This document discusses using contests and team-building activities to motivate restaurant employees to better remember customer names. It proposes a month-long contest with a cash prize where employees record customer names and details in a notebook. Employees are given tips to get names, such as introducing customers to each other and the hostess. Daily pop contests are also suggested, where employees who can accurately name the most customers can leave work early. The goal is to inspire employees to value customers beyond just money by documenting them as people.
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Contests And Team
1. Contests And Team-Building To Inspire Employees To Remember Customer Names
It may seemimpossible toinspire yourentirestaff tovalue anythingaboutyourrestaurantbeyondtheir
ownmoney.Let’sface it,waitingtablesisnotthe mostglamorousor highlyprizedjobinthe worldand
stellarcustomerservice employeesare few andfarbetween.Sohow doyoumotivate those employees
whoare justthere for a paycheck?Howdo youinspire yourstaff to… care?
Contestsandteam-building!Yes,afteryouremployeeshave beentrainedinpolicyandproceduresof
your restaurantit’stime tostart usingthe “carrot andstick” to start a tidal wave of enthusiasmforyour
customersandbusinessplusinspire arock-starworkethicthat eventhe laziestof employees will love to
Thisis whatI suggest.Beginacontestwhichwill runfora monthor twoand offera cash prize (Yescash
money.Thisiswhatyour employeeswork foranditwill be easierforthem tovisualize andvalue.Plus it
ismuch more excitingtohearthat youare givingawaya $50.00 or $100.00 prize whichwill turn
someone’s$80.00 shiftintoa $130.00 or $180.00 shift!) The only toolsyouneedforthiscontestto
succeedisyouremployee’senthusiasm.Once youhave that,managing,inspiringandteam-buildingwill
be easy.
Nowit’stime to setthe groundrulesfor thiscontest.Youcan have a contestas simple as“whocan get,
rememberanduse the mostcustomer’snames”(Havingthemkeepverifiable,detailedentriesabout
customersina notebookthatyousupplyisan excellentwayforthemtokeepa log, importantdetails
pluslookback at pertinentinformationabouttheirguest’sexperiencesto make the guestfeel even
more valued.)
Nextgive yourstaff tipsonhowto winthe contest.Tell themone of the easiestwaysistogetthe
hostesstointroduce themorstay by the frontdoor, openitfor customers,askif the customerhas a
reservation andthenintroduce themtothe hostess.Whenemployees have an“incomplete party,”
askingthe name of the missingguest will getthemclosertothe prize.Simply have the employee tell the
seatedguestthatyouwouldlike topersonallygreettheircompanion atthe doorto make sure they
connectas soonas possible or“Give themV.I.P.service.”The seatedguestwill perceivethisasan added
value andhappilygive the otherperson’sname whichcannow be usedthroughoutthe entire meal and
enteredintothe employee’s book(Alongwiththe date,table numberand otherpertinentdetails.)
Introducingcustomerstomanagers andotheremployeeswith parallel interestsandpassionsisanother
wayto not onlygetand remembercustomer’snamesbuttoalsosolidifythe customertothe restaurant
Now it istime start dailypopcontests:aftermost customers have beenseatedandthingsstarttoquiet
downand waiterswanttobe cut, tell themthe employeewhocanaccuratelyname the most customers
can start theirsideworkandleave first.(Orwillwinafree dessert,dinnerorappif cuttingdoesn’t
apply.) Getemployees inthe habitof experiencingyourcustomersaspeoplewhobringmore value to
theirlife thanjusta tipand that bydocumentingandrememberingcustomer’snamestheycangetout
of worksooner,enjoyfree foodandearnbonusmoneythatotherswill not.Helpyouremployeesdeliver
2. great customerservice.Inthe endtheywill getmuchmore fromtheir jobsthanjustmoney andmight
eventhankyou for itone day.
Nextmonth:TakingYour ContestsToThe NextLevel: helpyourserversconnectwitheachcustomer
usingtheirnewnotebooks,businesscardsand social media.
Needhelpwithyourstaff?Call me:1-646-462-0384 or readmy book:“How To Double YourRestaurant