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Sat, 13 Oct 2007
Denver, CO

Annotated Version

                    Khoi Vinh
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Control (Annotated)
Control (Annotated)
Control (Annotated)
Todays Subject
Khoi Vinh

Why is interactive design
different from print design?
Khoi Vinh

The answer lies in control.
But First
What Is Good Design?
Khoi Vinh
Narrative                  Subtraction.com

Historically, weve de?ned
good design as solutions
that also tell good stories.
Khoi Vinh

A handful of examples of narrative in good
Khoi Vinh
Napoleons March to Moscow Charles Joseph Minard      Subtraction.com

                                                   An information
                                                   graphic that is
                                                   transformed into
                                                   great graphic design
                                                   when narrative is
                                                   Made famous by
                                                   Edward Tufte.
Khoi Vinh
Priester Matches Lucien Bernhard                    Subtraction.com

                                                 Good storytelling in
                                                 graphic design can
                                                 be highly succinct.
                                                 In this example,
                                                 Bernhard lets the
                                                 complete the story.

                     Priester Matches, c. 1905
Khoi Vinh
Harpers Bazaar Alexey Brodovitch      Subtraction.com

                                    Publication design,
                                    of course, has always
                                    been about good
                                    Alexey Brodovitch
                                    took this to new
                                    heights through
                                    supremely elegant
                                    juxtaposition of
                                    image and text with
                                    Harpers Bazaar.
Khoi Vinh
Concert Posters J. Mller-Brockmann                                     Subtraction.com

Narrative can also be highly abstract and non-
literal. These posters from Josef Mller-
Brockmann are so reductive as to be similar to
modern painting, and yet they are still powerful

Tonhalle-Quartett, 1955.   Helmhaus Zrich, 1953.   Beethoven, 1955.   Junifestkonzert, 1957.
Khoi Vinh
IBM 1975 Annual Report Paul Rand                        Subtraction.com

                                                     Masters like Paul
                                                     Rand were terri?c
                                                     storytellers  even
                                                     when the story he
                                                     was telling was a
                                                     year in the life of
                                                     IBM, the worlds most
                                                     boring company.

                Paul Rand, IBM Annual Report, 1975
Khoi Vinh
Beach Culture David Carson      Subtraction.com

                             Narrative is such a
                             strong impulse in
                             graphic design, that
                             in many instances,
                             designers assume
                             authorial roles
                             alongside the actual
                             authors  as David
                             Carson did for
                             Beach Culture
                             Magazine in the
Khoi Vinh
Principles of Good Storytelling               Subtraction.com

? A coherent world view
? Fine-tuned management of every element
? One-way communication of information from
  the author to the audience
Khoi Vinh
What Do These Add up To?                      Subtraction.com

+ A coherent world view
+ Fine-tuned management of every element
+ One-way communication of information from
  the author to the audience

Khoi Vinh

If narrative is the guiding
principle of traditional design,
then control is its most
important tool.
Khoi Vinh

But the guiding principle of
interactive media is not
narrativeits behavior.
Khoi Vinh

Designing for behavior
means transferring some
measure of control from
author to user.
Khoi Vinh
Or, Put Another Way      Subtraction.com

Digital media is taking
control away from
Khoi Vinh
For Many Designers     Subtraction.com

Many designers think:
This is blasphemy!
Khoi Vinh

Designers must control the
 communication, because we
 know what were doing.
Khoi Vinh

If we give people what they
 say they want, theyll never
 get what we know they
Khoi Vinh
Dont They Know This Is Bad?      Subtraction.com

                                 A notorious example
                                 is MySpace, where
                                 design values are
                                 completely different
                                 from any professional
Khoi Vinh

Undesigned sites like MySpace have been on
the Internet since day one, and designers have
made many attempts to ?ght back against them.
Khoi Vinh

Over the past decade, users have rejected
many of these techniques that designers have
used to exert control in digital media
Khoi Vinh
Failed Techniques for Control                  Subtraction.com

Typographic requirements. (Very early on.)

