Photographers are able to capture contrasts in modern society through keen observation and an open mind. Contrasts may include an old woman begging in front of a fashion boutique or a group of homeless people with happy friends in the background. Such contrasts can highlight the emotional differences between central and background images. While some contrasts happen by chance, talented photographers are able to accentuate contrasts and confirm their artistic value through skillful composition within a few seconds. This document presents examples of photographers' works that draw attention to contrasts in modern life.
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Contrastof the world
1. Withdiversityand versatilityof theprocess,todaythe world maylook likethe yearhas beennon-complex.Full ofcolor,appearance,behavior,lifestylesand living standardsof thecontrast between... ...we mightnot alwaysnotice thatallaround thecontrast, but the photographerwas able todo, especially thoseengaged inthe streetor socialphotographyphotographer.Keenobservation andan open mindto help themcapture theattention andthe greatestcontrast betweenthosemomentsof modern society. Contrastof the world: meetby chanceorinevitable
2. Anold womanbeggingin the fashionboutiqueshop front, ora group ofhappyfriendshomelessposterbackground- sothe emotionalload, through thecentraland backgroundimagecontrast, orcan berenderedto the extreme.On the other hand, theremay bea very interestingcontrast, especially those whohappened by accident. Indeed, thisparty isreallytalentedphotographeraccentuatesitsplace.Perhapsonlya few secondsthatthe contrast, and confirmits artisticvalue -indeed, onlyhighly skilledphotographerto complete.Here wecollectfor youa number of similarworks,how todraw the linein order toshowcontrast betweenthe modernphotographer(andcoincidentally)of thetopic.