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Convention of Right of Act 1992
牴項牾牴牾 牴牴鉦億牾牴牾牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴 1992
Assistant Professor
牴÷仮.牴牾牴謹何牴牾. 牴牴.牴伍何, 牴伍温牴鉦億牴 牴牾牴鉦仮牴о牴鉦仮牴牴牴萎, 牴牴.牴.牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横 牴牴項仮牴朽何牴牾牴鉦仮牴迦億, 牴牾牴鉦乙牴牴牾牴萎
 The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities is an International human
rights treaty of the united nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons
with disabilities. Parties to the convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure the full
enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that persons with
disabilities enjoy full equality under the law.
 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴 牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴牾牴牴萎何牴む仮牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴謹乙牾牾 牴牴牴 牾牴 牴÷ 牴萎仮牴劇牴牾牴萎牴 牴牴牴む屋牴萎仮牴劇牴牾牴萎牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽
牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴牴牾牴牴牴牴朽仮牴牴逗王牴牾, 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿 牴牴む牴 牴牴牴 牴牴牴牾 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍牴朽 牴牴 牾牾牴謹乙牾牴牴牾
牴 牴牴牴逗王 . 牴牴牴牴 牾牴牾牴迦牴牴朽牾牴橿桶 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽 牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴伍牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴牴牴牴牴朽牴牴牾 牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴迦牴, 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍臆牾牴
牴牴む牴 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍何牴 牴橿桶牴迦牴 牴牴む牴 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿 牴牴鉦襖 牴牴逗襖牴÷何牴牴迦牴迦何 牴伍牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牴 牴牴牴牾
牴牴牴牴牴朽何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴牴牾 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍何牴 牴橿桶牴迦牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴謹王 牴牾牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴牴牴む億牴朽何牴 .
 The text was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 December
2006, and opened for signature on 30 march 2007. Following ratification by the 20th
party, it came into force on 3 may 2008. The convention is monitored by the committee
on the rights of persons with disabilities for which annual conferences of states parties
to the CRPD have set guidelines since 2008.
牴 牴牴牾牴鉦乙牴牾牾牾 牴朽何牴謹牴朽恩牴牴伍牾牾牴 牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴伍沖牾牴牾 13 牴÷何牴伍牾牴牴牴萎 2006 牴萎牴牾 牴牴牴牾牴牴萎何牴伍何牴む 牴牴む牾
30 牴牴鉦屋牾牴牾 2007 牴萎牴牾 牴伍温牴逗牴鉦 牴む牴萎牴牴逗欧牾. 20 牴牾牾 牴牴牾牴劇王 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴牴牾牴 牴牾牴牴む屋, 牴牴牾 3
牴牾 2008 牴萎牴牾 牴牴鉦屋牴逗牾 牴牴牴牴逗欧牾. 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴伍荻牴逗欧牴逗億牾 牴牾牴迦牴朽乙牴牴鉦屋牴牾 牴牴鉦押牾牴む牴牾牾
CRPD牴牾 牴萎仮牴牾牴鉦牴 牴牴牾牴劇牴 牴朽仮牴萎牴劇牴 牴伍荻牾牴橿襖牾牴牴橿 2008 牴萎何牴牴 牴牴鉦牾牴伍牴牴逗牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴
牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴牴逗牴牴逗鴎牴÷何牴伍何牴.
 Article 1
 Article 2
 Article 3
 Article 5  32
 Article 33  39
 Article 40  50
 Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 牴牴萎牴ム横牴牾, 牴伍仮牴牴鉦牴逗牾 牴牴む牴 牴伍仮牴牴伍牴む何牴牾 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿
 Right to Education 牴謹何牴牾牴劇屋牾牴 牴項牾牴牾
 Work and Employment 牴 牴迦牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴 牴牾牴
Article 1 - Defines the purpose of the Convention:
 To Promote, Protect and Ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all Human Rights
and Fundamental Freedoms by all persons with Disabilities, and to Promote respect
for their inherent Dignity.
 牴牴迦仮牴 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿牴 牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿 牴牴む牴 牴 牴迦牴 牴 牴伍仮牴鉦欧牴牴む牴牴牴 牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴牴む牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖
牴牴牴牴牴朽牴牴牾 牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴牴朽牾牴牴, 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴朽牴 牴牴牴む牴牴 牴牴牴 牴 牴牾牴萎乙牾牴朽牴牴牾
牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴牴朽牾牴牴.