                       This site best viewed
                        with Cooper Black.

                      Please download and
                    install it before viewing.
Khoi Vinh
Failed Techniques for Control                  Subtraction.com

Rendering text as images instead of as HTML.
Khoi Vinh
Failed Techniques for Control                    Subtraction.com

Resizing browser windows or launching daughter
Khoi Vinh

Linking a sites functionality exclusively to a
proprietary technology, e.g., Microsoft Internet
Explorer or even sometimes Adobe Flash.
Khoi Vinh
Failed Techniques for Control                   Subtraction.com

Counting on users to learn how to use a site
over time.
Khoi Vinh

If user control trumps all,
 arent we saying that design
 has no value?
Khoi Vinh

No, actually. But to
understand why, we have to
look at behaviors.
Khoi Vinh
Given a Page of Text     Subtraction.com

                        What can you do
                        with print?
                         ? Read it
                         ? Mark it
                         ? Clip it out
                         ? Photocopy it
Khoi Vinh
Content and Presentation Are Wedded                   Subtraction.com

In each case, its dif?cult to separate the printed
text from its presentation.
The design is baked in. The designer retains
Khoi Vinh

Given a block of text
on the Web, what
can you do with it?
Khoi Vinh

? Enlarge it
Khoi Vinh

? Click on it to go
  somewhere else
Khoi Vinh

? Roll-over it to
  reveal other
Khoi Vinh

? Re-render it in a
  different typeface
Khoi Vinh

? Read it back via
  screen reader
Khoi Vinh

? Comment on it
Khoi Vinh

? Read it via RSS
  completely stripped
  of its presentation
Khoi Vinh

? Quote it liberally.
Khoi Vinh

? Edit it (in Wiki
Khoi Vinh
Lets Split Up                                   Subtraction.com

In digital media, presentation and content are
separable. Design is not baked in.
The designer has seemingly lost control.
Khoi Vinh

Thats not necessarily the case. What were
interpreting as a loss of control is actually a
multiplicity of states.
Khoi Vinh

The challenge has changed. There are more
states to design.
But also: the user demands a certain amount of
control over these various states.
Khoi Vinh

The designer still has a job to do.
How does the content behave in each of its
possible states?
What is the overall experience of the user?
What Are We Designing?
Khoi Vinh

Digital media is as different
from print as a speech is
different from a
Khoi Vinh
What They Have in Common                     Subtraction.com

Theyre both exchanges of information
between people. But one is a controlled
environment and the other is uncontrolled.
Khoi Vinh
Compare and Contrast                                       Subtraction.com

                       Print (Speech)              Interactive (Conversation)

Environmental and      Knowable                    Mix of knowable and
Behavioral Factors                                 unknowable

Kinds of               Essentially one kind        Potentially many different
Audience                                           kinds

                       The audience receives the   The audience takes part in
                       experience                  the experience
Khoi Vinh

In fact, what were talking about here is the
difference between documents and
More on this later.
Khoi Vinh

Digital media looks like
writing, but its actually
Khoi Vinh
Instant Messaging & Bulletin Boards = Conversation   Subtraction.com
Khoi Vinh
Email Looks Like a DocumentBut Its Really Conversation   Subtraction.com
Khoi Vinh
Blogs                    Subtraction.com

Sometimes documentary,
almost always
Khoi Vinh
Del.icio.us Is Conversation   Subtraction.com

Meta-sites enable
conversation through links,
tagging, micro-comments
Khoi Vinh
Traditional Documents Too   Subtraction.com

Traditional journalism
becomes a framework for
Khoi Vinh
Social Context                                 Subtraction.com

The tension between print and digital is
emblematic of a long-running pattern of
media evolution.
There is often a struggle between
documents and conversations.

                                           Glut: Mastering Information
                                           Through the Ages
                                           By Alex Wright
Khoi Vinh

Writing transformed ancient peoples from tribal
organizations into governments.

