Front covers of albums typically have a simplistic color scheme and design with few or no characters. They use different colors for the band name than the rest of the cover and may contain hidden meanings or titles that describe the album's content. Band names are in bold, simple fonts while the album title may use a similar or opposite font.
Back covers list the band name at the top, album title below it, and song titles centered, along with the barcode, record company, copyright year, and distribution information.
Inside pages continue the color scheme with a blank, plain background and no characters or text, while the spine lists the record company and band name.
2. Front Cover
• Simplistic colour scheme
• Simplistic design
• Few or no characters
• Use of different colour for band name than rest
of cover
• Hidden meanings
• A title that explains to the audience what the
album will be about
• Bold simple fonts for the band name
• Similar or opposite font for entire album
3. Back Cover
• Name of Band at very top
• Name of album beneath this
• List of song titles generally centered
• Barcode in bottom right corner
• Name of record company
• Copyright and year
• Who owns copyrights material
• Who the album has been distributed by
4. Inside and spine
• Colour scheme same as rest of album
• Blank, plain background
• No characters
• Few or no text
• Name of record company
• Name of band