ARTICLE 2 - Provides definitions of some keywords in CRPD:
 Provisions: Communication, (Including Braille, Sign Language, Plain
Language and Nonverbal Communication), Discrimination on the basis of
Disability, Reasonable Accommodation and Universal Design.
 牴牴逗岡牴牴о襖牾牴牴橿: 牴伍牴朽温牴牾, (牴牾牾牾牴迦, 牴伍牴牾牾牴 牴牴鉦卸牾, 牴伍屋牴 牴牴鉦卸牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴牾牴牴逗 牴伍牴朽温牴牾
牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む), 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴, 牴伍荻牴牴牾牴伍乙牴鉦王 牴朽恩牴む何 牴牴む牾
牴伍牴鉦乙牾牴む何牴鉦 牴朽何牴牴鉦仮牴.
Article 3
 Delineates the CRPD'S eight "General Principles" described below,
while Article 4 Delineates parties' "General Obligations.
 牴牾牴橿牾 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牴逗王 牴伍何牴牴萎牴牴逗押牴逗億 牴牴牴牾 "牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴む欧牴朽牴橿襖牾牾牾" 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牾牴む牴牾牾, 牴牴牴萎
牴牴萎牴牾牴牴迦 4 牴牴牾牴劇牴 "牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴鉦押牾牴牴橿襖牾牾牾" 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牾牴む牴牾牾.
Articles 532
 Rights specific to this convention include the rights to accessibility including the Information
Technology, the rights to live independently and be included in the Community (article 19), to
Personal Mobility (article 20), Habilitation and Rehabilitation (article 26), and to participation
in political and public life, and cultural life, recreation and sport (articles 29 and 30).
 牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴牾牾 牴牴逗王牴逗牴劇牾牴朽仮牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿臆牾牴朽何 牴牴鉦温牴逗欧牴 牴む牴む仮牴牾牴牴鉦襖牾 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿, 牴伍乙牴む牴む仮牴朽仮牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴 牴牴む牾
牴伍荻牾牴牾牴鉦億牴牴迦牴朽何 牴伍牾牾牴牾牴÷牴牾牾牴橿牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 19), 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴牴迦襖牾牴謹何牾牴迦欧牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 20), 牴朽仮牴伍恩牾牴 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴牾牴朽牴伍欧牴
(牴迦牾牴牴牾 26), 牴牴む牾 牴萎仮牴牾牴牾牴む牴 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦乙牾牴牾牴牴逗 牴牾牴朽襖牾牴牴迦牴朽何, 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦牴伍牴む何牴 牴牾牴朽襖牾, 牴牴牾牴萎牴牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴む仮牾牴÷牴牴迦牴朽何
牴牴鉦牴朽温牴逗恩牾牴朽何牴牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾牴牴橿 29 牴牴む牾 30).
 In addition, parties to the convention must raise awareness of the human rights of persons with
disabilities (article 8), and ensure access to roads, buildings, and information (article 9).
 牴項牴牾牾牴朽屋牴逗億牴鉦, 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴牴牾牾 牴牴萎何牴朽 牴牾牴÷何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾
(牴迦牾牴牴牾 8), 牴牴む牾 牴萎恩牾牾牾牴牴橿, 牴牴牾牴÷牴橿 牴牴む牾 牴牴鉦温牴逗欧牴逗億 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴牴逗欧牴牴÷何牴伍何牴牾牾牴橿牴牾牾牾牴牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 9).
Articles 3339
 Govern reporting and monitoring of the convention by National Human Rights
Institutions (article 33) and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (articles 34 through 39).
