When we talk about International Business we think of certain concepts like strategy, planning, marketing, finance and so on. This presentation certainly focus on aspects which includes how to control and organize these functions and which instruments and application should be used for them.
This was a presentation made by me during MBA program in Germany under the supervision of Dr.Prof. Schminke.
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Controlling and organization of international business
5. Contents
Organization of business
Architecture and structure of organization
Principles of controlling
Importance of controlling
Levels of controlling
Factors affecting controlling
Steps in controlling
How to control international marketing
How control and organization relates to marketing
IM@ 2011
6. Principles of organization
The organization of international business refers to the integrated function of formal
organization structure, coordination, control system, processes, culture and people.
-Charles W.L. Hill
Three factors in organization
Division of the organization into subunits
Decision-making responsibilities (centralized vs. decentralized)
The establishment of integrating mechanisms to coordinate the activities.
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7. Architecture of organization
Internal body
parts of
Example process structure
culture system
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8. Structure of organization
External body
adjustments Vertical
of differentiation
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9. Vertical differentiation
The location of Centralization
decision making
with in the
structure of
organization Decentralization
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10. Horizontal differentiation
How the
decides to divide
Types of business
its various
departments or
activities into
sub units
Geographical area
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11. Integrating mechanism
Direct contacts
How the Teams Formal
organization Matrix structures
develops various
mechanism to
coordinate and
integrate between
Knowledge network Informal
different sub units Information transmission
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12. Principles of controlling
Control refers to the task of ensuring that activities are producing the desired results
and is limited to monitoring the outcome of activities, reviewing feedback
information about this outcome, and if necessary, taking corrective actions". - Reeves
and Woodward
Features of Controlling
One can control future happenings but not what has happened.
Every manager in an organization has to perform the control function.
Control is a continuous process
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13. Why is it important?
Helps in
Performance Efficiency in
evaluation operation
Establish Monitoring of
superior- process and
subordinate planning
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14. Levels of controlling
Strategic control Organization Operations
control control
How the
international How the How the
business international international
formulates and business design business focus
achieves its acts in response on operating
strategic goals to changes in systems in an
organization organization and
environment its subsidiaries
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15. Strategic Organization Operation
control control control
examples examples examples
Market entry Finance and cost regulation Production analysis
Environment Credit rating checks Cost factors
Profitability analysis Consulting and Supply and logistics
Innovation and communication regulation
development Promotion and advertising Auditing and inspection
Product mix legal regulations Time management
Competitor analysis Uniformity to standards Storage and transport
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16. Factors affecting controlling
Domestic values and practices
Communication systems
Environmental differences
Environmental stability
Subsidiary performance
Quality of international operations
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17. Steps in controlling
Establishing control Taking Corrective Change
standards measures standard
Example- deviation
industry Maintain
status Quo
Measuring the Comparison of
performance performance
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18. How to control international marketing operations
Break even analysis- total revenue and total cost
Financial analysis - cash flow analysis, ratio analysis, monitoring capital expenditure
Return on investment(ROI)- on fixed asset, working capital ,analyzing risk taking
Management audit- efficiency evaluation by experts of plans, policies, systems and procedures
Management information system- data collection and processing to manager, delegation and control
Performance evaluation techniques- benchmarking for processes and competitor, balance score card
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19. How controlling and organization affects
international marketing
If organization is Apple
If organization is Operations level
based De
decentralized marketing control
If marketing
Organizational Amazon
changes fast
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20. Summary
Organization of international business
Controlling of international business
Marketing control techniques
Relation of controlling and organization to marketing
References: Handbook marketing controlling by Christopher zerres,
Michael p. zerres
Marketing management by Philip kotler
Global marketing management by W. keegen, M.green
IM@ 2011