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Cooperative Education, Internship
and Summer Programs

                                                                              General Information
                   Cooperative Education: alternating academic classes        When registering for a co-op, intern or summer work experience
                   with periods of engineering related full-time work         you are signing up for an academic class. The following will
                   experience of approximately equal length. A minimum        apply:
                   of two semesters and one summer is required.                  • You will be considered a full time student
                   Internship: A single work period of engineering               • There are no tuition and fees while in the work place
                   related full-time employment of at least one semester or      • No academic credit given
                   one semester plus one summer.                                 • This is a Pass/Fail course
                                                                                 • There are three academic requirements that MUST be
                   Summer: A single work period of engineering related               completed to receive a passing grade on your transcript
                   full-time employment of at least 10 weeks.

   Benefits                                                                   Quick Facts
   A co-op, internship or summer program is an opportunity for                •   The average starting salary for engineering interns is $2700
   students to explore their interests and career options. These                  a month ($17/hour).
   programs also give students a chance to see what a real                    •   Collectively, ISU engineering interns earned $9,600,000 in
   world work experience is like and to learn job skills that                     the 2007-2008 academic year.
   cannot be taught in the classroom. Other benefits are:                     •   All work experiences must be paid to qualify as an
                                                                                  internship, co-op or summer program
      •   Increase Competitive edge for full-time employment                  •   All students must be compensated and employed by the
      •   Enhance career exploration and clarification of                         direct employer and not a third-party agency
          professional goals
      •   Develop greater responsibility and self-confidence
      •   Improve interpersonal and communication skills
      •   Create a process of development, assessment, and
          continuous professional growth
      •   Maintain full-time student status without paying

          tuition or fees
          Work experience reflected on transcript
                                                                                  Imagine the Opportunities

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Coop quick reference_guide

  • 1. Cooperative Education, Internship and Summer Programs Definitions General Information Cooperative Education: alternating academic classes When registering for a co-op, intern or summer work experience with periods of engineering related full-time work you are signing up for an academic class. The following will experience of approximately equal length. A minimum apply: of two semesters and one summer is required. • You will be considered a full time student Internship: A single work period of engineering • There are no tuition and fees while in the work place related full-time employment of at least one semester or • No academic credit given one semester plus one summer. • This is a Pass/Fail course • There are three academic requirements that MUST be Summer: A single work period of engineering related completed to receive a passing grade on your transcript full-time employment of at least 10 weeks. Benefits Quick Facts A co-op, internship or summer program is an opportunity for • The average starting salary for engineering interns is $2700 students to explore their interests and career options. These a month ($17/hour). programs also give students a chance to see what a real • Collectively, ISU engineering interns earned $9,600,000 in world work experience is like and to learn job skills that the 2007-2008 academic year. cannot be taught in the classroom. Other benefits are: • All work experiences must be paid to qualify as an internship, co-op or summer program • Increase Competitive edge for full-time employment • All students must be compensated and employed by the • Enhance career exploration and clarification of direct employer and not a third-party agency professional goals • Develop greater responsibility and self-confidence • Improve interpersonal and communication skills • Create a process of development, assessment, and continuous professional growth • Maintain full-time student status without paying • tuition or fees Work experience reflected on transcript Imagine the Opportunities