 牴萎仮牴萎牴劇屋牾牴 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴伍牴伍牾牾牴牴橿 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 33) 牴牴む牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴項牾牾牴牴
牴伍荻牴逗欧牴 (牴迦牾牴牴牾牴牴橿 34 牴萎何牴牴 39 牴萎乙牴萎牴牾) 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴÷桶牴逗欧 牴朽屋牴牴 牴牴む牾
Articles 4050
 Govern ratification, entry into force, relation to "Regional Integration
Organizations", Reservations, Amendment, and Denunciation of the convention. article
49 requires that the convention be available in accessible formats, and article 50 provides that the
convention's "Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish Texts" are "Equally
 牴牴÷桶牴逗欧 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴牴牾, 牴牴鉦屋牴逗牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹, "牴牾牴鉦仮牴牾牾牾牴謹何牴 牴蹛牾牴む牴牴萎横 牴伍牴伍牾牾牴牴橿何牴牾" 牴伍牴牴牴, 牴牴逗牴伍臆牴鉦欧牴, 牴む何牴牾牾牴牴÷何
牴牴む牾 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴牴÷襖牾. 牴迦牾牴牴牾 49 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍岡牴項牴牾牴鉦王 牴伍乙牴萎牴牴牴橿臆牾牴朽何
牴迦沖牾牴鉦乙牴逗屋牴牾牾牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 50 牴牾牾 牴朽何牴о何牴牾 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 "牴牴萎牾牴牴逗牾, 牴牾牾牴牴逗牴伍, 牴牴牴牴逗卸牾, 牴牾牴鉦牴萎牴, 牴萎卸牾牴鉦襖牾 牴牴む牾
牴伍牴鉦億牴鉦襖牴逗卸牾 牴牴牾牴鉦牴橿" "牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴朽仮牴 牴牴о何牴牾牴".
There are eight guiding principles that underlie the convention, delineated in article 3:
1. Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own choices, and
independence of persons 牴牴牴む牾牴 牴牴牾牴む牴牾 牴牾牴萎乙, 牴牴牴牴 牴伍乙牴牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴鉦押牾牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴 牴牴む牾
牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴牴む牴む
2. Non-discrimination 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦屋牴項何牴
3. Full and effective participation and Inclusion in society 牴伍荻牴鉦牾牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴萎何牴牴鉦荻牴牴鉦屋牴
牴牴鉦牴朽温牴逗恩牾牴朽何牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴伍牾牾牴牾牴÷
4. Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and
humanity 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴朽牾牴朽何牴о仮牴む 牴牴む牾 牴牴鉦襖牾牴朽何牾牴牴む牴 牴牴鉦牴朽仮牴 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮 牴項牾牴牴牴逗屋牾牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴朽仮牴む仮牴鉦恩 牴牴む牾
牴伍何牴朽牴牴鉦屋牴牾牾 牴牾牴萎乙
5. Equality of opportunity 牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴む
6. Accessibility 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍牴朽何牴牾
7. Equality between men and women 牴牾牴萎牴劇牴萎 牴牴む牾 牴牴項何牴橿牴牴 牴牾牴÷牴朽 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴む
8. Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of
children with disabilities to preserve their identities 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴 牴朽何牴牴鉦恩牴 牴伍牴鉦荻牴萎牴ム仮牾牴牴橿何牴牾
牴牾牴萎乙 牴牴む牾 牴牴朽屋 牴牾牴萎牴む牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴鉦鴎牾牴鉦押牴逗牾牾牴橿牴迦 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牾牴萎乙牴逗恩牴
 The CRPD has many "freedoms to", guarantees that states will provide housing, food,
employment, health care, and personal assistance, set forth in the United
nations International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.
 牴伍何牴牴牴逗牴÷何牴牾 牴牴牾牾牴 "牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴鉦牴橿" 牴牴朽, 牴萎仮牴牾牴鉦牴橿 牴朽恩牴む何, 牴牴項仮牴, 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴, 牴牴萎牾牾牴牴 牴萎牾牴劇横牾
牴牴む牾 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴牾牴萎乙牾 牴牴逗牴÷牴む牴朽 牴牴牴牾 牴牴鉦欧牴萎何牴牴÷何牴伍牴む牴牾牾, 牴牾牴牾牾牴牾牴÷ 牴萎仮牴劇牴萎牴 牴牴萎牴ム牴,
牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦牴 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦牴伍牴む何牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴牴牴む屋牴萎仮牴萎牴劇屋牾牴 牴牴牴牴牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴伍牴牴逗恩牴迦仮牴牴牾牾.
 The convention's article 24 states that persons with disabilities should be guaranteed the right to Inclusive
Education at all levels, regardless of age, without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity. It
specifies that children with disabilities must have effective access to Free and
compulsory Primary and Secondary Education; adults with disabilities have access to general Tertiary
Education, Vocational Training, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning; and more.
