The document discusses environmental challenges facing Easter Island and sustainability more broadly. It notes that Easter Island's population grew until peaking at around 7,000 people in 1550, but as the island's forests were cut down and resources depleted, war and cannibalism increased. The document outlines some of the greatest environmental challenges facing the world today like climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. It discusses the concept of sustainability and how we can balance meeting current needs without preventing future generations from meeting their own needs. The document also discusses the "tragedy of the commons" and challenges of managing common resources on a global level.
This document provides an overview of corruption, including definitions, forms, and international efforts to address it. It defines corruption as the abuse of power for private gain. It discusses forms like bribery, embezzlement, and state capture. The UN Convention against Corruption aims to prevent and criminalize corrupt acts and promote international cooperation. Other agreements like the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and FCPA also regulate cross-border bribery. The document examines anti-corruption frameworks and gives examples of recovered corrupt assets programs.
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The document discusses environmental challenges facing Easter Island and sustainability more broadly. It notes that Easter Island's population grew until peaking at around 7,000 people in 1550, but as the island's forests were cut down and resources depleted, war and cannibalism increased. The document outlines some of the greatest environmental challenges facing the world today like climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. It discusses the concept of sustainability and how we can balance meeting current needs without preventing future generations from meeting their own needs. The document also discusses the "tragedy of the commons" and challenges of managing common resources on a global level.
This document provides an overview of corruption, including definitions, forms, and international efforts to address it. It defines corruption as the abuse of power for private gain. It discusses forms like bribery, embezzlement, and state capture. The UN Convention against Corruption aims to prevent and criminalize corrupt acts and promote international cooperation. Other agreements like the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and FCPA also regulate cross-border bribery. The document examines anti-corruption frameworks and gives examples of recovered corrupt assets programs.
Gender equality and good governance moduleMurod Khusanov
This document discusses gender equality and sustainable development. It summarizes that gender equality is a fundamental human right recognized in several international agreements. While governments have a primary duty to protect human rights, businesses also have a responsibility to respect women's rights. Women's empowerment is critical to sustainable development by promoting economic growth, social development, and improving quality of life. However, structural barriers continue to hinder women's full participation and contributions to economic growth and sustainable development. The document argues that promoting gender equality is important for effective climate action and sustainable development.
This document provides an introduction to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). It discusses common criminal activities that generate illegal funds such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and corruption. It defines money laundering and terrorist financing and explains the placement, layering, and integration stages of money laundering. The document also discusses how illegal funds enter financial systems, the consequences of money laundering, and international standards to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing through the Financial Action Task Force recommendations. Financial institutions have compliance obligations including establishing AML/CFT policies, conducting customer due diligence, reporting suspicious activities, and providing training.
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The document discusses good governance principles like accountability, transparency, rule of law, and inclusiveness. It analyzes Botswana and Zimbabwe's different development outcomes, attributed to Botswana's inclusive institutions and prudent use of resources, while Zimbabwe experienced decline after violent land reforms and hyperinflation under Mugabe's authoritarian rule. The document stresses that representative decision-making and equitable distribution of wealth support economic success and stability.
This document discusses renewable energy opportunities and policies in the OSCE region. It notes that several countries have set targets to increase renewable energy production, with the European Union aiming for 32% of electricity from renewables by 2030. The document outlines how the OSCE can promote renewable energy through multistakeholder cooperation, exchanging best practices, and engaging civil society. It provides contact information for following up on renewable energy cooperation initiatives discussed in the document.