Khoi Vinh

In Medieval Europe, the failure of governments
and the rise of illiteracy renewed folkloric

Khoi Vinh

Gutenbergs press pitted mass
communication against folkloric traditions.

Khoi Vinh

The PC transformed cathedrals of information
systems into bazaars of personal computing


 Ref. Richard Stallman
Khoi Vinh
But They Need to Co-Exist                       Subtraction.com

This push and pull is essential to media
Documents and conversations are not mutually
exclusive. They are inherently dependent upon
one another.
Khoi Vinh

Good narrative gives rise to
good conversations.
Whats Next
Khoi Vinh

Yes. People are looking for
traditional design values
Khoi Vinh
From MySpace to Facebook                              Subtraction.com

Its no accident that the shift is on in favor of a
more highly designed environment like
Khoi Vinh
Blueprint CSS                                     Subtraction.com

Theres a tremendous interest in grid-based
layouts online at the moment, including this
CSS framework for grids

                                               Developed by Olav
                                               Frihagen Bj?rk?y
Khoi Vinh
Technological Formalization of Traditional Design                    Subtraction.com

And this proposed speci?cation for grid layouts
to the CSS standard

Khoi Vinh
Technologists Seek Typography   Subtraction.com

Fonts & Encodings by
Yannis Haralambous
Contents include:
 ? The History and
   Classi?cations of Latin
Khoi Vinh
Downloadable Typefaces                          Subtraction.com

Recent revisions to WebKit (Safari) allow for
downloadable TrueType fonts, so designers can
in theory specify any typeface.
Khoi Vinh
The Trend in Tools Is for More Control                                     Subtraction.com

As our tools progress, they give us incrementally
more power to control the presentation of our


                                                                                             CSS 3.0
                               Tables    Fireworks/
                                                                CSS 2.0

                     HTML                             CSS 1.0

             1990           1995                 2000                     2005                 2010
Khoi Vinh
Good News                   Subtraction.com

Principles of good storytelling
still applywith adjustment.
Khoi Vinh
People Want Traditional Design Values, But   Subtraction.com

People are looking for
narrative design to be
expressed in a language
thats native to digital
Khoi Vinh

Users want to retain control
over their own experiences.
Khoi Vinh

Users also want their
experiences to be guided
and clear.
Khoi Vinh

Theres a compromise
between user control and
designer intention. We just
havent reached the sweet
spot yet.
Khoi Vinh

As our tools enable more
control, the expectation for
greater control will
increasefor users and

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Control (Annotated)

