1. The document discusses the continuity equation, which states that the flow rate of an incompressible fluid is constant at any point in a fluid system with no accumulation.
2. The formula for continuity equation is given as: 1A1v1 = 2A2v2, where is density, A is cross-sectional area, and v is velocity.
3. Examples of applications include calculating water velocity changes in pipes or rivers of varying diameters, and a sample problem is worked out calculating velocities at different pipe positions.
4. Continuity equation is the flow rate has the
same value (fluid isnt appearing or
disappearing) at every position along a tube
that has a single entry and a single exit for fluid
This principle is known as the conservation of
This equation for the ideal fluid
(incompressible, nonviscous and has steady
7. Formula
Q= Av = V/t
Where :
Q = rate (m3/s)
A = Area (m2)
v = Velocity (m/s)
V = Volume (m3)
t = time (s)
8. The velocity water of The river with different
garden hose before we area which change
hold it and after we
along their length
hold it
Application in daily life
Water gun
Volumetric pipette
13. Fluid flows in the pipe that has differrent radius, radius and
velocity of position A are 3 cm and 8m/s, how much the
velocity of water of position B and C, if radius of B and C are 1
cm and 5 cm?
Known : rA= 3cm 3 x 10-2 m2 vA= 8m/s
rB= 1 cm 1 x 10-2 m2 rC= 5 cm 5x 10-2 m2
Question : vB and vC?
Answer :
Problem Sample
14. Continuity Equation says fluid speeds up going
to smaller opening, slows down going to larger
Velocity of fluid which is incompresible
Inverse with area of the pipe where the fluids
are flowing