 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴迦牾牴牴牾 24 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴朽牴橿牴朽屋牴逗牾 牴朽億牴伍恩牴牾牾牾 牴迦牴牾牴む牴伍王牾牾, 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦乙牴逗臆牴逗王牾牾 牴牴む牾 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾
牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴牴迦仮牴 牴項牴む王牴迦牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴鉦欧牴萎何牴牴÷何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾. 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴橿
牴牴牴逗欧 牴牴む牾 牴牴÷仮牴鉦億 牴牾牴鉦仮牴萎牴ム荻牴逗 牴牴む牾 牴牾牾牴鉦旺 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横牴牾牾 牴牴萎何牴牴鉦荻牴牴鉦屋牴 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴項牾牴牴牴逗屋牴牾牾牾牴牾 牴牴牴牾 牴牴牾
牴牴逗王牴逗牴劇牾牴牴÷何牴伍牴む牴牾牾; 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽億牴伍牴萎何牴牾 牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴む牴む何牾牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横, 牴朽牴む何牾牴牴 牴む屋牴牾牾牾牴む何, 牴朽億牴伍牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横 牴牴む牾 牴牴牾牴
牴牴迦牴朽牾牴牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽何牴牾牾;
 Article 27 requires that states parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on
an equal basis of others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely
chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and
accessible to persons with disabilities. The article obligates states parties to safeguard and
promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a disability during
the course of employment, by taking appropriate steps, including through legislation, to prohibit
discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters concerning all forms of
employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and safe and healthy working
 牴牴萎牴牾牴牴迦 27 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋, 牴牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴橿何牴牾 牴牾牴迦恩 牴牴鉦押牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴む屋牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦
牴牾牴萎牴む何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾; 牴牴鉦荻牴逗牴 牴牴鉦屋牾牴牴牾牾 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴朽仮牴む仮牴朽屋牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牾牴牾牴朽仮牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴牴鉦押牴逗王 牴牴萎牴ム乙牴 牴牴牴牾牴牴萎何牴伍臆牴牴牾
牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴牾牴迦 牴牾牴朽襖牾牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴 牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴牾 牴牴橿牾牾牴牴÷何牴牾牾, 牴牴牾 牴牾牴牾, 牴牴牴む牾牴 牴牴む牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴
牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴橿何牴牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍岡牴項牴牾. 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴牴 牴伍荻牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴牾牾牴橿牾牴朽乙牴萎 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む, 牴牴鉦襖牾牾牴牴逗襖牾
牴牾牴迦 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴伍牴牾 牴牴鉦荻牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴む牴牾牴牾牴牾牾牴橿牾牴 牴牾牴迦, 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦乙牴牾牾牾
牴牴逗卸牾牾牴о何牴伍牴朽牴牴牾牾牾 牴牴橿牾牾牴牴÷牴む, 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴項牾牴む牴牾 牴伍牴鉦牾牴劇仮牴む仮牾牴萎乙牴牾牾牾 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍臆牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴む牾牾牴牴伍臆牾 牴迦牾牴牴牾牴朽 牴萎仮牴牾牴
牴牴牾牴劇牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴逗岡牾牴牴о何牴伍牴む牴牾牾. 牴牴迦仮牴 牴萎何牾牴む何牴 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴, 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴牴 牴牾牴牴牾牴朽屋牴逗牾, 牴朽牴む何牾 牴牴鉦牴む何 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴萎牾牴劇何牴 牴牴む牾
牴牴萎牾牾牴牴鉦牴 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴牴萎何牴伍何牾牴む何牴牴橿何牴牾 牴伍牴牴牴о何牴伍何牴 牴牴迦仮牴 牴朽何牴劇牴牴牴橿;
Convention of right of act 1992

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Convention of right of act 1992

  • 1. Inclusive Education Convention of Right of Act 1992 牴項牾牴牾 牴牴鉦億牾牴牾牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴 1992 Dr. KOWSHIK M C Assistant Professor 牴÷仮.牴牾牴謹何牴牾. 牴牴.牴伍何, 牴伍温牴鉦億牴 牴牾牴鉦仮牴о牴鉦仮牴牴牴萎, 牴牴.牴.牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横 牴牴項仮牴朽何牴牾牴鉦仮牴迦億, 牴牾牴鉦乙牴牴牾牴萎
  • 2. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities is an International human rights treaty of the united nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy full equality under the law. 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴 牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴牾牴牴萎何牴む仮牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴謹乙牾牾 牴牴牴 牾牴 牴÷ 牴萎仮牴劇牴牾牴萎牴 牴牴牴む屋牴萎仮牴劇牴牾牴萎牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽 牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴牴牾牴牴牴牴朽仮牴牴逗王牴牾, 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿 牴牴む牴 牴牴牴 牴牴牴牾 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍牴朽 牴牴 牾牾牴謹乙牾牴牴牾 牴 牴牴牴逗王 . 牴牴牴牴 牾牴牾牴迦牴牴朽牾牴橿桶 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽 牴項牾牴牾牴牴 牴伍牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴牴牴牴牴朽牴牴牾 牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴迦牴, 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍臆牾牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍何牴 牴橿桶牴迦牴 牴牴む牴 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿 牴牴鉦襖 牴牴逗襖牴÷何牴牴迦牴迦何 牴伍牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牴 牴牴牴牾 牴牴牴牴牴朽何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴牴牾 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍何牴 牴橿桶牴迦牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙 牾牴謹王 牴牾牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴牴牴む億牴朽何牴 .
