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Ahmed Abdel Galil Ahmed Hamouda
From :El Mehalla El Kobra, Egypt.
Lives now in : Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: (Mobile ) (+97)0551435760
E-mail:- ahmed_egipto@hotmail.com
Seeking a challenging position in a reputable Company where
my academic background and interpersonal skills are well
developed and utilized.
Language Skills:
 Arabic : Mother Tongue.
 Spanish : Fluent.
 English : Fluent.
Computer Skills:
Excellent Usage of:
 Microsoft Office XP applications
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel
 Microsoft outlook
 B.A in foreign Languages Al-Sun. 1998 - 2002, Faculty of
 Department : spanish Department

 University : Ain Shams University

 Grade : Good
1. Sales Man in a Papyrus Bazar.
From 09/2002 till 09/2003
2. Elegant Voyage.
From 01/2004 till 2011:
 As a tourism representative in
Luxor and Aswan from 01/2004
till 09/2008.
 As a traffic manager in Aswan
from 09/2008 till 2011.
3.As a tour guide from 2011 till
4. Customer Service in Dubai Airport
From 02/2014 till now.
Computers, music, walking and reading
 Date of Birth : 13/10/1981
 Place of Birth : Almehalla el kobra , Egypt
 Marital Status : Married
 Nationality : Egyptian
 Military Status : Exempted

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Copy of ahmed cv

  • 1. Ahmed Abdel Galil Ahmed Hamouda From :El Mehalla El Kobra, Egypt. Lives now in : Dubai, United Arab Emirates Telephone: (Mobile ) (+97)0551435760 E-mail:- ahmed_egipto@hotmail.com ahmed.egipto33@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging position in a reputable Company where my academic background and interpersonal skills are well developed and utilized. SKILLS: Language Skills: Arabic : Mother Tongue. Spanish : Fluent. English : Fluent. Computer Skills: Excellent Usage of: Microsoft Office XP applications Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel
  • 2. Microsoft outlook EDUCATION B.A in foreign Languages Al-Sun. 1998 - 2002, Faculty of Al-Sun. Department : spanish Department University : Ain Shams University Grade : Good WORK EXPERIENCE 1. Sales Man in a Papyrus Bazar. From 09/2002 till 09/2003 2. Elegant Voyage. From 01/2004 till 2011: As a tourism representative in Luxor and Aswan from 01/2004 till 09/2008. As a traffic manager in Aswan from 09/2008 till 2011. 3.As a tour guide from 2011 till 01/2014. 4. Customer Service in Dubai Airport From 02/2014 till now.
  • 3. INTERESTS Computers, music, walking and reading PERSONNEL INFORMATION Date of Birth : 13/10/1981 Place of Birth : Almehalla el kobra , Egypt Marital Status : Married Nationality : Egyptian Military Status : Exempted