  • 1. Sat, 13 Oct 2007 AIGA Next Denver, CO Annotated Version Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com
  • 7. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Why is interactive design different from print design?
  • 8. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com The answer lies in control.
  • 9. But First What Is Good Design?
  • 10. Khoi Vinh Narrative Subtraction.com Historically, weve de?ned good design as solutions that also tell good stories.
  • 11. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com A handful of examples of narrative in good design
  • 12. Khoi Vinh Napoleons March to Moscow Charles Joseph Minard Subtraction.com An information graphic that is transformed into great graphic design when narrative is added. Made famous by Edward Tufte.
  • 13. Khoi Vinh Priester Matches Lucien Bernhard Subtraction.com Good storytelling in graphic design can be highly succinct. In this example, Bernhard lets the audiences imaginations complete the story. Priester Matches, c. 1905
  • 14. Khoi Vinh Harpers Bazaar Alexey Brodovitch Subtraction.com Publication design, of course, has always been about good storytelling. Alexey Brodovitch took this to new heights through supremely elegant juxtaposition of image and text with Harpers Bazaar.
  • 15. Khoi Vinh Concert Posters J. Mller-Brockmann Subtraction.com Narrative can also be highly abstract and non- literal. These posters from Josef Mller- Brockmann are so reductive as to be similar to modern painting, and yet they are still powerful storytelling. Tonhalle-Quartett, 1955. Helmhaus Zrich, 1953. Beethoven, 1955. Junifestkonzert, 1957.
  • 16. Khoi Vinh IBM 1975 Annual Report Paul Rand Subtraction.com Masters like Paul Rand were terri?c storytellers even when the story he was telling was a year in the life of IBM, the worlds most boring company. Paul Rand, IBM Annual Report, 1975
  • 17. Khoi Vinh Beach Culture David Carson Subtraction.com Narrative is such a strong impulse in graphic design, that in many instances, designers assume authorial roles alongside the actual authors as David Carson did for Beach Culture Magazine in the Nineties.
  • 18. Khoi Vinh Principles of Good Storytelling Subtraction.com ? A coherent world view ? Fine-tuned management of every element ? One-way communication of information from the author to the audience
  • 19. Khoi Vinh What Do These Add up To? Subtraction.com + A coherent world view + Fine-tuned management of every element + One-way communication of information from the author to the audience Control
  • 20. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com If narrative is the guiding principle of traditional design, then control is its most important tool.
  • 21. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com But the guiding principle of interactive media is not narrativeits behavior.
  • 22. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Designing for behavior means transferring some measure of control from author to user.
  • 23. Khoi Vinh Or, Put Another Way Subtraction.com Digital media is taking control away from designers.
  • 24. Khoi Vinh For Many Designers Subtraction.com Many designers think: This is blasphemy!
  • 25. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Designers must control the communication, because we know what were doing.
  • 26. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com If we give people what they say they want, theyll never get what we know they need.
  • 27. Khoi Vinh Dont They Know This Is Bad? Subtraction.com A notorious example is MySpace, where design values are completely different from any professional publication.
  • 28. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Undesigned sites like MySpace have been on the Internet since day one, and designers have made many attempts to ?ght back against them.
  • 29. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Over the past decade, users have rejected many of these techniques that designers have used to exert control in digital media
  • 30. Khoi Vinh Failed Techniques for Control Subtraction.com Typographic requirements. (Very early on.) This site best viewed with Cooper Black. Please download and install it before viewing.
  • 31. Khoi Vinh Failed Techniques for Control Subtraction.com Rendering text as images instead of as HTML.
  • 32. Khoi Vinh Failed Techniques for Control Subtraction.com Resizing browser windows or launching daughter windows.
  • 33. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Linking a sites functionality exclusively to a proprietary technology, e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer or even sometimes Adobe Flash.
  • 34. Khoi Vinh Failed Techniques for Control Subtraction.com Counting on users to learn how to use a site over time.
  • 35. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com If user control trumps all, arent we saying that design has no value?
  • 36. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com No, actually. But to understand why, we have to look at behaviors.
  • 38. Khoi Vinh Given a Page of Text Subtraction.com What can you do with print? ? Read it ? Mark it ? Clip it out ? Photocopy it
  • 39. Khoi Vinh Content and Presentation Are Wedded Subtraction.com In each case, its dif?cult to separate the printed text from its presentation. The design is baked in. The designer retains control.
  • 40. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Given a block of text on the Web, what can you do with it?
  • 41. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Enlarge it
  • 42. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Click on it to go somewhere else
  • 43. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Roll-over it to reveal other behaviors
  • 44. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Re-render it in a different typeface
  • 45. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Read it back via screen reader
  • 46. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Comment on it