  • 3. The text was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 December 2006, and opened for signature on 30 march 2007. Following ratification by the 20th party, it came into force on 3 may 2008. The convention is monitored by the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities for which annual conferences of states parties to the CRPD have set guidelines since 2008. 牴 牴牴牾牴鉦乙牴牾牾牾 牴朽何牴謹牴朽恩牴牴伍牾牾牴 牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴伍沖牾牴牾 13 牴÷何牴伍牾牴牴牴萎 2006 牴萎牴牾 牴牴牴牾牴牴萎何牴伍何牴む 牴牴む牾 30 牴牴鉦屋牾牴牾 2007 牴萎牴牾 牴伍温牴逗牴鉦 牴む牴萎牴牴逗欧牾. 20 牴牾牾 牴牴牾牴劇王 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴牴牾牴 牴牾牴牴む屋, 牴牴牾 3 牴牾 2008 牴萎牴牾 牴牴鉦屋牴逗牾 牴牴牴牴逗欧牾. 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴伍荻牴逗欧牴逗億牾 牴牾牴迦牴朽乙牴牴鉦屋牴牾 牴牴鉦押牾牴む牴牾牾 CRPD牴牾 牴萎仮牴牾牴鉦牴 牴牴牾牴劇牴 牴朽仮牴萎牴劇牴 牴伍荻牾牴橿襖牾牴牴橿 2008 牴萎何牴牴 牴牴鉦牾牴伍牴牴逗牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴牴逗牴牴逗鴎牴÷何牴伍何牴.
  • 4. Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 5 32 Article 33 39 Article 40 50 Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 牴牴萎牴ム横牴牾, 牴伍仮牴牴鉦牴逗牾 牴牴む牴 牴伍仮牴牴伍牴む何牴牾 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿 Right to Education 牴謹何牴牾牴劇屋牾牴 牴項牾牴牾 Work and Employment 牴 牴迦牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴 牴牾牴
  • 5. Article 1 - Defines the purpose of the Convention: To Promote, Protect and Ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by all persons with Disabilities, and to Promote respect for their inherent Dignity. 牴牴迦仮牴 牴朽何牴牾牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽牴牴牾牴む何牴牴橿牴 牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴鉦襖牴朽 牴項牾牴牾牴牴橿 牴牴む牴 牴 牴迦牴 牴 牴伍仮牴鉦欧牴牴む牴牴牴 牴牾牾牴萎牴 牴牴む牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖 牴牴牴牴牴朽牴牴牾 牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴牴朽牾牴牴, 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴牴逗欧牴牾牴÷何牴伍牴朽牾牴牴 牴牴む牴 牴牴朽牴 牴牴牴む牴牴 牴牴牴 牴 牴牾牴萎乙牾牴朽牴牴牾 牴牴 牴逗牴牴逗恩牴牴朽牾牴牴. Back
  • 6. ARTICLE 2 - Provides definitions of some keywords in CRPD: Provisions: Communication, (Including Braille, Sign Language, Plain Language and Nonverbal Communication), Discrimination on the basis of Disability, Reasonable Accommodation and Universal Design. 牴牴逗岡牴牴о襖牾牴牴橿: 牴伍牴朽温牴牾, (牴牾牾牾牴迦, 牴伍牴牾牾牴 牴牴鉦卸牾, 牴伍屋牴 牴牴鉦卸牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴牾牴牴逗 牴伍牴朽温牴牾 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む), 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴, 牴伍荻牴牴牾牴伍乙牴鉦王 牴朽恩牴む何 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦乙牾牴む何牴鉦 牴朽何牴牴鉦仮牴. Back
  • 7. Article 3 Delineates the CRPD'S eight "General Principles" described below, while Article 4 Delineates parties' "General Obligations. 牴牾牴橿牾 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牴逗王 牴伍何牴牴萎牴牴逗押牴逗億 牴牴牴牾 "牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴む欧牴朽牴橿襖牾牾牾" 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牾牴む牴牾牾, 牴牴牴萎 牴牴萎牴牾牴牴迦 4 牴牴牾牴劇牴 "牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴鉦押牾牴牴橿襖牾牾牾" 牴朽何牴朽屋牴逗恩牾牴む牴牾牾.
