A seizure or convulsion can occur at any age and is due to abnormal
electrical activity in the brain resulting in uncontrollable muscular
activity and loss of consciousness. There are many types of seizure,
with some being relatively mild and others severe and prolonged.
A full-scale epileptic seizure involves violent jerking of the limbs, facial
twitching, and foaming at the mouth due to saliva being blown
through clenched teeth. The seizure may last for a few minutes and
the patient may need several hours in which to recover.
3. Signs and symptoms
Symptoms and signs
jerking or twitching of the face and limbs
foaming at the mouth
loss of consciousness
loss of control of bladder and/or bowel
blue/purple skin colour and blue lips
flushed and dry skin in a child having a feverish convulsion
1. Protect the patient from injury
Check the immediate area for hazards and remove them if possible. Move
furniture away from the person, but take special care with electrical appliances
or cooking utensils to avoid a burn or scald.
If the patient is close to a wall or hard furniture, pad the area with clothing or a
pillow to avoid further injury.
DO NOT move or try to restrain the patients movements because this may
result in a broken bone or soft tissue injury.
DO NOT try to pad between the patients teeth because this may damage the
tissues in the mouth.
2. Manage the seizure or convulsion
Stay with the patient until the seizure ends.
If in a public place, keep bystanders clear and reassure them that the
seizure will end soon.
If the seizure does not stop after 5 minutes call for an ambulance
After the seizure
As soon as the seizure ends, quickly roll the unconscious patient onto
their side and open and clear the airway.
Cover the patient lightly with a coat or blanket. Check that normal
breathing has resumed.
Allow the patient to sleep until fully recovered, but check for a
response every few minutes.
If the patient does not wake up within 10 minutes, is not breathing
well, or it is their first seizure call for an ambulance
4 Aftercare
Check for a Medic Alert pendant or bracelet stating that the wearer suffers from
Check for any injuries and apply necessary first aid.
Reassure the patient as full consciousness is restored.
Advise the patient not to drive. Try to arrange for someone to be with the patient until
safely home.
Advise the patient to contact their doctor to report the seizure and check that any
prescribed medication is adequate.
If the patient is known to have epilepsy, there is no need for medical aid or an
ambulance unless the seizure lasted more than 5 minutes or a second seizure followed.
If it is the first known seizure, medical advice is vital to avoid any future complications.
8. Feverish Convulsions
Convulsions in infants and young children may occur following a sudden rise in body
temperature. This is commonly associated with infections. Such convulsions without
complications from the underlying illness do not cause damage or result in epilepsy.
How you can help
1. Ensure the childs safety from any hazards
2. Remove all clothing
Cool the child slowly by uncovering them down to a nappy or pants.
Avoid giving anything to drink until the child is fully conscious.
3. Wait until the convulsion ends
Before rolling the child or baby onto their side in a supported position.
4. Open and clear the airway
Check that normal breathing has returned.
5. Reassure parents
If not breathing normally after the seizure call for an ambulance