This document discusses converting between decimals and fractions. It explains how to read decimals using place value and write decimals as fractions by saying the place value and writing the fraction. It also explains how to convert fractions to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator and lining up the decimal based on the place value in the dividend. Finally, it provides an example of long division to convert a fraction to a decimal.
3. Powers of Ten and Place Value
Two tenths
Forty five hundredths
Seven hundred and fifty
six thousandths
One and twenty three
4. Converting Decimals to Fractions
Say the decimal in
correct place value
Write the fraction
Find the GCF
Divide the numerator
and denominator by the
Put the fraction in
simplest form
5. Converting Fractions to Decimals
The fraction bar means
Divide the numerator
by the denominator
Notice the decimal in 0 . 5 6
the dividend 2 5 1 4 . 0 0
Divide making sure to - 1 2 5
keep you place value 1 5 0
lined up
- 1 5 0