  • 8. Articles 532 Rights specific to this convention include the rights to accessibility including the Information Technology, the rights to live independently and be included in the Community (article 19), to Personal Mobility (article 20), Habilitation and Rehabilitation (article 26), and to participation in political and public life, and cultural life, recreation and sport (articles 29 and 30). 牴 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴牾牾 牴牴逗王牴逗牴劇牾牴朽仮牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿臆牾牴朽何 牴牴鉦温牴逗欧牴 牴む牴む仮牴牾牴牴鉦襖牾 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿, 牴伍乙牴む牴む仮牴朽仮牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴 牴牴む牾 牴伍荻牾牴牾牴鉦億牴牴迦牴朽何 牴伍牾牾牴牾牴÷牴牾牾牴橿牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴橿 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 19), 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴牴迦襖牾牴謹何牾牴迦欧牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 20), 牴朽仮牴伍恩牾牴 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴牾牴朽牴伍欧牴 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 26), 牴牴む牾 牴萎仮牴牾牴牾牴む牴 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦乙牾牴牾牴牴逗 牴牾牴朽襖牾牴牴迦牴朽何, 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦牴伍牴む何牴 牴牾牴朽襖牾, 牴牴牾牴萎牴牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴む仮牾牴÷牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牴鉦牴朽温牴逗恩牾牴朽何牴牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾牴牴橿 29 牴牴む牾 30). In addition, parties to the convention must raise awareness of the human rights of persons with disabilities (article 8), and ensure access to roads, buildings, and information (article 9). 牴項牴牾牾牴朽屋牴逗億牴鉦, 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴牴牾牾 牴牴萎何牴朽 牴牾牴÷何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 8), 牴牴む牾 牴萎恩牾牾牾牴牴橿, 牴牴牾牴÷牴橿 牴牴む牾 牴牴鉦温牴逗欧牴逗億 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴牴逗欧牴牴÷何牴伍何牴牾牾牴橿牴牾牾牾牴牾 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 9). Back
  • 9. Articles 3339 Govern reporting and monitoring of the convention by National Human Rights Institutions (article 33) and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (articles 34 through 39). 牴萎仮牴萎牴劇屋牾牴 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴伍牴伍牾牾牴牴橿 (牴迦牾牴牴牾 33) 牴牴む牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴伍荻牴逗欧牴 (牴迦牾牴牴牾牴牴橿 34 牴萎何牴牴 39 牴萎乙牴萎牴牾) 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴÷桶牴逗欧 牴朽屋牴牴 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴迦牴朽乙牴牴鉦屋牴牾. Back
  • 10. Articles 4050 Govern ratification, entry into force, relation to "Regional Integration Organizations", Reservations, Amendment, and Denunciation of the convention. article 49 requires that the convention be available in accessible formats, and article 50 provides that the convention's "Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish Texts" are "Equally Authentic". 牴牴÷桶牴逗欧 牴牴牾牾牴牾牴牴牾, 牴牴鉦屋牴逗牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹, "牴牾牴鉦仮牴牾牾牾牴謹何牴 牴蹛牾牴む牴牴萎横 牴伍牴伍牾牾牴牴橿何牴牾" 牴伍牴牴牴, 牴牴逗牴伍臆牴鉦欧牴, 牴む何牴牾牾牴牴÷何 牴牴む牾 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴牴牴÷襖牾. 牴迦牾牴牴牾 49 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍岡牴項牴牾牴鉦王 牴伍乙牴萎牴牴牴橿臆牾牴朽何 牴迦沖牾牴鉦乙牴逗屋牴牾牾牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 50 牴牾牾 牴朽何牴о何牴牾 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 "牴牴萎牾牴牴逗牾, 牴牾牾牴牴逗牴伍, 牴牴牴牴逗卸牾, 牴牾牴鉦牴萎牴, 牴萎卸牾牴鉦襖牾 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦億牴鉦襖牴逗卸牾 牴牴牾牴鉦牴橿" "牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴朽仮牴 牴牴о何牴牾牴". Back