  • 47. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Read it via RSS aggregator, completely stripped of its presentation layer
  • 48. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Quote it liberally.
  • 49. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com ? Edit it (in Wiki form)
  • 50. Khoi Vinh Lets Split Up Subtraction.com In digital media, presentation and content are separable. Design is not baked in. The designer has seemingly lost control.
  • 51. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Thats not necessarily the case. What were interpreting as a loss of control is actually a multiplicity of states.
  • 52. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com The challenge has changed. There are more states to design. But also: the user demands a certain amount of control over these various states.
  • 53. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com The designer still has a job to do. How does the content behave in each of its possible states? What is the overall experience of the user?
  • 54. What Are We Designing?
  • 55. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Digital media is as different from print as a speech is different from a conversation.
  • 56. Khoi Vinh What They Have in Common Subtraction.com Theyre both exchanges of information between people. But one is a controlled environment and the other is uncontrolled.
  • 57. Khoi Vinh Compare and Contrast Subtraction.com Print (Speech) Interactive (Conversation) Environmental and Knowable Mix of knowable and Behavioral Factors unknowable Kinds of Essentially one kind Potentially many different Audience kinds Experiences The audience receives the The audience takes part in experience the experience
  • 58. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com In fact, what were talking about here is the difference between documents and conversations. More on this later.
  • 59. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Digital media looks like writing, but its actually conversation.
  • 60. Khoi Vinh Instant Messaging & Bulletin Boards = Conversation Subtraction.com
  • 61. Khoi Vinh Email Looks Like a DocumentBut Its Really Conversation Subtraction.com
  • 62. Khoi Vinh Blogs Subtraction.com Sometimes documentary, almost always conversational.
  • 63. Khoi Vinh Del.icio.us Is Conversation Subtraction.com Meta-sites enable conversation through links, tagging, micro-comments
  • 64. Khoi Vinh Traditional Documents Too Subtraction.com Traditional journalism becomes a framework for conversation.
  • 65. Khoi Vinh Social Context Subtraction.com The tension between print and digital is emblematic of a long-running pattern of media evolution. There is often a struggle between documents and conversations. Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages By Alex Wright
  • 66. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Writing transformed ancient peoples from tribal organizations into governments. Conver- Documents sations
  • 67. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com In Medieval Europe, the failure of governments and the rise of illiteracy renewed folkloric traditions. Conver- Documents sations
  • 68. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Gutenbergs press pitted mass communication against folkloric traditions. Conver- Documents sations
  • 69. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com The PC transformed cathedrals of information systems into bazaars of personal computing Conver- Documents sations Ref. Richard Stallman
  • 70. Khoi Vinh But They Need to Co-Exist Subtraction.com This push and pull is essential to media evolution. Documents and conversations are not mutually exclusive. They are inherently dependent upon one another.
  • 71. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Good narrative gives rise to good conversations.
  • 73. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Yes. People are looking for traditional design values online.
  • 74. Khoi Vinh From MySpace to Facebook Subtraction.com Its no accident that the shift is on in favor of a more highly designed environment like Facebook
  • 75. Khoi Vinh Blueprint CSS Subtraction.com Theres a tremendous interest in grid-based layouts online at the moment, including this CSS framework for grids Developed by Olav Frihagen Bj?rk?y
  • 76. Khoi Vinh Technological Formalization of Traditional Design Subtraction.com And this proposed speci?cation for grid layouts to the CSS standard http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-grid/overview.html
  • 77. Khoi Vinh Technologists Seek Typography Subtraction.com Fonts & Encodings by Yannis Haralambous Contents include: ? The History and Classi?cations of Latin Typefaces
  • 78. Khoi Vinh Downloadable Typefaces Subtraction.com Recent revisions to WebKit (Safari) allow for downloadable TrueType fonts, so designers can in theory specify any typeface.
  • 79. Khoi Vinh The Trend in Tools Is for More Control Subtraction.com As our tools progress, they give us incrementally more power to control the presentation of our interfaces. Print Fidelity Flash CSS 3.0 Tables Fireworks/ CSS 2.0 Dreamweaver HTML CSS 1.0 HTML 1.0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
  • 80. Khoi Vinh Good News Subtraction.com Principles of good storytelling still applywith adjustment.
  • 81. Khoi Vinh People Want Traditional Design Values, But Subtraction.com People are looking for narrative design to be expressed in a language thats native to digital media.
  • 82. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Users want to retain control over their own experiences.
  • 83. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Users also want their experiences to be guided and clear.
  • 84. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com Theres a compromise between user control and designer intention. We just havent reached the sweet spot yet.
  • 85. Khoi Vinh Subtraction.com As our tools enable more control, the expectation for greater control will increasefor users and designers.
  • 86. End