Presentation of OECD ACN recommendations on UzbekistanMurod Khusanov
Presentation of OECD Anti-corruption Network recommendations on public service integrity for the Republic of Uzbekistan in the framework of 4th round of recommendations of the Istanbul Action Plan
Article on women economic empowerment through Islamic financing mechanisms in...Murod Khusanov
The document discusses the role of Islamic finance in supporting women entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan. It notes that while Uzbekistan is undertaking political and economic reforms to attract investment, it faces challenges like corruption and lack of judicial independence. Islamic finance tools like Murabahah and Ijarah are available through the IDB and other institutions and can be alternatives to the country's banking system which tends to favor state-owned banks and has high interest rates. Islamic finance could help support the development of women entrepreneurship as only a small percentage of women are currently employed or own businesses. Initiatives aim to encourage women and girls to pursue careers in sectors like technology but they often face family pressure to choose more traditional paths. Islamic finance may
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Women in Tech Incubation and Acceleration projectMurod Khusanov
This document discusses a start-up accelerator programme called WiTSAP in Uzbekistan that aims to encourage more women to enter IT professions and support female entrepreneurs. It notes that currently only 1 in 20 tech leadership positions are held by women globally. The programme will provide an intense 6-month incubation period followed by a 3-month acceleration period for selected start-ups. It is a partnership between OSCE and IT-Park and aims to grow the women's entrepreneurial community in technology through encouraging and supporting young female-led businesses.
2. w
仆仂于仆舒 亠仍 仗仍舒仂仄 - 仂亰亟舒 仆亳从舒仍仆 从仂亳亠仄 亟仍
舒亠仆亳仆 仗仂亟从仂于 仗亳舒仆亳 亳 仗亠亟仂舒于亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亟仍
仗仂仍亠仆亳 亟仂仂亟舒 亟仂仄仂仂亰磺于舒仄, 仂弍 仂仆亳 仄仂亞仍亳 亰舒舒弍舒于舒
亟仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆亠 亠亟于舒 从 亠于仂于舒仆亳, 仂从于舒 于仂亶
仂弍于亠仆仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠 仆仍亠于仄 从舒仗亳舒仍仂仄.
3. w
舒 仆仂从 (丐舒从亠仆, 仂从亟舒 仄 仆舒亳仆舒亠仄)
仗仂仍亳仍亳 于 舒亳亳从 仂 仍亢弍 亟仂舒于从亳. 仂 仗舒仆亟亠仄亳亳 从仂仍亳亠于仂
亟仂舒于仍磳仄 仗仂亟从仂于 仂舒于仍磿仂 10 000 从舒亢亟亶 亟亠仆, 舒 于仂 于亠仄
仗舒仆亟亠仄亳亳 于亠仍亳亳仍仂 亟仂 14 000.
舒仆亟亠仄亳 COVID-19 亠于亠仆仆仂 于亠仍亳亳仍舒 仆舒 仆仂从 (丐). 舒仆仆亠 仗仂
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亠仍亠于 仆从仂于 亟仍 仆舒亠亶 仗仂亟从亳亳.) 仗仂从舒亰舒仍亳, 仂 亟仂仍 仆舒亠仍亠仆亳,
仗仂从仗舒ム亠亞仂 仗仂亟从 仗亳舒仆亳 仂仆仍舒亶仆, 于仂仍舒 于 仂亳亳 于 亠亠仆亳亠 2020
亞仂亟舒 0,7% 亟仂 2,7%, 舒 于 仂从于亠 1,5% 亟仂 8 %. 仂亟 亳亰 仂亞仂, 亳于舒
仗仂亟仍亳仆仆仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠, 仄 舒亳于舒亠仄 仗亠亟仍仂亢亳 仆舒亳 仍亞亳 3-5%
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4. w
舒舒 仂亳舒仍仆舒 仄亳亳
舒舒 仄亳亳 亰舒从仍ム舒亠 于 舒亳亠仆亳亳
从仂仆仂仄亳亠从亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亠亶 亟仂仄仂仂亰磺于, 于
舒仆仂亳 于仂亰亞仍舒于仍磳仄 亢亠仆亳仆舒仄亳 仗亠仄
仗亠亟仂舒于仍亠仆亳 从仂仄仗仍亠从仆仂亞仂 亳仂于仂亞仂
仗仂亟从舒 亟仍 于亠亟亠仆亳 仄舒仍仂亞仂 从仍亳仆舒仆仂亞仂
亠亰舒弍仂仆亠 亳 舒亳仆仂
亰舒仆亠 亢亠仆亳仆
仂仄仂仂亰磺于舒, 于亠亟亳亠
亠仄亠亶仆亶 弍亳亰仆亠
舒亳 仗仂于舒舒