  • 11. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE CONVENTION There are eight guiding principles that underlie the convention, delineated in article 3: 1. Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own choices, and independence of persons 牴牴牴む牾牴 牴牴牾牴む牴牾 牴牾牴萎乙, 牴牴牴牴 牴伍乙牴牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴鉦押牾牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴 牴牴む牾 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴伍牴鉦乙牴牴む牴む 2. Non-discrimination 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦屋牴項何牴 3. Full and effective participation and Inclusion in society 牴伍荻牴鉦牾牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牾牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴萎何牴牴鉦荻牴牴鉦屋牴 牴牴鉦牴朽温牴逗恩牾牴朽何牴牾 牴牴む牾 牴伍牾牾牴牾牴÷ 4. Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity 牴牴鉦襖牾牴 牴朽牾牴朽何牴о仮牴む 牴牴む牾 牴牴鉦襖牾牴朽何牾牴牴む牴 牴牴鉦牴朽仮牴 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮 牴項牾牴牴牴逗屋牾牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴 牴朽仮牴む仮牴鉦恩 牴牴む牾 牴伍何牴朽牴牴鉦屋牴牾牾 牴牾牴萎乙 5. Equality of opportunity 牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴む 6. Accessibility 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍牴朽何牴牾 7. Equality between men and women 牴牾牴萎牴劇牴萎 牴牴む牾 牴牴項何牴橿牴牴 牴牾牴÷牴朽 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾牴む 8. Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴 牴朽何牴牴鉦恩牴 牴伍牴鉦荻牴萎牴ム仮牾牴牴橿何牴牾 牴牾牴萎乙 牴牴む牾 牴牴朽屋 牴牾牴萎牴む牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴鉦鴎牾牴鉦押牴逗牾牾牴橿牴迦 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牾牴萎乙牴逗恩牴 Back
  • 12. ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL RIGHTS The CRPD has many "freedoms to", guarantees that states will provide housing, food, employment, health care, and personal assistance, set forth in the United nations International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. 牴伍何牴牴牴逗牴÷何牴牾 牴牴牾牾牴 "牴伍牴鉦乙牴む牴む仮牴鉦牴橿" 牴牴朽, 牴萎仮牴牾牴鉦牴橿 牴朽恩牴む何, 牴牴項仮牴, 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴, 牴牴萎牾牾牴牴 牴萎牾牴劇横牾 牴牴む牾 牴朽牾牴牴牾牴む牴 牴牾牴萎乙牾 牴牴逗牴÷牴む牴朽 牴牴牴牾 牴牴鉦欧牴萎何牴牴÷何牴伍牴む牴牾牾, 牴牾牴牾牾牴牾牴÷ 牴萎仮牴劇牴萎牴 牴牴萎牴ム牴, 牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦牴 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴鉦牴伍牴む何牴 牴項牾牾牴牴 牴牴牴む屋牴萎仮牴萎牴劇屋牾牴 牴牴牴牴牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴伍牴牴逗恩牴迦仮牴牴牾牾. Back
