google
THSYU, a trailblazer in the global cryptocurrency trading landscape, is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge trading platform. This innovative platform is meticulously designed to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading solutions. With this development, THSYU solidifies its position in the competitive cryptocurrency market while demonstrating its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for the protection of user assets.
Women Economy The presentation, Breaking the Silence: The Untapped Potential ...snehadeeproy085
The presentation, *Breaking the Silence: The Untapped Potential of Educated Women in the Economy*, explores the disparity between women's education and workforce participation. Despite significant progress in women's education, many educated women remain outside the workforce, which not only impacts their personal growth but also limits economic productivity. The introduction highlights how this gap affects national economies, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention. The presentation then examines the current scenario with global and national statistics, using visual aids such as bar charts to illustrate the stark differences in workforce participation between men and women.
A major section of the presentation is dedicated to understanding why educated women are not actively participating in the workforce. Social and cultural barriers, such as traditional gender roles, societal expectations, and family pressures, often discourage women from pursuing careers. Workplace challenges, including gender discrimination, wage gaps, and the lack of flexible work arrangements, further hinder their participation. Economic and policy-related factors, such as insufficient maternity leave policies, lack of childcare support, and the undervaluation of unpaid labor, also contribute to this issue. A pie chart highlights the most common barriers, with family responsibilities emerging as the biggest obstacle, followed by workplace discrimination and the wage gap.
The economic cost of women's exclusion from the workforce is another key focus. The presentation discusses how lower female workforce participation results in reduced productivity and slower economic growth. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, closing the gender gap in the workforce could add $28 trillion to global GDP by 2025. Additionally, industries suffering from a shortage of skilled workers continue to overlook a large pool of educated women, leading to talent waste. The social impact of economic exclusion is also significant, as financial dependency increases gender inequality and contributes to higher poverty rates in societies with lower female workforce participation. A graph comparing female workforce participation and GDP growth across different countries demonstrates that nations with higher female employment tend to have stronger economic stability.
To address these issues, the presentation proposes several solutions. Government policies such as stronger maternity and childcare support, enforcement of equal pay laws, and skill development programs can help bridge the gap. Corporate initiatives, including flexible work policies, diversity programs, and mentorship opportunities, can create a more inclusive work environment. Societal changes, such as redefining gender roles, encouraging women entrepreneurs, and raising awareness through education and media, are also essential to breaking long-standing barriers. Another bar graph illustrates how increased female work
The Monitoring presents the analysis of Ukraine's exports and imports, key trends, and business impediments. In December 2024, exports increased by only 2% yoy, while in January 2025, they fell by 8% yoy due to declining agricultural stocks. The physical volumes of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil exports continue to decline, although export prices remain relatively high.
The Monitoring also includes an analysis of key impediments for exporters, such as labor shortages, rising raw material costs, and the impact of the energy situation. Special attention is given to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Ukraine and the UAE, which grants duty-free access for 96.6% of Ukrainian goods.
More details are available on the website.
4. How can we highlight and advertise our collections?
5. CONTENTdm Custom Queries and Results Enables creation of custom Web interfaces and search options Five types of queries available Simple hyperlink Drop-down list Index box Text box Browse collection