  • 13. RIGHT TO EDUCATION The convention's article 24 states that persons with disabilities should be guaranteed the right to Inclusive Education at all levels, regardless of age, without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity. It specifies that children with disabilities must have effective access to Free and compulsory Primary and Secondary Education; adults with disabilities have access to general Tertiary Education, Vocational Training, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning; and more. 牴伍荻牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴 牴迦牾牴牴牾 24 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴朽牴橿牴朽屋牴逗牾 牴朽億牴伍恩牴牾牾牾 牴迦牴牾牴む牴伍王牾牾, 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦乙牴逗臆牴逗王牾牾 牴牴む牾 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾 牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴牴迦仮牴 牴項牴む王牴迦牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴鉦欧牴萎何牴牴÷何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾. 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴牴牾牴橿 牴牴牴逗欧 牴牴む牾 牴牴÷仮牴鉦億 牴牾牴鉦仮牴萎牴ム荻牴逗 牴牴む牾 牴牾牾牴鉦旺 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横牴牾牾 牴牴萎何牴牴鉦荻牴牴鉦屋牴 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴項牾牴牴牴逗屋牴牾牾牾牴牾 牴牴牴牾 牴牴牾 牴牴逗王牴逗牴劇牾牴牴÷何牴伍牴む牴牾牾; 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽億牴伍牴萎何牴牾 牴伍牴鉦荻牴鉦襖牾牴 牴む牴む何牾牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横, 牴朽牴む何牾牴牴 牴む屋牴牾牾牾牴む何, 牴朽億牴伍牴 牴謹何牴牾牴劇横 牴牴む牾 牴牴牾牴 牴牴迦牴朽牾牴牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹牴朽何牴牾牾; Back
  • 14. WORK AND EMPLOYMENT Article 27 requires that states parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis of others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. The article obligates states parties to safeguard and promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a disability during the course of employment, by taking appropriate steps, including through legislation, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters concerning all forms of employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and safe and healthy working conditions; 牴牴萎牴牾牴牴迦 27 牴 牴牴鉦牴鉦屋, 牴牴牾牴劇牴橿 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴橿何牴牾 牴牾牴迦恩 牴牴鉦押牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴む屋牴 牴伍荻牴鉦襖牾 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴牾牴萎牴む何牴伍岡牾牾牾牴牾; 牴牴鉦荻牴逗牴 牴牴鉦屋牾牴牴牾牾 牴牴む牾 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴朽仮牴む仮牴朽屋牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牾牴牾牴朽仮牴 牴牴牾牴牾牴牴鉦押牴逗王 牴牴萎牴ム乙牴 牴牴牴牾牴牴萎何牴伍臆牴牴牾 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴牾牴迦 牴牾牴朽襖牾牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴 牴牴朽牴鉦俺牾牴 牴項牾牴牾牾牾 牴牴牾 牴牴橿牾牾牴牴÷何牴牾牾, 牴牴牾 牴牾牴牾, 牴牴牴む牾牴 牴牴む牾 牴朽何牴牴迦仮牴牴 牴朽仮牴牾牴む牴牴橿何牴牾 牴牴鉦乙牾牾牴謹何牴伍岡牴項牴牾. 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴牴 牴伍荻牴牴牴迦牴朽何 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴朽襖牾牾牾 牴牴÷牴牾牴牾牾牴橿牾牴朽乙牴萎 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む, 牴牴鉦襖牾牾牴牴逗襖牾 牴牾牴迦 牴伍牾牾牴萎何牴牴牴む 牴伍牴牾 牴牴鉦荻牴牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴む牴牾牴牾牴牾牾牴橿牾牴 牴牾牴迦, 牴牴牴牴朽牾牴牴迦仮牴 牴牴о牴鉦屋牴 牴牾牴迦 牴む仮牴萎欧牴牴鉦乙牴牾牾牾 牴牴逗卸牾牾牴о何牴伍牴朽牴牴牾牾牾 牴牴橿牾牾牴牴÷牴む, 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴項牾牴む牴牾 牴伍牴鉦牾牴劇仮牴む仮牾牴萎乙牴牾牾牾 牴萎牾牴劇何牴伍臆牾 牴牴む牾 牴牴む牾牾牴牴伍臆牾 牴迦牾牴牴牾牴朽 牴萎仮牴牾牴 牴牴牾牴劇牴橿襖牾牾牾 牴牴逗岡牾牴牴о何牴伍牴む牴牾牾. 牴牴迦仮牴 牴萎何牾牴む何牴 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴, 牴牴牾牾牾牴鉦牴牴 牴牾牴牴牾牴朽屋牴逗牾, 牴朽牴む何牾 牴牴鉦牴む何 牴牴む牾 牴伍牴萎牾牴劇何牴 牴牴む牾 牴牴萎牾牾牴牴鉦牴 牴牾牴迦恩牴 牴牴萎何牴伍何牾牴む何牴牴橿何牴牾 牴伍牴牴牴о何牴伍何牴 牴牴迦仮牴 牴朽何牴劇牴牴牴橿;